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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. Chrysalis looekd down, "yeah, i just didn't want to take my normal mare form," she sighed and glowed as she slowly changed herself, her pelt turned dark purple, eyes were emerald, and her hair was a beautiful translucent sapphire, she was still Alicorn, "Call me Liesha," she said in a smooth mare tone as she looked around with a smile (hey puzzle, theres a mare for ya )
  2. Darkness took a deep breath or two and began to slowly trot over there, it was so hard not to run, he was kind of terrified of mares, not afraid, he just hated messing up. He slowly reached them, "h...i ag...again disco..discord," he said as he smiled a bit, "su..such a ple..pleasure to me..meet you Flut...Fluttershy," he managed to say slowly meeting her eyes but quickly looking at his hooves, So cute! and an element, oh why am i here, no one wants darkness around them! he thought to himself
  3. Harvey poked Twilight, "hey get up," he said and sighed, "I gotta take a picture of your face and..erm...cutie mark," he rubbed his eyes, "But the faster we do this the faster we get to go to Rarity"
  4. Darkness rose from the bench and froze, he looked over to his left and saw her...it was Fluttershy! He blushed and looked down, she was even more cute then he had imagined, he sighed, that just ment he was even less likely to ever get to go to this party with her. He turned and looked at her and gave a weak smile, then spotted Discord and froze, his heart thinking that Discord was her some..pony..thing, whatever.
  5. She froze, and coughed, "yeah..hang out," she blshed and finished her pizza, "I..I'm not ure" she replied to him and slowly left a hand resting about halfway across the table to see what happened
  6. Chrysalis looked at the filly, "What Stallion wants me?" she sighed and sat staring at the sky, "I hate to be alone Darkness sat on a bench and stared at the ground, "Well this is going well"
  7. Darkness sighed and began to trot down the road, head down and saddened he didn't meet twilight Chrysalis shruggedm, "sorry" she said and sighed as she headed toward ponyville, she had actually just wanted Lovinity to follow her so she could find a special somepony, they will probeley all run away or attack her, she sighed again
  8. The queen screamed as she huddled under a tree and prayed, this was a bad idea
  9. Chrysalis sighed, "well i guess, but sorry Discord, I really want to find a stallion," she smiled and slowly headed off and turned to Lovinity, "Would you join me? Ponies might adjust more with you there"
  10. Rarity looked shocked, "Oh no dear, its quite alright, we can just share a bed," she said, "I could never let someone sleep alone out on a...couch?...but anyway, no really it will be fun!" she smiled, "Ah, just like Twilight's slumber party, minus the roof tree" The Queen had been working at the window, finally unlocking it, "Sorry David" she whispered as she slowly climbed out only to stumble and fall on the ground, "OW!" she screamed as a thorn gave her an arm scrap, but she began to run, on all fours, toward the road, not sure where she was going, but needed to get away!
  11. Chrysalis looked up, "Discord," she nodded her head, "Looks like I was a bit late to the party," she said jokingly about how she was just accepted by Cadence and Shining, "Eh, were not all like you though," she smirked and stood up stretching, then looked over to Ponyville, "To be honest I have been coming up with an alternate Alais, Liesha, maybe I will be her?" she said outloud.
  12. She looked at her tray, "You..and me...alone..my house...um" she was beat red as she tried to speak, "ye..yeah I would love to!"
  13. Chrysalis glared at her changlings and soon most flew off toward the cave, being full and wanting to be home, only about 5 stayed, they then took pony looking forms and went off to ponyville. Chrysalis sighed, "They are such a handful" she sat down and closed her eyes
  14. Harvey looked at her, "Y'allright?" he asked her, "Ya been tossin and turnin, was worried ya was sick er sometin" he said and sighed, "and still no reply from tem people on ma website"
  15. Chrysalis spun around jumped at her changling that had attacked Lovinity, "No!" she said and gave a stern glare at the changling as it stared with dear at chrysalis, "I said we are friends, you saw at Canterlot what happens when we attack them, no more!" she said and released the changling who ran to the back of its brothern, "anyone else?" she asked as she stared at them before slowly moving between it and Lovinity.
  16. Chryalis smiled warmly and gently hugged Cadence then stepped back, "But even so, I doubt any Stallion wants me," she sighed and looked back out the window, "But my changlings, go enjoy yourselves, remember, we are friends!"
  17. Chrysalis closed her eyes as she felt the love, but soon stepepd back and looked away, "Th..thats enough." she said, then turned and headed toward the window, "I..I'm just gonna go," she looked down at the city, "No one wants me around anyway," a pony could sense her sadness
  18. "I dunno how I am supposed to prove it," she said simply as she turned, "But for now I eed some...." she went into a heavy coughing fit, she looked up with them and a small drip of blood dropped from the side of her lip, "Love," she said as she sat and hung her head, "Its not just a source of power...but a food source" she looked at them with a weak smile, "Its the curse of the changlings"
  19. Harvey slolwy lifted the girl onto a couch and sat next to her and stayed on the forums to wait, phone at ready to get his plane ready.
  20. "We must wait for a response, but you look tired," harvey said, "Thats why i suggested to lie down," he smiled
  21. [hey is anyone controlling Twilight? Darkness was knocking on her door]
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