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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. Darkness nodded and slowly kissed her on the lips before stepping back and blushing, "l..lets go"
  2. Rarity threw on the shirt, it was tight against her chest, "better, cuz it hurts them a little."
  3. He gently pulled her down so they were laying side by side on the grass, he licked her neck. Emerald sighed being alone once more
  4. He wrapped his hooves around her as well, hugging her happily as he kissed her neck, "I..I've alwasy wanted somepony there for me like this"
  5. Darkness nuzzled her neck, "really, oh im so glad, i really like you too!"
  6. "Moonlite and me made a deal that it was a brotherly sisterly deal, and ......" he froze and looked at her, "y...you like me?" he was beat red but kept eye contact with her
  7. He sighed, "It's..its fine," he looked at her, "I..I'm used to being alone, I have no family, they outcasted me, the closest i have is a Unicorn mare named Moonlite who is like a sister," he looked down, "I'm just a monster, who could love me"
  8. Darkness was left, alone again, in the meadow and sighed as he sat under a tree, "what were you thinking Darkness, she obviously has no real interest in you" he sighed and began to cry as he sat slumped under the tree.
  9. "h..he did, but they are so uncomfortable," she complained, "plus, I dont understand what the big deal is with these things anyway, i see guys stare at them, i dont get why!"
  10. He looked over, "j..just yo..you and m..me?" he stuttered going beat red, "y..yeah, so..sounds go..good" he stammered out as she slowly got up and headed toward the door.
  11. Rarity smiled, "its ok," she was in just lower undergarments now, they were a bit...thin...but worked what they needed to. [yeah,remember, she hates bras, forgot that ]
  12. "His name is Light," she sighed as she looked out the window and looked down then headed for the door and sighed, "I...i just dunno what to do....." she was holding in one thing, she really like RD, like a lot, but RD might think her odd if she admited, she didnt want to hurt the friendship Darkness nodded toward Scissors, "sounds like a lot of fun!" he said warmly to her, but she soon went back to her book and he looked back ou the window and watched Light and Sunny and sighed
  13. "I..I've ne..never actually do..done cloud control" he admitted shyly shuffling a hoof
  14. Darkness shrugged, "odds and ends just to get some bits" he smiled warmly, "you?"
  15. "n..no, I..I'm good f..friends w..with Fluttershy," he said softly as he looked at her and blushed and looked a bit away, too cute! he smiled, "y..you have a nice na..name!" he blurted out and looked down prompty
  16. "h..hmm?" he slowly said rolling to his side and looking at her, "I..I do..don't think so," he slowly sat up and smiled weakly at her, "I...I'm D..Darkness....Darkness Eclipsed," he managed to say, starting to get real nervous....OMG a very cute mare...and she is talking to me!!!!
  17. Rarity looked at here, "Not really, kind of just got here," she teased and smiled, "Charles did take me shopping....hmmm...can i sleep in my undergarments?" she asked
  18. Darkness sighed and went and laid down in the living room, he felt alone and out of place as he stared at the wall with a sigh.
  19. He sighed and sat down and began letting his mane cover his face nervously, he felt so out of place and shy, why did Discord make him do this!
  20. "o..oh...I'm sorry..a..am I interrupting?" Darkness stuttered at the door of the room as he saw Light and Sunny, "D...Discord to..told me to co..come socialize," he shuffled a hoof slightly, "he..he didn't te..tell me ro..royalty wa..was here"
  21. [imma add another stallion look at my profile for his bio] A knock came from Discord's door and Discord teleported back to answer "Ah, Darkness...why are you here?" he asked the pitch black pegasus that stood at the door. The pegasus had red mane, tail, and eyes and looked extrememly nervous, "I..I got bo..bored...you al..always have som..something fun to..to do" he stuttered and Discord laughed, "Yes..yes, that is true, hey, come in, there some other ponies here, socialize" he smiled. Darkness sighed knowing all well there was no 'no' answer and nodded, trotting in and looked around, Discord pointed up the stairs and Darkness slowl headed up. Emerald sighed, "Well he didn't exactly hurt me, it just another Stallion that doesn't take a second glance at me," she sighed [ok just so you know...this is a different Darkness then afor mentioned by Emerald]
  22. Rarity looked at colette nervously, "m..may we...cuddle?" she asked shyly, "I..i just like holding something in my sleep..." she was beat red and stared at the floor, sort of shocked at what she just asked this girl she barely knew!
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