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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. The Dwarny awoke after passing out, "Ai! Everypony ok in er?" he asked, "We best get supplies to build er bigger eh?"
  2. Yes she is, and I'll update the list soon Twilights a go! Gonna also make thread later if I have chance!!!!
  3. Crystal giggled and used magic to put her fully sister securely on her back and headed back to her parents, "Some ones a wee bit tired," Crystalis nods to Crystal, "We will get a room soon hon," she smiled and turned to Grey, "It's been forever!"
  4. "it was a long trip your bound to just be exausted," she smiled at her fully siser
  5. Also everyone understands this is an 18+ rp correct? I disnt say it but I did day it would have blood violence and love, all pointing toward 18+
  6. I plan to start it before everyone is in so that others may join and ok I'll probeley drop it to 15
  7. Crystal smiled and sat down and watched the two talk, just enjoying not being stuck home
  8. Chrysalis smiled and giggled, "Yeah we'll though his is tchnically king ya know I let most Changlings go one with there own life, now that we're mostly accepted it makes them such changed creatures," she giggled again, "Pardon that pun there!" Crystalis smiled, "Nope, I'm Crystalis but you can just call me Crystal, and my little sis here is Misty," she smiled at her sister warmly
  9. Crystalis smiled at the eagerness of her little sister, they may have had different fathers, although to her Cloud was her true dad, but they were so aliike
  10. "no," she said saddly shaking her head and looking down, "It's not terribly common for a mare to enjoy another mare,"
  11. Chrysalis smiled at watcher and dipped her head, "Good to see you again, how have you been?" she asked him. Crystalis on the other hand followed her younger sister and landed next to her, listening to them talk, "No her father's Cloud,"
  12. "Mom your still so slow you know that!" the younger cal hanging made said to her mother and giggled, "Now come along I've been dying to see this Grey complexion or whatever it was for so long!" Chrysalis sighed, "Crystalis your a full grown Mare act like one! Your setting a bar example to your you get sister!" she said to the changling mate who just made a stupid face and flew above them
  13. I perfer the initials KTOR (knights of the old republic) ahhhh star wars
  14. Ok I have made a list above, I ill be restricting this RP to 20 characters, to keep it uncluttered.
  15. "I've given up on stallions all together," Moonlite admired to the Mare, "They are to Brutish and cruel, I perfer..." she paused and went beat red, "I perfer the softer femine touch."
  16. Sweetie smiled and sat next to both of them, watching them with a smile and turned to Apple Bloom, "So you mentioned a cupcake and a new stand?" she asked in her delicate voice as she looked at both of her friends. It felt as if just yesterday they were little fillies trying to earn there Cutie Marks, now they were all grown, it happens so fast.
  17. "yes, but love knows no bounds," she smiled an blushed a bit as well, "You know what I mean?"
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