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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. But the reason it's an eclipsed heart is because of his parents rejection of him, without that it would be a full moon compass thing
  2. NightGhost smiled, "So now what dear?" she asked her lover
  3. Lol, but yay 2 interests, maybe 1 or 2 more and I'll start discussing my plot idea
  4. Anyway so this in an intrest check to see if anyone is interested in a pony version of Avatar the last Airbender, based off show not the M Night Shamen movie. I have a plot idea but want to see how many are interested first
  5. "If you wanna take it slow that's fine," she smiled warmly still blushing, "I just know your the mare for me."
  6. Luna ran to her room to pack Pinkie pie skipped around her house gathering stuff to make more cupcakes
  7. "of course sister, I trust no other but you and her with my life," Luna did a small curtsy, "we shall pack now, I shall write each night,"
  8. Luna hugged her sister as well, "I've been quite well, but I wanted to take a small leave of a few days, go visit out of Canterlot," she said, "May I dear sister?"
  9. Pinkie was up, like always, making cupcakes, "Oh sweets I lov ya!" she squeeled and ate one, "Perfection!!" she cheered and smiled happily Luna found he sister at the throne like room and smiled, "Greetings dear sister!"
  10. (sorry I didn't, whoops, well how about I do Pinkie ten?) Luna smiled, "Come on let's see where she is,"
  11. "Um well we might have to ask Celestia, I can only control the moon fom Canterlot so she would have to take over," Luna explained (imma be Fluttershy?)
  12. Hey if we're skipping right to dance then I am dropping Darkness out, he has no reason to go. I might end up entirely dropping out as it seems everyone else has a partner and is preoccupied, none of my OC have gotten any interaction
  13. "yes it is a good morning indeed!" she said and hugged the girl back
  14. Luna stood upon her post at the top of the Canterlot tower and watched over the town below with a smile happily.
  15. Yay..so how long till you think this will be finally fully accepted?
  16. (aww sadness) NightGhost smiled and held he lover close and kisse her
  17. Ok fixed typo and changed it so they view him as corrupted since he is a Pegasus in a Unicorn colony
  18. "I have money saved, but yah your gonna need a job to help me," NightGhost smiled (But what is it?$
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