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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. Emerald sighed and sat down next to Light without realizing.
  2. Emerald looked at her, "who cares if your not the best, dont you like flying? thats all that matters" she said
  3. "Sh..she said she found me...just laying at her doorstep and seeing i was an Alicorn she took me in," she shuffled a hoof, "she also watches me and my...power," she said nervously.
  4. Emerald listen then heard sunny, "what, why not" she asked, "You have to come"
  5. Emerald kind of just sat and would occassionaly look at the stallion shyly before looking away, blushing a bit as she shuffled a hoof, not really knowing what they were doing or what was going on
  6. Emerald looked over toward the lone stallion and gave a smile to him as she slolwy got up and trotted over toward him, "You...havent spoken." she looked at him, "I..is you ok?" she asked.
  7. Emerald blushed, "th..thanks," she said and looked toward Scissors, "no, she just said to come here, nothing else...sometimes mum is so random,"
  8. [edited, btw, Cutie mark is an emerald verion of Cadence Cutie mark with a small shield like shining armors on it] Emerald nodded, "th..thank you" she said softly floating the cookie to her and taking a bite, after swallowing she smiled, "they are good," she said, "thank you"
  9. "h..hi," the mare said nervously, "I...I'm Emeraldheart," she shuffled a hoof, "m..my mum, Cadence, to..told me to come here...I'm not sure why." [can anyone see attachment?]
  10. She shuffled a hoof and looked down, "i..i don't know what i am," she sighed, "but Knight...be careful," she sighed, "i..i can hurt ponies who love me," she said closing her eyes tring not to cry, she sat, even if she wanted to run.
  11. a knock came at the door, it was very light and petite, obviously a mare's hoof. (for sake of jumping in her name is Emeraldheart, mare, about age of Mane 6, she is daughter of Shining armor and cadence and lmyharmony's character friend)
  12. [hey, may i join? is there a plot? can i play cannon or only OC?]
  13. She turned towards pawn, "I'm sorry," she said clearly hearing and sensing his irritation, "I'm Chrysalis," she said finally shaking the hair out of her face to show her neon green almost cat like eyes and she smiled, once more revealing her tiny fangs.
  14. Chrysalis giggled a bit as Siren made the comment about flying fast, "Your full of yourself," she teased and then got up to trot a bit and flittered her bug wings, hoping he now realized..she was an alicorn
  15. He lookeed at her, "It..its always so cute when your nervous," he grinned a bit as he kissed her cheek, "Its so cute to hear you stumble for words," he giggled a little and smiled, "So, now that we have that out of the way.." he looked at the sky, "What shall we do today?"
  16. Chrysalis nodded at her new 'friend' with a weak smile, showing her small fangs accidently, "I..I'm kind of noble," she said softly, "Celestia is my adopted mother."
  17. Darkness smiled warmly, "Oh I'm sorry did i wake you?" he asked her, "Didn't mean to..its just...we ended up cuddling in our sleep.." he looked down, "Didn't want to upset you that we were that close...not that it was bad..just.." he was beat red now, unsure what to say anymore so he kept quite, counting the pebbles around his hooves.
  18. Darkness sat upon a rooftop, basking in the shade (i know its odd), the sun made his pelt heat up to fast, he looked down upon the town, wondering what everypony was thinking. Most were probably out with a special somepony, something he would never have, or with friends, another thing that would forever evade him. He closed his eyes and rested his head, within this darkness the only thing a careful eye would catch were his red mane or tail, that was it.
  19. "i..i'm from Canterlot," she said softly as she shuffled her hooves
  20. Darkness sat under the shade of a nice large tree at the edge of the Whitetail Forest, watching Canterlot from there, that was like a past time to him. He sighed as he looked at all the happy mares and stallions going about there lives, but he didn't belong there, he was a freak, his colour and he was a unicorn born pegasus, a curse...at least that's what his parents instilled in him. He slowly got up and shook off, he wanted to see this parade, but he needed a shaded rooftop for him to be ok, so he took to the sky and prayed not to be noticed. [night]
  21. "I..I'm Chrysalis," she said softly, as she looked at her desk, she figured if she was shy they would stay away, she didn't wanna hurt anyone else.
  22. idk what happened or how it ended, but it was fn...mostly..idk, bye yall
  23. Praying she was normal Leisha gave her some love, enough to get her back on her feet and still with enough left that Lesha could give one good fight, "Come on, mostly everyone's free, we gotta get to time turner!" she said as the memories flashed back she knew he was the one, "You too Cadence, my dearest sister, let us be on our way!" Moonlite looked around as the love struck ponies seemed to be returning to normal, ho..how," she wondered before touching her horn to quill to begin healing him.
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