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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. Darkness nodded, "ye..yeah," he said slowly as he looked out the window, "I come all the way from Canterlot," he said with a smile, "I'm Darkness..Darkness Eclipsed" he said warmly to her, "So..you seemed to kno..know what you were doing well," he started to say, "Do..do you, by chance...own or help here?" he asked. His speech was occassionally slow and choppy, showing his either speech imparement or nervousness, the slight blush gave it away though.
  2. Rarity had noticed the odd devices and looked at them before hearing 'Queenie' and turned to them, "WHAT!" she gasped and began to stumble back, "No..No you tricked me! Queen Chrysalis is here! that evil wicked mare!" Chrysalis had heard this and stared out the window, "she is right you know, from there point of view i am an evil mare," she sighed, "Your the only one to ever see differently," she said to David.
  3. He slept soundly, curling up a bit into the cape, delicately though and began to snore so quietly it was more of a heavy breathing, and his chest rose and fell calmly. He was out cold, he was exhausted, he hadn't been this active in such a long time, but it was fun anyhow. As he slept he had weird dreams, most not making sense, but they all shared one thing, Fantasy was there, whether it was an adventure in Stalliongrad, or him graduated from the Wonderbolt academy, she was there.
  4. He had, after so many years of isolation, finally come out of his shell a bit, and for a good cause, dancing. Darkness had been paired up with a random mare, she was an unbelievable dancer also, sometimes leading a bit more then he was. He didn't care, he was having fun, this was a blast, he hadn't felt so alive in ages, he smiled at her as they danced. She appeared just a little younger than himself, so clearly she must have been either devolted to dance, or was one of the instructers, either way this was so much fun for him!
  5. Pinkie jolted up and ran to Silver, "hey wanna come with me to lunch?" she smiled warmly Darkness slowly rose and slowly made her way toward the door, yes she wanted to hang with Broken, but there were too many people to go right to him
  6. Rarity followed quickly as she looked around the house, "wow amazing!"
  7. "You passed out, and this is Princess Liesha," Twilight nodded and Liesha(Chrysalis) dipped her head, "Hello there Fluttershy"
  8. Twilight smiled, "Oh nothing, just a new Royal Sister has come to visit!" she said happily, she was growing fond of the idea of another royal sister, already forgetting the past
  9. Darkness was still drawing aimlessly still, distracted as shewould look to Broken, "Its so odd," she said softly, "He is so nice and were going on a date, and i don't even know his name" Pinkie was smiling as she looked at Silver as she was happy.
  10. Chryslis fell out of bed hearing Rarity's name, "Oh dear, I dunno, she..she might not be as accepting of me as David was," she said and looked down and sighed
  11. Rarity began to awake with a cute but l;oud yawn and blinked a bit, "huh? where are we?" she said just waking up and needing to still get her bearing of this new world.
  12. She blushed and began to stare out the window, "Oh my I'm going on a date with that handsome guy!"
  13. *Rereads Darkness's bio* yes..yes she might she has never been approached by a male for that reason, let alone asked out
  14. She went wide eyes, and then beat red,"yo..you want me, me, to go with a..a handsome man like you," she fanned her shirt, completely flustered and lost but nodded in her reply and her face went cherry red.
  15. Darkness froze, did someone just approached her, no wait they talked to her! She slowly look up and went beat red and looked down Oh sweet Celestia, of everyone to approach me its him, SO HANDSOME! she tried to think, "um..well. no," she sighed, "I..I wasn't invited, no..no one every invites me to parties," she sighed.
  16. Darkness had been there the entire time, just watching it all, every strange odd moment of it, she never fit in. She was mostly watching Broken, he was handsome, but she couldn't ask him out, plus she wasn't invited to the party so it would be awkward. She sighed and leaned back in her chair, closing her eyes.
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