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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. "As flatering as that is do not mock me!" she said to him as she slowly got to her feet, "I know what it's like to be mocked," she said and looked around, "Now I'm tired where can I rest?"
  2. She looked around and seeing no other options she sighes and slowly shambles into the house and sits on the floor and looks around, "Wh..where am I?" she asks
  3. "Well I was a unicorn, now I'm...I'm this thing!" she said and sighed, "Anyway I'm Rarity," she said with a curt smile, "And you....um...whatever you are?"
  4. Ok then make him be that heroic hero that like holds open something to get everyone through but stay behind in an epic last stand
  5. "What do you mean?" she was lost, "Well a mane it the lucious hair that comes from head and down by back, my horn is what I use to control my magic..an magic I can't really explain," she said with a slight huff, "And I shall not repeat myself!"
  6. "no, I feel fine, But what am I?" she asked slowly calming down, "What happened to my beautiful body, my amazing mane, my perfect tail!" she then gasped and began feeling her head, "No..no no no, my horn, oh how am I supposed to make dresses without my magic!"
  7. "Huh?" the woman said and slowly blinked awake and she screamed and rolled off of his arms, "What in the sweet name of Celestia are you!" she screamed as she looked down, "Wha...ah my beautiful body, I'm a monster!" she began to cry
  8. The body groaned and the woman slowly and steadily got up to her knees and gasped and jumped back away from the girl, "Wh..what in the name of Equestria are you!" she said and looked down, "Ah! What am I? Where am I, who are you!" she said and got to her legs slowly, "woah!" she said as she got her balance
  9. Darkness smiled as he felt his hoof grabbed and flung his wings around his body as he went down. Upon release of his leg he surfaced and went up into the air a bit and spread his wings wide. This rained droplets everywhere, not that he was actually trying to hit her, more as a dry off and smiled as he slowly glided back down into the water
  10. Name: Darkness Eclipsed Species: Pegasus Gender: Male Appearance: Pitch Black pegasus with blood red eyes mane and tail Personality: Cold and silent, he isn't one to lead but when he follows he still makes some of his own choices. He doesn't talk to much usually a nod or shake of his head is a response. He doesn't show too many emotions and is determined to kill everyone of these invading creatures at any cost. Cutie mark: blood-red crecent moon History: He doesn't talk much but when asked he just gives a semi cruel stare and says coldly, "Its dead to me" Class: Cleric Custom made crossbolt
  11. Im game, I wanna be Rico and Rarity (Only because Rico doesn't talk much so his part will usually be short)
  12. Pinkie turned her attention away from the argueing 'Changlings' and looked back at Dashie, "Look, I'm gonna go find Queenie and appologize!" she said loudly so the other 5 could hear her, "I mean since she has gotten her what had has she done? I mean dd you see her, I didint even think she could walk!" with that Pinkie turned and headed off after where the princess ran: "Wait up Pinkie Imma comig' too!" AppleJack shouted as she chased her then stopped and turned to the others, "I really think we outgha give er a chance," she then took off again
  13. "What did you do? WHAT DID YOU DO!?" Cadence yelled at the mare, "A dying pleading lost soul comes to us for help, where I and Celetia have dismissed and forgiven her actions, and you just won't stop with the insults to them," she tried to calm down, "Fine we will be at Twilights," she said and stormed off Liesa soon followed
  14. Leisa was honestly hurt to hear Nexar speak, she knew tough times had hit the hive but she never thought one of her own would so easily discard her, she sighed, "Cadence, dearest sister, I don't think this will work out," she said with a sigh, "I shall just hide my days in our Royal castle, and thats it, who were we kidding," she said and Cadence sighed, "Twilight, you me and Leisa shall go talk alone, seeing as the rest of the group will not accept there own Royal Sister here in Pomyville," she said sharply, more aiming at Rainbow Dash.
  15. [colour=#282828]Your name: Rarity[/colour] [colour=#282828]Your species: Unicorn[/colour] [colour=#282828]Age (In human years) : 22[/colour] [colour=#282828]Gender: Female[/colour] [colour=#282828]Height: 5' 7"[/colour] [colour=#282828]Weight: 150 lbs[/colour] [colour=#282828]Description of your pony form: Pure white pelt, majestic purple mane and tail, and magnificent saphire blue eyes[/colour] [colour=#282828]Description of your human form (hair and eye colour will remain the same): [/colour]http://th06.devianta...eko-d4nurn6.jpg [colour=#282828]Cutie Mark: 3 saphire DIAMONDS![/colour] [colour=#282828]Your name: Queen Chrysalis (Crystal)[/colour] [colour=#282828]Your species: Changling/Alicorn(technically)[/colour] [colour=#282828]Age (In human years) : 31[/colour] [colour=#282828]Gender: Female[/colour] [colour=#282828]Height: 5' 9"[/colour] [colour=#282828]Weight: 175 lbs[/colour] [colour=#282828]Description of your pony form: Pitch Black mare with holes in hooves, Neon green eyes, transparent light neon blue holed wings, transparent light green mane and tail[/colour] [colour=#282828]Description of your human form (hair and eye colour will remain the same): [/colour]http://fc09.devianta...asa-d4yjp07.jpg [colour=#282828]Cutie Mark: N/A[/colour]
  16. Reserve, must get to a computer to fill out, shall e very soon thougj
  17. Darkness smiled and laughed and scooped a bit up in his Wong and just poured it over her head a she looked away and began to laugh hard and smiled at her
  18. Chrysalis smiled, "Yes...but of course," she smiled, "I am Princess Liesa (Lie-eh-sah), you must be Rarity then," she said hoping the other ponies would accept this and tag along
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