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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. "oh then we always be together!" NightGhost huggd the mare, lOh yes yes yes!"
  2. PLOT: During a wicked and wild storm of Purple lightning 5 ponies were hit by lightning and now are humanized. Now that a strange rift has opened to a new world they set out to save there land!
  3. NightGhost looked up and saw BrownLily and smiled and missed the mare quickly and smiled, "Hello dear!"
  4. I just asked here to ask them plus get opinions, thanks for suppor though
  5. NightGhost sat home reading a book by the fire and smiling Luna walked solely down the road
  6. Hey I has question. I know Cheerilee is an older Mare but maybe her and Moonlite can hook up?
  7. Moonlite looked up and touched a hoof to Tia's shoulder, "Well I could love you." she smiled, "If you wanted that is," she looked at the mare, "I really do like you, I mean I know we just met but you know," she pointed to her horn, "I just get that feeling your that special pony for me," she was beat red and awaited what the mare would say
  8. "yes," she sighed, "very lonely," she looked at the table and sighed, "No one really hangs out with me," she looked at the made, "let alone love"
  9. Well how about we work together for a M: TG ponies? My ideas is that there are 5 ponies in Equestria that during a strange purple lightning storm are struck. Upon awaking they are now human shaped and have special powers over certian elements (based on them: Luna is Swamp, Fluttershy is Forest, Celestia is Plains, The other 2 I'm not sure) then a rift opens to Innistrad and these new Planes walkers must raise armies and work together to end a giant Vampire and Werewolf war before it rips apart the two worlds
  10. So I have had 2 crossover ideas and am finally posting them LOL!! 1) Batmane! Basically some sort of batman/superhero pony cross over in some way 2) Ponies the gathering - Basically a story about 5 Humaniod Ponies that turn planes walker to save Equestria and Innistrad from a terrible war
  11. "no I live," she siged, "alone," she looked at Tia warmly, "You?" she said and just couldn't help but stare at how beautiful the mare was
  12. She smiled, "Speaking of kids, where did Crystal run off too?" she looked around Crystal aimless wandered the grounds, so bored
  13. My new charrie is Moonlite Frost, and she is Bi. Her form is in the Mane RP accepted apps under Unicorn
  14. A limping pony outline was seen deep inthe fog, slowly approaching them. It was so very quite and a pony could almost swear they could hear a faint 'help me'
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