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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. ok only one please, I feel we have enough for the time being so I will mark this as closed and organize it a bit with a proper list of charrie and people in here
  2. @ ONWARD - Please come and stay I just wanna know if MyLittlePonyTales will be staying so I know if I control Fluttershy or Luna, thats all @Slayer - For the begining I control discord, I will watch how the others RP before I give him away, so please make an OC or take a canon first
  3. Thats Fine, I Think we have enough..once i know if MyLittlePonyTales will be joining, then we can start.
  4. That's fine, I perfer people only play 2 max, thats why i gotta figure out who i can give Discord too
  5. If your not gonna join cuz I'm Luna MyLitttlePonyTales then I shall play Fluttershy instead, I want you in! And Ok BronyNumber99. Please people concentrate on te Mane 6 we need at least Twilight to start.
  6. "he..he is a Unicorn," Darkness sighed, "As is my family, I am a sole Pegasus," he closed his eyes, "So much hatred, all of them hat me," he looked at her with deep deep sorrow, "I have no family, they threw me out and rejected me," he hung his head and sat, deflated and not sure what to say.
  7. Nah so that makes one pony. MESSAGE TO ALL: If I know you or feel you will fit the profile...you might get the chance to play Discord or other important ponies (excluding mane 6...erm 5 i guess lol ) I will play Chrysalis and Luna
  8. Ok so basically an RP based off this video: So basically here's what I came with based on the Video Plot: Luna is tired of being ignored and in this mentally broken state her alter ego, Nightmare Moon, once again gains control, getting a suprise attack on Celestia she knocks her out and ties her up. Since the Mane 6 are unaware of the doings she uses this time to free Discord who stays in a false statue form until a signal is given. That signal is a changling uprising, Nightmare Moon proceeds to tell Queen Chrysalis of her plan and the Queen attacks and, along side Discord, they capture all of Canterlot. The captured ponies are put into cacoons that will over take them with a virus to change them into a half breed between what they were and a changling so they are forever loyal to the Queen. At this point Luna is gaining control so Nightmare takes drastic measures and escapes to the moon where Luna gains control again but is trapped for now. The Mane 6 soon realize what is happening but it is too late, even with the power of the Elements they are overpowered and beaten and to stop the rest from rising up they throw Twilight out the tower glass window to kill her. The remaining Mane 6 run away, all except Rainbow Dash who is captured and cacooned. Luna is able to escape back to Equestria in time to save Twilight and now she must gather the remaining elements and whoever else they can to try and free Rainbow Dash and Celestia before it is too late, or is it already? So let's see who is interested..
  9. "Cadence and Shining Armor course!" she smiled, "Yeah I love my wings though I dont fly too much, and I'm good at magic, Twilight taught me!"
  10. "I'm EmeraldHeart," she smiled happily, "Oh I'm so lucky my parents let me go out alone, I'm making friends!" she cheered happily, "So Misty, and your Rhapsody"
  11. "Queen Chrysalis" walked through the streets, she was scaring some other colts and fillies, but all in good fun, everyone got a good laugh. Then she saw a ShadowBolt and ran over, "oh yay another evil pony!" she giggles as she approaches the filly, she could tell by her shape.
  12. [colour=#282828]Application! -[/colour] [colour=#282828]Name: EmeraldHeart[/colour] [colour=#282828]Gender: Filly[/colour] [colour=#282828]Race: Alicorn (See random Fact)[/colour] [colour=#282828]Costume: Queen Chrysalis (Her mum thought it would be funny irony)[/colour] [colour=#282828]Appearance: see attachment[/colour] [colour=#282828]Likes: Twilight Sparkle (her aunt), Celestia, Luna, The Sun and Moon, Reading (but not too much), making Friends, and Parties[/colour] [colour=#282828]Dislikes: Flying high or fast, reckless behavior, Discord, arrogant ponies, Trixie (she is beyond arrogant)[/colour] [colour=#282828]Random Fact: Her mother is Princess Mi Amore Cadenza (Cadence) and her father is Shining Armor[/colour] [colour=#282828]Cutie mark: Blank Flank still, bit ashamed of it.[/colour]
  13. Me me oh pick me!!! I have an idea brewing, well it involves Queen Chrysalis, but I wantto try and make it happen
  14. She wasn't sure how to react to him anymore; he was an interesting Griffon but also made her question him once or twice. She shook the thought and smiled warmly, "Well I usually get Pistachio," she said to him happily as she looked at all the favors, "and I think I'll stick with it," she said and calmly looked around to see how the othe ponies were doing.
  15. "Oh that story," he said as he seemed a bit down hearted about it, "Well basically my family was having a picnic and a storm rolled in, light ing struck down a tree and me and my brother were blocked from the rest of the family. I just used the stars and what not to guide both of us safety out of the dark woods to safety," he smiled a bit, "How about you?"
  16. "um yeah..sure," Darkness smiled at her and grinned, "Well I won, still dunno how, last time so you shall start," he said then thought, "or this time no game?" he asked still trying to understand this mare.
  17. "um, yeah, guess so," she blushed after the hug and went to the door, "come along then, I have to lock up after we leave," she smiled. Once he had walked out she shut off the lights, there was only a handful and locked the door after him. She walked next to them as they padded down the road, she was nervous what others might think of her and him, oh this was so odd. She looked at him, then the sky then ahead as she walked toward the ice cream shop with a slight smile and blush on her face. Even if he saw it as a friendly date it was still a date to her, and as with a date she was nervous, would he like her?
  18. She froze, "o..oh thi..this is a date." she stared speechless at him and was beat red again, "oh dear, I've only been on one date...." then she turned to him when he asked her if there was something else they could do, "What else? like what do you have in mind?" she said still shuffling a hoof nervously. She looked around and saw no one there, they were alone, in a library, she blushed as she thought of a book she had read the other day. She sighed and sat down next to him and looked at her hooves, "so yeah..what now?" she asked him as she looked at him still blushing a bit.
  19. "Yo..you and me?" she stammered as she went redder and looked as him and blinked a few times, "We ge..get ice cream? together?" she shuffled a hoof, "y..yeah tha..that sounds great!" she said with a warm smile, still blushing heavily. She looked out the window to admire the scenery outside and composed herself with a deep breath. She turned back to him and smiled, "I get out in an hour, so you gonna hang around or just come back?" she asked him, still a bit red but clearly more composed of her shyness or nervousness.
  20. She listened to him talk and just listened, he was quite an intriguing...whatever a male Giffon might be called. As she riffled to the back of the book to stamp it she heard him ask her name, she looked up and smiled, "Moonlite Frost, pleased to meet you Gerrard," she said sweetly as she levitated the card to her and turned it around. She jotted down his ID number and other info onto a sheet of paper and gave him back the card. "Now I assume a week rental would be more then sufficient?" she asked him as she began to write down the info into the record book and would look at him occasionally. He was an amazing Griffon, so lean and tough looking, but at the same time kind of handsome, she shook her head, 'no no interspeices doesn't work..does it?' she wondered and this made her blush a bit. Though she might have been thinking to hard into this, she had just met him for Celstia sake, she was just very emotional at that moment.
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