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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. "yeah," she said a bit solemly, "excuse me for not being to excited but she...well its just there was this stallion i thought was real cute and was hoping to get aquainted with...but it seems she is his," she sighed nd looked down, "Sometimes i really wonder, should i be looking at Stallions?" she asked Rainbow Dash, "Maybe I was ment to find a mare, Like Lyra and BonBon?"
  2. Emerald sighed happily as she sat next to Rainbow Dash and looked at her with a warm smile, "Its great to see you again, I missed ya...your such a close friend," she said trying not to put on emphasis on close.
  3. Emerald giggled and nodded, "I guess that is true!" she smiled warmly at RD and went through the door, using magic to hold it open for her then closing it once inside. She looked around....remembering all the good times when she used to hang out here for flight practice, "Still such a lovely house!"
  4. [Cheerilee is sweet and kind, she's the best teacher we could hope for!] Chrysalis looked around and kind of slunk back to the corner and sighed wirh her head down, the hair covering her face again.
  5. Emerald nodded and took to the sky to follow her friend, "I haven't been to your house in ages!"
  6. She sifghed, "fine, let's go back to your house then?" she asked, "Not so public," she said with a faint blush. [imma go as well...not that im on much anyway...sigh]
  7. "no..no, i don't wanna talk about him," she looked at RD, "But its ok, dad took care of that," she smiled softly as she wanted to cry.
  8. "ye..yeah, they hurt me here.." she said pointing to her heart, "and one hurt me here," she said softly as she rubbed her shoulder, "i..i'd rather not talk about him," she sighed, "Why can't Stallions be as warm, welcoming, and compassionate as mares, I mean my mare friends are great, like you and Scissors, always there and caring and actually worring about me," she looked down with a sigh
  9. "It means i can do anything i want...its not good to have that temptation or power." she said as she returned to her normal turn and panted a bit, "It's also very tiring,"
  10. Emerald looked to Scissor and shook her head, "I..I'll catch up," she smiled warmly, "I..I just want to talk to Dashie for a bit, I haven't seen her in a while," she said warmly as she turned back to Dash. Soon the other mare had left and Emerald sighed, "I'm lost right now," she said with a sigh, "I just keep seeing love couples and it hurts me so much, why is it i can't find a stallion?"
  11. Chrysalis looked down and sighed as she took pawns shape and form, "[colour=#a9a9a9]This is my power, I can change form[/colour]" she said as she stayed in his form so they could she it wasn't just a magic illusion.
  12. Emerald spotted RainbowDash as well and pelted after her, "Dashie!" she cried out as she pelted after the mare.
  13. He shrugged, "Your call really, it would take us about an hour to scrounge for what we would need as far as food goes," he said, "or we could go buy it and only spend 10 minutes," he said, even if he hated going into Canterlot, too many ponies, he was bad in crowds.
  14. He shrugged, "up for a hike?" he asked, "we could take an adventure to Ponyville" he grinned, "went there once, i traveled through the mountains and Everfree, that was fun," he said to her, "but your call"
  15. [imma be going for like 30 min, just so you all know Emerald is just flying around the empty stadium doing simple stunts that wonderbolts do for warm up]
  16. "see, even you know im not good enough!" she said and stormed out, "No one even would notice if i went missing!" she snarled back and flew off toward the center of the stadium to do acrobatics she did to cool off, she had trained with RD at once point when she was younger and the mare had taught her soooo much.
  17. Emerald looked away and just looked out the window sadly, "why does everyone lie to me," she looked back at her aunt now not just upset but a bit mad, "If i was soooooo perfect how come i can get any stallion to even second look me!" she growled, "look at Light, he swoons over you and Sunny, im sure he would faint at Luna and die over my mum, but he won't even second look me!" she turned away
  18. "why not, look at all the others!" she wailed, "your perfect, Luna's perfect, Moms perfect," she looked down, "Chrysalis would make a better princess then me"
  19. Emerald sighed as she followed Celestia, "I don't belong with our population, with the commons," she sighed, "I'm nothing like my mum, im not worthy of royalty," she said as they walked away from the others.
  20. "no" she sighed, "no one want me," she said, "you remember Darkness" she sighed and looked down, "and Thunder" (for the sake of everyone knowing, she has been left/dumped twice, and being royalty and never really getting out she feels she is gonna be alone...it a bit complicated, she has low self esteem and extrememly shy, and seeing other couples or affection remind her of them and she gets upset)
  21. "away," she said softly, "why?" she asked turning to her aunt, "can i run a task for you, like...far away?" she asked almost sincerely, her normal serene eyes were bit puffy and red, she had been crying.
  22. Emerald had walked up, "mum are you he..." she called out in time to see the affection that Light and Sunny shared and sighed, she also saw how he was now an alicorn and closed her eyes, "ne..nevermind...it can wait," she said as she headed out once more.
  23. Emerald looked over to see even the other mare had a special somepony and ran away crying now, heading toward an isolated cloud. Cadence sat with Shining Armor in the crowd and sighed, "Emerald is sad," she said feeling her daughters sadness, and turned toward her husband who sighed, "She must learn herself, its just she is so shy and self consious,"
  24. Emerald sighed as she saw how much Sunny and Light liked eachother and she looked over, "I'm..im gonna go" she said as she headed away, maybe Celestia would welcome her up there, maybe her mum would be there as well....there was no reason to be here, she was needed.
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