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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. (Awe she left to fast I couldn't say hi!) Darkness jumped a bit at Nightmare Moon, but thinking she was only a practical prankster he smiled, "Oh Nightmare Moon, here you want chocolate or gum?" he asked her actually open heartedly. Not being in Canterlot long he only had heard bits and prices of the old tale and hearing it was resolved made him believe this Nightmare Moon was a fake, plus what better costume on Noghtmare Night then Nightmare Moon?
  2. He smiled at her little corny line and blushed still, "Ye..yeah," he looked up at her, "So..So what does my dear Marefriend want to do.." his voice trailed as he realized what he just said, "Oh dear Celestia, oh I mean like a friend that's a mare, not that I'm against the other meaning, but..oh my!" he scrambled for words and shuffles a hoof nervously, "Um..so...what does my friend wish to do?"
  3. He slowly approached her so that there muzzles were just a foot apart, he wasn't extremely eager, not sure if it was all true. "Really?" he asked her blushing, "he shuffled a hoof nervously, "Well..well I'm real glad you came back," he said nervously as he smiled. He wasn't sure what else to say to her, did she like him more then a friend, or was this her way of saying she wanted him as a good friend. So many different outcomes, he didn't want to jump to any, so he waited to see what she would say, or do, next.
  4. He whipped his head around hearing her voice, and sure enough she was there! Why did she come back? He wondered as he thought of reasons, but came up empty. He looked at her, not able to tell her emotion or thought he shuffled a hoof. He looked down and looked back up, "Y..you came back?" he finally mustered up to say to her. Oh was that the right thing to say? he wondered, did it sound too rude? Was I too forward, oh dear Celestia make this work out!
  5. Darkness was staring at the bookshelf, as if memorized by it. This was half true; he was reading all the titles, then cutting out certian words and trying to spell a sentence, or paragraph. It was something he did as he tried to get his mind off her, but not in a bad way, he would always feel love to her, but he wanted to forget she ran. He sighed and close his eyes, resting his head on the shelf, "Ugh why is life so hard for me," he chuckled, "I know, I'll go join the Wonderbolts and I can walk around in the outfit so no one will know its me and I will be loved!" he cheered triumphantly, "Except I could never talk to Spitfire, let alone the rest." he sighed again
  6. (since I am the only one not active in a conversation..) "Omph!" Darkness said as he fell back as a sudden pony came crashing into him. He sat up and held his head, "Ow," he said and shook his head a bit and got to all fours and looked to the pony who crashed into him and went to him. "He,.hey are yo..you ok?" he asked the pony. Was this his fault, had Darkness been blocking the path, he sighed, "Um, sorry, I didn't me..mean to block the path," he said and shuffled a hoof then almost facehoofed. He handed out a shaky hoof tothe pony, "M..may I help you up?" he offered carefully. He was still such an outcast, well mostly because he wasnt outgoing at all any more:
  7. "hmm, what was that?" she turned to the Colt that landed nearby, "Oh the candy, yeah I'm pretty sure it's for her, that's why I left none," she explained, "I figure when whoever comes to pick it up arrives I may see them personally!" she said with a smile, "Always wanted to meet our great Royal Sister of the night," she smiled and looked up, "Mits beautiful isn't it, all because of her,"
  8. Moonlite Frost read the engravings and giggled, "Oh now that sweet," she smiled as she looked at the statue, "So much hard work and dedication must have been put into this statue, wonder who made it," she asked herself as she looks around to see if any other pony was there. Then she looked back at the statue, she had always enjoyed the Mare on the Moon tale, and then it came true! She thought about every angle to look at it, I mean if you put hard work into making something beautiful and everyone ignored it, well you might get upset too. Nightmare Moon had just gone too far, oh such a powerful and great Mare she could have been, then she thought,. "Duh Moonlite she is real and great, this is just a different form of Luna," she giggled and sat down to admire the statue some more, partially hoping the ones named Twilight Sparkle or Rarity would show up.
  9. Darkness Eclipsed smiled as he soon reached his Nightmare Night Destination, the Changling Lair! Oh what an interesting place, you see Darkness had a very small weak spot for Changlings. Yes he had heard of all the stories about what the Changlings did, but if you needed good and this town was full of it wouldn't you try to take it too. But that was a side thought, he was really in the Lair of the one called Chrysalis, but to his Dismay there were no real Changlings to speak to. I mean that would be great, to really speak with one, maybe find out more about them and all there abilities! He sighed, he was alone again, Moonlite was off somewhere else, probeley with more ponies, but he was alone. He admired all the decor and smiled, "Such hard work was put into this, vey interesting!" he said as he looked at everything, taking it all in.
  10. EmeraldHeart began to laugh uncontrollably, "You know Canterlot Royalty has much more class then that," she smiled, "A simple bow and wing spread is more or less standard for most Royal events," she looked at Raven Break, "Like so," she took her left hoof forward and lowered her font half down and spread her wings, "I am EmeraldHeart, a great pleasure to meet you all," she said curtly and stood up straight.
  11. Darkness just watched her go and sighed, "Great Darkness, there goes everything," he closed his eyes and began to cry. He thought of how he had no family, well except when he saw Moonlite, he had no friends, and he would be alone forever. This only made him cry more, alone again, alone forever. He flopped on his side as he have up crying and just laid there, maybe he would just stay there till he died or something, he didn't feel like moving.
  12. "Even if so," he said still upset, "What now, I just dunno what to do or say, I realize it was foolish to think a great mare like you could love somepony like me," he looked at her, "Well I guess its your choice what to do now."
  13. Ok well sorry it isn't up yet, been busy with work and what not, hopefully tonight I can start this
  14. Name: SlenderMane (or SlenderMare depending on the lore) Age...yes Appearance: When you see it you'll s*** bricks Lore: (SlenderMane) Stalkers it's target to terrify it before it goes in and takes the target away, but no one knows where (SlenderMare) Said to be a mare that uses this disguise and alias to capture children and give them to a 'better' home
  15. (Plus I'm pretty even Celestia has never heard of Lord of the Rings)
  16. "oh yes, um, yeah Pistachio please," she said still blushing a bit at the fact that it was, even if he sees it as just friendly, a date, and it was all new to her. She was a bookworm and a Unicorn, not exactly very social though she did chat with ponies from time to time as she worked at the Library. But, beside her other friend Darkness Eclipsed, who was like a brother as well, she really need had hung out with a male. She closes her eyes and collect herself before sitting calmly and looking at the table, very nervous still, she had to admit, in a slightly odd way, he was very handsome.
  17. Darkness sighed and looked down, "I'm sorry, I should go, I can see I've quite upset you," he said calmly as he looked at the floor, "I know it's probeley really odd, you just met this pony and already he really likes you," he closed his eyes, "It's just that the only other mare I have ever met is like a sister to me do when I finally find a great mare and we are having fun..." he wanted to cry, "Well you can't entirely blame me for wanting to be more then a friend, you know," he cried a little, "Especially since I never really had someone to love,"
  18. "I'm EmeraldHeart, but I'm dressed like Queen Chrysalis!" she smiled happily; though for what reason is unkown.
  19. "I can still hear you;" he sighed and sat hanging head, "just nevermind, it was a foolish thought that I would use such an important mate in my life except for Moonlite, I mean she is like a sister," he sighed, "It's not like I can go out with....erm" he froze, beat red, his secret was out, he was bucked.
  20. Ok well imgonna try and set up the main thread later. Few notes: will be 18+ and..while there is no turn order, dont post too much unless there are a few to everyone on
  21. "yeah, thanks," Darkness sighed, "But it just sucks, after this fun an adventure we had what's gonna happen?" he looked at her not noticing her blush, "I mean, yeah I'm always in this forest, occasionally the Everfree, but never in Canterlot itself," he shook his head, "Anyway, your a free mare, you love to roam and explore, I only stay in these two small locations," he looked at her, "How can I be sure I will ever see you again?" h asked and sighed, "With my Luck you'll run into some big time Indimanea Jones and get married and happily adventure the land together," he sighed. He didn't even realize what he had just said then he went beat red, 'oh dear!' (basically to a normal pony it is quite off when there first worry is your getting married and running off to never be seen again)
  22. He looked down and tried to think of anything, his mind was blurred by what she said, we was there for him. He didn't really think about what he was about to do but he didn't care, he needed it. He trotted slowly over to her and wrapped his front hooves around her and hugged her. "Thank you," he said to her, "No one has been so understanding and kind as you!" he sighed and let her go and stepped back and hung his head
  23. Ok 3 replies/rules to reply to your last comments SilverWisp: 1) No guns, only melee weapons. the ponies wouldn't have the technology or ability to figure the inner workings of a gun..and no bows, just because... 2) They are not used for killing Mane Cast or the hybrids...yeah thats about it 3) There is no Nightmare Moon atm, Luna is back to old self
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