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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. She embraced the hug for a moment and nodded, "Yes, lets" she said with a smile
  2. She smiled and blushed, "tha..thast my cutie mark colour," she said standing up and looking toward her flank, and indeed her Cutie mark was a Sapphire heart with angel wings, "Its shows my protective nature and how valuable my heart is but also how fragile," she smiled warmly as she leaned over and gave hima quick peck on the cheek and then froze, "Oh my...I'm sorry...did i rush!" she was afraid that she just blew it!
  3. Rarity nodded and looked around this new carriage she was in, 'such strange place were in' she thought
  4. She blushed heavy but nodded, "Oh..Ok ye..yeah i'll go o the dance with you," she said blushing heavy as she took the stone slowly, the stripes turning into a sapphire gem colour as she held i and smiled
  5. Chrysalis climbed in back and held onto David and cried, this was all her fault, she hurt another person, this time it was someone she loved
  6. Derpy landed behind the new brown stallion, "Hi TheRe!" she cheered as she smiled widely at him, "I'vE neVer seeN yoU arOunD?" she asked him with a slight tilt of her head, "Are You nEw?" she asked nodding to spike and fluttershy
  7. Chrysalis nodded toward Discord and looked at Puzzlebeat and sighed, "No no, if you don't want me here, i'll go," she looked down, "I can see there is a mare you wanted anyway," she sighed as she turned to leave
  8. She looked at him, "re..really," she smiled at him, "You..you would still be my date to hearts and hooves party?" she asked him curiously, not wanting to bring up the topic which he was discussing. Darkness shuffled a hoof and sat as he hoped Fluttershy would respond soon, he had always wanted to meet her, being shy himself, she was his favorite element.
  9. "But...but," she sighed and the disquise fell, leaving the queen in her original form, "I'm Queen Chrysalis," she cried and looked away, "I don't blame you if you wanna run, or want me to leave"
  10. Chrysdalis nodded and followed charles, her face was a mess, make up running from the crying (she had black around eyes), Rarity felt a bit bad toward the queen but followed Conner.
  11. Liesha shook her head, "no, you were perfect, but i don't want to accidently hurt you," she sighed, "I'm not Liesha, Liesha doesn't exist" she said crying Moonlite was beat red and froze but nodded
  12. Liesha closed her eyes and smiled as she listened to him, "your..your amazing" she finally said to him as she opened her eyes and looked at him, then remembered something terrible, she was still Chrysalis. She sighed and looked down at her hooves, "but if i told him...he..he wouldn't want me," she said softly as she began to cry at the thought. Moonlite blushed as she smiled at him, "Guess.....well i guess I haven't found that perfect stallion..." she then blushed and looked at the ground, "Then again...I just met you," she was beat red as she shuffled a hoof. The truth was that she was a super nervous pony, but when she sees a sad pony she always has to make sure they are ok....but she never would have expected a handsome one like him to be the one she found.
  13. She blinked and blushed a bit, "Oh, um, thanks," she said as she slolwy sat beside him, opposite side of his bag, slowly floating the apple to her, "So..." she said taking a bite, feeling a bit awkward now, he was so nice and handsome, oh she was blsuhing!
  14. She nodded, "Yes, that would be so nice" she smiled as she sat nearby and nodded and smiled at him, wanting to see his talent.
  15. The Queen just slowly turned around and buried her face in the couch and cried a while, she wasn't sure why but she needed to cry, this shocked Rarity as the girl watched, the beaten and battered queen not only tried to leave, but was crying, "What did I miss!?" Rarity asked suprised 'Scotland, but i got a jet, where are you all?' he replied hastely then turned to Twilight, "Ok now listen to me, They have Rarity with them, unfortunately they also have Chrysalis, so when we get there, don't flip."
  16. Moonlite smiled, "Well ain't you a charmer," she smiled warmly at him, yeah he used the cheesiest pick-up line ever, but he was kind of cute, so she went along with it, "I'm Moonlite Frost, I'm alone too," she smiled, "But ya gotta keep your chin up!" she said warml gently picking up his chin with her hoof, "otherwise you may miss that mare you've been looking for" "Wow!" Liesha gasped as she looked a the equipment set out, "You run all this?" she said in suprise as she turned to him and smiled, "Most impressive"
  17. [don't kill me shadow but imma throw in a mare, i feel we might lack those, if there is any problem I do appologize and please pm me] "Why you cryin'? a smooth female voice asked as a few soft hoofsteps approached Quillhart, "Now don't be cryin so close to hearts and hooves day" she said. And then she sat next to him, she was a unicorn, about the size between an average unicorn and alicorn, very petite, a deep violet colour, icy blue mane and tail, and same colour eyes, they seemed to sparkle a bit as she smiled at him
  18. He nodded, "better then I was worrying it would be," he smiled and quickly snapped a picture using the camera he had next to his computer, then quickly took a face picture, and uploaded them. He then sent them to the user who had replied t him, via pm of course and smiled, "Now we wait Twilight"
  19. [sounds good] Liesha smiled, "Very nice name," she blushed, turning to Lovinity, "No, I should be quite alright with Puzzlebeat here" she said warmly and dipped her head farewell as she headed off with him
  20. Liesha smiled, "Well, please lead the way, this is my first time here," she said warmly as she nodded to Lovinity, "Hope to see you later," she grinned and awaited to follow the Stallion, "By the way, I'm Liesha, and you?"
  21. Liesha smiled and blushed slightly, "Well..if you..wanted a date," she smiled warmly, "I'm free," she said to him and shuffled a hoof nervously, awaiting him to say no, a handsome stallion wouldn't want her, well maybe her Leisha form..but not Chrysalis.
  22. Leisha smiled, "Oh now then, are you?" she asked, "and may I ask, if not too personal, are you going alone?" she smiled warmly
  23. Leisha smiled, "Why its ok," she saw a handsome stallion and nodded, "Where were you off to?" she asked him warmly tilting her head just a bit to the left.
  24. [picture of Leisha below] Leisha smiled, "Th..Thank you Lovinity she smiled warmly, it was like a whole new her, there was no more Chrysalis.
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