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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  2. I'll play as one of the Mane 6 unless I can take Luna(or Nightmare Moon if it fits) also I've truthfully had enough with High School RP so I'm more open to just everyone in Equestria is humanized and something like that
  3. Sorry can some one explain this a bit for me. Is it we are pony planeswalkers? Or can I be like a pony version of a card?
  4. (I'm just waiting around for others to post so chrysalis ad family can get a room, Crystal is walking around aimlessly)
  5. Ok but with work schedule hard to finish up, I'll be trying hard to get my Cutie Mark story in soon and then the final spruce up!
  6. How about like an award for a RP with the most potential for greatness. Like an rp that is still inthe thread or just started (less then maybe 3 pages in?) and shows great potential?
  7. She smiled at him, "Sword or bow?" she asked simply gathering a stack of logs into her pouch along with some cobblestone, torches, and her few bits of iron she managed to find.
  8. "a few raw porkchops, I was gonna go hunting and mining," she smiled as she headed toward a wooden chest, "care to join??"
  9. "yeah, well down in this part of the jungle sunlight is spare and scarce, so no worries!" she smiled warmly, "I'm Valorie, you?"
  10. "see honey everyone is nice here," chrysalis said giving her daughter a quick kiss on the forehead, "Come along now let's get our room" she said
  11. "Hmm, the day put sounds very good," Moonlite smiled at the mare, trying not to sound upset. She had seen how the mare was acting and was hoping that she might suggest becoming, eh, more then a friend and teacher
  12. (well her house is actually in a tree but the downstairs area is window less lit by only torches) "Ah you on there?" she asked him when he awoke, well calmed down at least
  13. Chrysalis sat next to Cloud and just sat with the group, Crystal on the other hand walked away, "What a drag, so many older ponies, where are the handsome colts?" she sighed and walked to the gardn
  14. She wet to her bed and waited, not sure what to do, so she hoped he would just come over it soon
  15. come on guys calm down there, dont wanna spam the OOC with randomness.
  16. No biggie, couldn't get on comp this break, in about 2hr I will update and thread I hope!
  17. Chrysalis smiled at her daughter, "Come now no need to be shy, these are all friends," she said and smiled noting Twilight was among the group
  18. The redefine lamps flashed on and the Female figure drew a bow expecting some mob to have figured out the trap door, instead it was a horse, well pony to be excact, "Hello?" she asked hoping it talked, she put her how back into her pack (inventory) and slowly approached it (Hey has this thread been updated to 1.3.1? Like villager trading and trip wires and stuff?$
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