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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. "I love it here, you see beside when i reside in my friends house i stay far away from society," he sighed, "My parents made me feel like i didn't belong and its hard to adjust, your only the second pony i have talked to," he giggled a bit, "funniest thing is that the only two ponies i know are mares," he smiled warmly, "But yeah i love nature, so free and un..un..undiscriminating," he said trying to think of the word, "hmm, yeah that's pretty much it." He thought, "So..my turn?" he questioned and thought, "what exactly does your cutie mark represent?" he asked and then froze, "Oh that must have sounded so rude, Oh sorry!" he thought quick, "i mean whats your talent?"
  2. He slowly absorbed what she said and nodded, "Yeah, ok i guess so," he slowly thought and smiled, "Well lets start with simple, how is your family?" he asked then thought for a second, "I mean like the relation to you and how you relate to them."
  3. "Hmm a game sounds more interesting," Darkness said and smiled and looked at the door, "Also like i said i have a knack for direction, my cutie mark allows me to bacially know where all stationary items are and the layout of the land and area," he explained, "Also my best friend, well only friend, is a Unicorn, so she taught me about magic, even if i cannot perform it i know about it."
  4. "Oh yes it was harsh, and worse it was my own parents who outcasted me," he sighed and looked around and closed his eyes and smiled, "come on there is a torch behind this door," he said and slowly opened the door. As he did light slowly filtered into the cavern and he ducked inside, it appeared to be a small room with a table in the middle and a few old cushions around. He smiled, "ah well this is a lovely little place," he said and looked at the torch, "ah good its an enchanted torch, it will never go out," he went and sat down and waited her to join.
  5. Darkness listened, absorbed and finally slowly processed that sentence, though he wasn't sure what to make of it. At one point he was pretty sure she wanted to hang out with him, another she wanted to hear his story, and finally she wanted to explore behind the door. He made a few quick glances around to be sure it was just him and her and sighed, "well i really dunno what ta make of that sentence," he explained, clearly calmer and more open with her as he saw she was more interested and warm with him then "others" were, "But what i can gather is that ya wanna explore behind that there door," he blushed lightly, "but not alone, ya wanna go wit me and as we travel ya wanna hear about my past," he looked at her and walked up next to her. As they stood there in silence for a few moments, he was facing her and she was him he sighed, "Alright, lets go," he said and began walking down the stairs, "Just hope ya got a light, as for me, well i never get lost," he looked at his mark, "Kind of my specialty"
  6. Ok just 2 mane(see what I did there) questions: 1) can this be here ship (http://ak.buy.com/PI/0/500/201702480.jpg) [thas from a Mega Blox set called Pyrates, it was epic!) 2) How do you suppose about her? I mean she is a ghost so she can't be killed but she can't kill you, maybe she just drains your energy or makes you go to sleep and sinks the ship? (capsize?)
  7. NightGhost followed quite eagerly, being a Pegasus she hated getting her wings wet. Though she wasn't a hundred percent sure they could get wet as they were kin of ghostly, but she didn't wanna test that.
  8. "w..why?" he asked softly as he say where he stood and stated at the ground, "Wh..why do you want to be near me? I'm some outcasted freak," he finally said a full sentence and anyone with a half a brain could hearths deep rooted sorrow. But then came that moment choice, leave him alone and possibly further hurt him, or listen to a story about a past you may not care about or that may agrivate you. He shuffled a hoof in the dirt as the awkward silence dragged on a bit and awaited a response
  9. Aye but aye be dead in the head already matie! Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum, har har har
  10. "b..but no..not there;" he stuttered, "U...up head," he said and trotted off slowly, seemingly unfased by the forest as he just walk casually. He never looked back but she would be able to just tell he knew how close she was. He would quicken up if ah got closer and relax a bit if she fell back a little. Soon they reached a large opening, but in the middle stood a large circle of rocks and a deep well in it. There were spiral stairs that lead down to the bottom where a battered old wood door was crooked on its hinges. He walked up to the edge and pointed, "Une...unexplored there," he stuttered and dipped his head as he began to head off, "Be...best of Lu...luck"
  11. Are ya scared? Aye Capin NightGhost (known as SlenderMare) and her ship the Ghostmare are ready. I'll make a form later but she be a ghost pony pirate! (If that wasn't taken)
  12. NightGhost smiled and shuffle a hog not sure where to go now, "so where to?"
  13. He caught his breath and she began talking again, he foze and slowly turned to her, "Um....I'm, um," was all he could stutter out and looked down, "Dark...Dakness," he muttered, "Darkness Eclipsed," he said slowly looking up at her.
  14. NightGhost smiled warmly and kissed her marefriend happily
  15. NightGhost giggled, "No problem, I don't care where we live so long as your happy and with me,"
  16. Jack Ponylow? Lol Davy Brones? Idk these all sound so strange....Pony D Luffy?
  17. NightGhost smiled and kissed her marefriend's cheek and was ready to follow aling
  18. He slowly defended, not because of how close they were but so she didn't loose him because he would need to make a few sharp turns ahead to avoid a ravine. He landed and ducked left quick then stopped to check that she was safe and catch his breath, he wasn't much of an athletic Pegasus.
  19. He took a deep breath and watched her very nervously as his brain ran at SonicRainboom speed as he tried to figure out what to say. Oh yes he knew plenty o unexplored places but they seemed so scarf and dangerous. He pondered it a bit and sighed and nodded slightly to her and took to the sky, he hovered and looked around and nodded as he knew where to go and waves her to follow as he flies gently off, silently of course
  20. Yah know there are like 2 maybe 3 that have effected me. 1) My original OC Moonlite Frost was originally not accepted because she had heard of Rarity and wanted to make a dress like that. 2) My new OC Darkness Eclipsed, is shunned by his parents cuz he was a Pegasus in a Unicorn village 3) Again Darkness Eclipse I believe I said he was Pitch Black fur. Anyway they were all accepted after much alteration, above arent changed minus 1, but I just wanted to mention this. (I forgot the next number) ) No 18+ charries, ie no stripper pony, even if that sounds funny, just I think that's a bit too adult
  21. "while the night I remember well the house I don't," she replied and smiled, "So you lead me,"
  22. 31) You don't have special wings, just normal wings (yeah I found that our when I was coming up with the idea for my charrie NightGhost, who I am still developing, yeah only normal Pegasus wings, not ghost wings)
  23. "dunno, Ponyville?" she offered to her marefriend, "lots of good ponies there"
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