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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. hey light, sure i feel she was dying, so yeah any rp will work, plot or no plot.
  2. Moonlite took a few steps before passing out, she was utterly exausted from such a magic overuse, she just needed a little rest. (dunno if Fluttershy will ever get on but sorry to godmod it) Darkness had grabbed Fluttershy and fled at the first sign of the outbreak, hauling flank to her cottage and barricading it, turning on just a few small lights to not give away there position, and he sat in a darker corner, nearly invisible...and waited. Leisha cocked her head, "Well its about 1000 E.R. of course," she shook her head, "what a silly question" (timeline i used: http://tlatophat.dev...eline-337314684) (liesha's heart lock?) "What about the elements, are they still safe?" Celestia asked urgently, "we need them fast, maybe our fourth sister can help," she said, "Look I have found out something that I had long forgotten, a memory I erased, its about Chrysalis!" she said quickly, "she is the sister of Passion, with her help we may be able to save Lovinity and Equestria," she said quickly.
  3. Her magic glowed as she strained, giving his wings just a bit of extra 'omph' to help them along, staying a good bit above the LoveStruck ones. Liesha looked confused, "Yes, I mean yes, i did just wake up in a crater but there must be an explination," she thought, "let's see, I was just getting off the train from that trip to stalliongrad, it was quite, and Luna appeared, she was bigger though, and much darker..like...that!" she said pointing toward the statue of Nightmare moon a bit in the distance, "yes yes, she said it was her power form...then she asked me to help her because Cadence and Celestia were out of control and were overtaking canterlot," she sighed, "I was wry at first but i agreed, then it all went black...then..I was here!"
  4. "Who's Chrysalis?" she asked him, "No no, I'm Princess Leisha, the royal sister of Passion, I work hoof in hoof with my dear sister Cadence to make sure every hearts and hooves day is one to remmeber!" she said in a bit of a royal voice.
  5. "y..you kissed me?" she looked confused, "I don't quite understand, do I know you?" she asked him, "Are we...married?" she dared asked, the last thing she remmebered was meeting Luna after the events of the parasprites in Stalliongrad, then she was here [ps, those events actually happened over 1000 years ago its basically a big story I have, don't worry it is all explained!] Celestia paced the castle, "where is Luna!" she worried, it was late in the night, her dear sister should have been back by now, there was something she had to talk about, if this wasn't disscussed then Chrysalis might die, she needed love, and there was more to CHrysalis then anypony knew [remember Celestia doesn't know about Chrysalis coming back] Moonlite hid high above the tree and closed her eyes, she was bound to die, then she spotted Quillhart with a pegasus, and she had an idea. It was risky but it was her only shot, she closed her eyes and began to focus, after about 3 minutes she soon sprouted makeshaft griffon wings. She carefully took to the sky, keeping high and slow as she headed toward Quill, hoping the pegaus would notice her, the wings only lasted a minute!
  6. [ps just gonna say this, Leisha is immune, for the solid fact that she is still Chrysalis, so she can basically absorb the 'love' and purify it, maybe she can learn to heal this 'infected' later on....also she is probeley gonna get back at whoever did this (i think it was discord) with an overdose of love so they fall in love with snips, snails, or twist ]
  7. Leisha looked at him, "Well you seem to be a very nice Stallion, thank you" she said warmly to him happily as she didn't know what was going on
  8. "Oh well I'm sure theres a few manga that would perk a guys intrest," she snickered a bit
  9. Rarity looked down, "He..he is nice, but...but I..I'm not into guys that much," she sighed as shem looked away, "I mean guys are great but...but woman are nicer"
  10. Leisha began to trot slowly away from the crater and toward Ponyville, limping lightly, her one hoof was hurt a little.
  11. Leisha soon got out and shook of once more, the dust leaving her coat as it revealed a ruby heart on her flank, there was a padlock over it, she indeed had a cutiemark!
  12. Only thing I can think of is just that all OC are new to town? ya know maybe a trip or something...idk
  13. Leisha blinked, "I'm fine, I'm sure of it," she said as she slowly climbed out of the crater, "Is Cadence near? or maybe Celestia, oh my dear sisters must be worried sick!"
  14. "hmm, yes, what?" she said softly and quickly, but slightly sternly...without intention, she just really needed to know.
  15. "ye..yes Ican," she said as she slowly got up and shook a bit, stepping a bit away to stretch her wings, "So...Ponyville...hoe peculiar, never actually been here," she said, "Guess today's a good day to visit,"
  16. "Canterlot of course!" she said proudly, "Come now, have you forgotten about your prince3ss?" she asked the stallion
  17. Twilight opened her eyes and stared warmly at him, "ye..yes Regal...I...I love you also!" she smiled warmly and passionately, "My its an amazing feeling!"
  18. "To..today?" she asked as she looked around, "Well....I'm not sure," she shook her head softly, "wh...where am I?"
  19. "...it's love" Twilight said softly as she leaned toward him again, "It..it's natural..we..we unicorns..we just know...when we have found...the one." she said slowly and softly as she slowly pressed her lips against his, her mind going a mile a minute.
  20. Moonlite slowly accepted the romantic gesture and held him close, closing her eyes Leisha slowly opened her eyes, they were the green of Chrysalis still as she looked around, "Where am I? she said as the green slowly faded away to the perfect sparkling green Emerald they were they were, "Wha...what happened?"
  21. She was beat red, and frozen, then she did something she never...ever..thought she would to, she slolwy and affectionately touched noses with that stallion. she then jumped back, "o..oh i..i'm so sorry, i..i just dunno wh..what came over me!" she said as she froze, What is wrong with me!
  22. [time spinner = stalker\..just saying] Twilight blushed, "ye..yes, I..I've read them al..all" she smiled warmly as she shuffled a hoof nervously, "I...I'm an Egg..Egghead," she giggled a little bit at that.
  23. She blushed heavy and nodded, "o..ok, if you want," she smiled warmly (um...puzzle...she ran into the middle of the plains outside of Ponyville and caused and explosion...WHICH NO PONY SEEMED TO NOTICE)
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