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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. "No..no, please, don't move," Moonlite said to quill, "your still hurt, relax, let me heal you," she said soothingly.
  2. She looked over at him and shuffled a hoof nervously as she coughed, "y..yeah"
  3. Moonliter soon ran over, "Quill!" she said nuzzling his neck affectionately but gently
  4. Leisha walked over, "come on Lovinity, fight it," she said softly, she stayed just out of reach of a physical attack if Lovinity happened to be faking it, it felt wrong, but she knew she couldn't get hit...she thought. "lovinity, we need you, I need you, Cadence needs you, please," she closed her eyes as her horn glowed purple giving Lovinity more passion, not love to aplify6, but passion to counter
  5. A fairly large but slender black female foal walked in as she hid her face behind her bright neon mane. she sat in the far back left seat. she had a terrible way with others, she had a nack for hurting them, not even physically, just something about her could hurt them...especially ones who fell into foal love with her.
  6. Rarity nodded, "yeah.." she let out a small sigh, "guess so" she wasn;t eager to go out with that monster, but she would get to hang with colette at least.
  7. (Sweet Celestia this moved way too fast) Leisha paniced and had ran inot the everfree, far away, she sighed and stared into the pool of shimmering blue water, "I failed hem all, didn't I?" she asked herself, and to her suprise her reflection answer, "not yet," it grinned, the eyes glowed green, "Liesha, you have wronged, against your own will, remmeber!" she snarled. Leisha gasped but then it all hit her, the memeories, the horror, she was the changling queen! She shook her head, "but how..." she started, the reflection looked away, "destroy me," she said, "I am the chanling side, "destroy me!" it snarled. It shock Leisha indeed let out a massive blast at the poola dn stumbled back, gettign knocked out. she drempt of running away from the changlings, fighting them off..and soon..soon into her sisters arms....she started awake. "I have to do it!" she said with a jolt, not realizing that he heart was unlocked. She bolted off and spotted the bright coloured RD with Cadence, She quickly flew straight at on of the blasts and it warped around...but not touching..her horn, soon warping from its original colour to a royal purple, "no cadence" she said softly as her ees glowed, "no...we need you!" she said loudly as the ball of purple energy exploded, hitting every pony withing 2 square miles =, point blank at cadence and lovinity. but it didn't hurt, no no, it cured...it went into there body and purified the infected parts, returin them back to normal. (blast probeley got about 1/2 to 3/4 of ponyville)
  8. sorry for double post but would like to mention that Darkness Eclipsed cutie mark, if you haven't read it, basically was given to him because he can never get lost, no matter what....so, maybe at some point the robber tries to lose us in a maze and he can help us get through it? Or if Darkness can be special then everyone accidently separates and darkness manages to get the robber, I could turn him evil or something later, his isolated socialy outcasted past makes him perfect...along with his more..erm..dark appearance.
  9. Rarity nodded as she slowly got up, now blushing lightly at the thought of her and colette alone in her bedroom, she tried to brush it off to no avail.
  10. Moonlite had be hiding in the corner, a bit shocked at what she had done just prior
  11. ._. anyway got anything in mind? also noticed u were looking for pm rp, we could bring this there?
  12. ok, do you want to just start a thread randomly and pm me the link, or will there be a plot?
  13. Leisha had slunk away, she didn't trust this Discord, something was far off, and that smell...that foul odor coming from his drinks, she didn't like this. And now Lovinity was cursed as well, and all burdun laid on her, she sighed, "what will I do?" she said to herself. (bed yall, ttyl)
  14. "I..I don't think yet, but the curse..." she said then discord appeared and she tensed up, something about this creature sent a bad nerve off in her.
  15. Leisha looked down, "bu..but Cadence, I saw...i felt..." Leisha began to cry, "we may have lost her," she finally said, she had breifly seen her tackling this Stallion, but not in the playfully way she did normally...no no...this was much worse!
  16. "I..do..don't love Charles," she admitted with a sigh, "i..I'm not into men....."she looked down, "I like women"
  17. Rarity sighed, "yes, there is something wrong," she said saddly as she looked down at her knees
  18. Rarity sighed a bit as she saw Charles and sat on the couch, not wanting to break his heart. Queen went straigt to bed with david.
  19. A blast came and knocked out the lovestruck pony as Moonlite sttod up and had protected him, her eyes glowed a bit as she snorted, "stay away from him!"
  20. "Lovinity?" she wondered and shrugged, "Not sure, but my dearest sisters how could you not remember me, it is I Liesha, sister of Passion, remember?" she sighed, "why has everypony forgotten me, I mean I just came back from Stalliongrad after that parasprite invasion and then Luna met me, she looked like that," she said once more pointing toward the NM statue, "She said how Cadence and Celestia had lost it and wanted to overthrow Canterlot, I agreed to help bring you two back to sane mind, I guess it worked!"
  21. "Dearest sisters!" Leisha cried out as she spotted the sisters in the didstance, "Sorry my dear friend I must go," se said as she flew after them, "dearest sisters!" she said warmly and passionatel, "oh how I have missed you, and Luna, I see you have left your power form, that is good, I guess that means all peace has been restored?"
  22. Leisha heard the ruckus and took to the sky, "I..is ponyville normally like that?" she asked pointing toward the chaos, "Hmmm, I better find my dear sisters soon" she said as she thought
  23. Moonlite awoke to hear some things, she slowly trotted to Quillhart and whispered, "Y..you've got bad eyesight?" she asked him softly, "i..i can change that...not permentantly, but for a few days"
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