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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. "yes we'll whatever, I am sure there are plenty of stallions I can use if it comes to that," she said simply, "A girl's gotta eat ya know, it doesn't hurt them, just feel a little woozy for a second, that's it" she said to assure the girl that she didn't intend to harm anyone inthis planet "Hmm, well then," she sighed not know too much on surgury, then turned toward her feet and tried to remove the shoe, not entirely sure how these hands work. After about 5 minutes she got one off and smiled, "I did it!" she said as looked down, "Yeah it's gonna take a while," she said implying removing the clothes for the shower
  2. "ok," she said then froze, "Sink in bathroom or else where?" she asked and sighed, "Why don't you just show me?" she said and sat on the couch and looked at her 'hooves' and turned to him, "Is there a way to remove these items on my um hooves?"
  3. "then don't," she said simply, "Now I assume you creatures, I'm Humuns you said, have bathrooms correct?" she asked him, "I must take a shower,"
  4. "oh yeah?" she said as her eyes glowed at Colette, "hmm you have a crush on a boy, I cannot tell who exactly but, mmmm, the love for him is so tasty!" she grined happily Rarity slapped him lightly then gave his cheek a kiss, "Don't ever take a picture of me sleeping! Or without my permission!" she said to him, "But it's so flattering,"
  5. Hey if things keep slow like this I could join back in, the way you left it my charries could be alive, maybe just escaped and returns?
  6. Rarity immidiatly got up having not gone to sleep and stared at him, "What wa that sound, what did you do!" she yelled at him as she looked at the phone, "And what, par say, is that!?"
  7. If you do continue playing Twi, if silver comes back and wants twilight please allow her, we still need AJ, and Pinkie (not sure on Rarity I believe someone took her but only posted like once
  8. Admins please lock this thread as I needed to make a new one for updating it
  9. Ok this sall he a thread in order for me to determine who is left, I shall lock the old one and get a list of charries together soon, but please post here if you are in this rp or interested.
  10. "Oh Shining Armor," she smiled happily, "Oh I needed him for love, you see as a Changling I feed of of love to live, though in this body in not sure how I can do that," she said and looks at the girl, "and I don't understand, I am not wearing anything on my eyes,"
  11. You know I think I need to repost this and try to figure out who is here, who left, and who is needed
  12. "contacts?" she said but shook her hand at the clothes, "And I will not wear those, I like what I have on," she said sternly.
  13. She scoffed at him and laid down, "Well you can leave me be now," she said a ahe laid on her back and closed her eyes and relaxed, being near this guy was gonna be bad for her beauty sleep, she just knew it.
  14. The queen sighed and looked around at the strange place, it was so odd, so many strange objects and things
  15. "Fine fine," she said as ahe got up and hobbled into the building and looked around, "What the?" she was in shock as she saw some odd things
  16. "yo..you don't trot from place to place?" she was shocked, "where is the stallion pulling it?"
  17. "Clothes?" she wondered, "No no, I only wear those on special occasions!" she called out the the creature and sighed, "Ah!" she said looking at her body, "My pelt is gone!"
  18. Suddenly a large metal contraption whizzed by them and Rarity nearly jumped out of her skin and fell back, "What in the sweet name of Equestria was that!"
  19. Oh that's fine, he shall still be hiled up there, maybe she asks someone to get something from the boutique and that's how they find him. PS due to his lack of good social skills he may be a bit hostile at first
  20. "Right..but nothing funny!" Rarity warned him and began to hobble toward him, not used to having to trot like this. "I am Queen Cheysalis and I was trying to t...help my fello ponies before we were all hit by that lightning, presumably we are all here," she said
  21. I shall play my own OC Darkness Eclipsed () he was in Ponyville to explore the Everfree and upon exiting he saw the town as it is now, he holed up in the Carosel Boutique (with Rarity if I can play her as well). He is armed with a hoof mounted simple crossbow and an axe.
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