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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. Yes, and i think it would be a bit fun to have a shy pony (darkness) coming out of his shell as he wants to dance
  2. Rarity had passed out in the back of the plane on a couch and was snoring ever so softly.
  3. Well I Drakky is there but I'll still throw out my stallion, Darkness Eclipsed () of course assuming she isn't a filly as in the app, but anyway, yeah...
  4. Hey if I get a chance to post maybe I can still be in, just like a background helper? I just couldn't keep up for a Mane 4, didn't want to hold y'all back
  5. "If you put it on me," he teased as he closed his eyes, "I'm not getting back up," he yawned and curled up a bit
  6. (Anyway in just gonna leave, I'm not on enough, this is moving to fast. :,( sorry)
  7. "It was my fault, I made a big mistake and it went way over my head," she admitted and sighed, "And I will have to stay here, to hold open the portal,"
  8. Your name: Darkness Eclipsed Your age: 18 Your grade: 10th Your gender: Female Your Race: Pegasus Description of self:(Looks/hight/weight) She is 5' 9", petite, weighing only 150 lbs. she has red, obviously dyed, hair, bright red eyes, and very pale skin. She is also very skinny, but overall kind of cute. She wears a black tanktop, coming short abover her belly button, with her Cutie mark dead center, between her chest. She wears semi baggy black jeans and black boots. But due to her past she is Extremely shy, like literally Fluttershyish, and isolated, but if you manage to befriend her..or more...then she will be the most loyal, caring and considerate friend you could ask for. Quick Back Story: (Who are you/Where you come from) She was born and raised in a small community of Unicorns and frowned upon for be the sole Pegasus. After having to bear through most of her childhood years alone and sort of neglected she ran away to Canterlot and now is here, hence why she is shy and isolated. Cutie Mark: (normally worn on an article of clothing/necklace, sometimes a tattoo.) A 3/4 full moon with a compass on it.
  9. Pinkie began drawing him, without even realizing it and went beat red and looked around.
  10. Darkness padded down the streets of Canterlot, everything was closed, what was up with this? He sighed and decided to head back toward te forest, sighing as he ha gotten nothing accomplished.
  11. Well in gonna be covering the emo like kid once I get my app posted. Not sure if should make male or female, but anyway they are isolate, shy, reserved, and always wear black. Red hair, and eyes, also named Darkness Eclipsed.
  12. He nuzzled her neck and smiled, "I'm gonna lay down, may pass out for a bit," he as he say then laid down, goin to his side, "Feel free to join me,"
  13. Great you make me feel like in falling into a trap thy will leave her heart broken and depressed forever!
  14. Darkness looked around, the coast looked clear so he padded down the road with a sigh until he bumped into a sign, "Hey who put this sign here?" he asked as he looked at it, "Summer sun festival, bah, there will probeley be too many ponies there," he sighed and got up and trotted on
  15. Pinkie froze and looked up, "Si..silver!?" she said in a hushed tone but still so excited, "Yes! Oh yes I would love to!" she cheered still quitely ad hugged him quick and blushed, "Sorry, but yes I would love to go,"
  16. She shook his hand and sat then she sighed, "Alright now that Davids asleep I got some news," she said and looked over her shoulder to make sure he wasn't there, "I can open a portal back to Equestria, I just need to reverse the order of the runic symbols," she sighed, "Only problem is that I will have to remain here in order to keep the portal open.
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