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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. Pinkie laughed uncontrollably, "That was AWESOME!!" she cheered and went over and dumped down the water, "Let's do that again!" she cheered clapping happily!
  2. "Fluttershy!" Pinkie cried out and almost threw the man aside to hug her friend, "Hey what's up!" she asked as she bounce on her heels and smiled warmlt
  3. (ME! I mean it's Pinkie she'll just laugh it off and ask to go to the girls locker room)
  4. As long as they aren't too mane on show (mane 6, princesses, Derpy, CMC) the. I'm fine with death and violence is fine. I am of course fine with Canterlot but I won't be at celebration, will be near though. I am in Canterlot anyway as I live there. And finally OMG yay I made it, tanks (ps Ye I ment to spell I that way)
  5. The new spartan looked at the running pony and began opening fire around him to give him a clear passage.
  6. Pinkie shrugged, "Doest have to be so sudden, it will probeley be hard to find someone for me," he smiled and sat down, "Not everyone can keep up with my energy!" she pointed out and looked toward the front and smiled
  7. She froze and watched it open, then it closed, she moved ad it opened again, "H..how!" she was in shock
  8. "My rump is sore!" she complained as she rubbed it a bit and sighed, "So..so this is it?"
  9. I never win anything anyway, I was just hoping to join this rp even if not one of the 3 slots, otherwise I guess not
  10. (Pinkies open, maybe at some point Ashcloud will allow me to bring in my OC) Pinkie shrugged, "Dunno, he has just gotta fun and easy going and not a bookworm, no offense Twilight," she said and thought, "I don't meet to freak you girl's out but I'm pretty open too, I would even date a girl of she fit that profile. (she is very opn )
  11. She nodded and looked around finally figuring out how to unbuckle the seatbelt and open the door she stumbled out and fell on her rear, "Ow!" she said and sighed as she slowly got up and closed the door.
  12. "Well 15 outfits shall last me 2 weeks, ok I dd hope to be home by then anyway," she replied as she sighed and looked out the window ainlessly
  13. "Well course I am, but I just dont think any Stallion wants a Hyper person like me, that's why I usually don't throw that info around," she said with a smile, "that or everyone would want me and I for want that either because they would want me just to brag to there friends,"
  14. The new soldier runs to the ship and gets in back, mounting the turrent and pointing around slowly, scanning for enemies and infected.
  15. Pinkie saw that he was more into Rainbow Dah then her and sighed looking around for someone else to meet. Not sure who to talk to she ran to AppleJack and smiled, "So.....anyone meet a cute boy yet!" she said randomly and smiled at them innocently and giggled
  16. I would like to apply, give me like 10 min since I shall need a computer Name: Darkness Eclipsed Gender: Male (Stallion) Species: Pegasus Physical Appearance: He has a small build but is quite strong and tough, he is also fairly tall, coming only just under that of an Alicorn. He has a spiky, messy black and red mane and tail, both very voluminous. He has red hooves and markings in red splattered all over his body. You can find them on his forehead, nose, and cutie mark area Personality: Darkness Eclipsed is a shy, isolate pony, he doesn't speak much and strays away from crowds to avoid confrontation. He does this because he hates rejection, and being outcasted. He wants to have friends but because of how he past is he tends to avoid ponies. If a pony does manage to become friends with Darkness he is the most loyal, dedicated and respectful of ponies, he will respect your wishes and keeps each and every secret you choose to reside within him. Cutie Mark: His Cutie Mark is that of a mostly full moon and inside the moon is a compass. History (Background): Darkness Eclipsed was born and raised just outside of Fillydelphia, he was the youngest of 4 foals his parents had, and to them he was corrupted. When he was born a Pegasus in a colony of Unicorns do they ostracized him. He was a sweet, kind, and caring young colt but his parents were always outcasting him and paying attention to his brother and 2 sisters more, saying he he didn't belong. He tried running away but was always caught and brought back. Even when school started he was left alone and made no friends as most avoided him, not being rude to him but not paying attention at all. This caused him to become shy and isolate, giving up on making friends and just silently went by school until he graduated. As he aged he began to make some money with some odd tasks and erands for those he could get to help him, once he made enough he bought a train ticket and booked it to Canterlot. It took a week to travel there and once he got there he manged to stay in a cheap hotel for a the first few days. Soon he saw how warm and happy everyone was there an ventures out to explore. That's when he bumped into Moonlite Frost (another OC of mine). They talk gor a while after she coaxed him into speaking, This made him loosen up a bit and now he walks around Canterlot looking for a job. He stays with Moonlite and they have formed a Brother/Sister bond with one another and like to leave it at that.
  17. "We could always ask Moonlite, she might be able to find a way to give you temporary wings," he said to her as he went to shore and stretched out and shook of lightly this time as smiled back at her, "she is pretty good at magic ya know,"
  18. (At this point she just ran away to Twilights house with Cadence after Cadence got upset at everyone for not accepting her or giving her a shot) Chrysalis cried in the house as Cadence put a hoof over her, "Come now sister it will be ok, it will all work out," the mare said. Chrysalis looked away, "Not it won't, no pony accepts a monster like me into society!" she sobbed and Cadence sighed, "Stop crying sister you know that strong emotions weaken you," she said and Chrysalis shook her head, "No, maybe I should be gone!"
  19. Pinkie gasped, "New to our group, so your another element!" she cheered, "Oh oh oh are you...pride? Or um....maybe honor?" she said and spun around to check the bubble then spun back, "So Nova...hi!"
  20. Suddenly a few shots fire off picking off a few before a Spartan dropped from a tree and assassinated another before taking a few more shots at the flood as he made his way toward David.
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