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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. Darkness spotted a pony, a mare Pegasus to be exact and ducked into the shadows. Due to his past he wasn't a very social pony an knew he would mess up talking to her do he tried going instead, he just hoped she would be too distracted to notice his mane and tail, they kind of stuck out/
  2. Chrysalis walked down and kissed him, "I'll be in later love, I wanna talk to them about what's going on," she said ad returned to them, "So I'm chrysalis," she said to Conner.
  3. Chrysalis nodded and smiled at David, "Let's go in," she said and kissed him softly and held his hand as she led him in.
  4. (then turn...she her sad and looking at him..go over ad ask...problem solved!) Pinkie began to draw doodles in her book of hearts and roses and stuff like that.
  5. Rarity took a second to figure it out but buckled and held on not sure what to expect/
  6. Pinkie just leaned her head against an arm and watched silver, sad and upset a he clearly had no feeling toward her, at least no where as strong as her feelings toward him.
  7. "I would love to, I don't know how I can, but I will," she said, "As far as getting home, I'm not sure yet, I have to look at what exactly happened with my stasis rune and reverse it,"
  8. She was in utter shock as se felt his lips press against hers, the spark, "My sweet Celestia, th...that was amazing," she said and grabbed his forearms, not hard ad pulle him in for a kiss again, giving him all the love and passion she could possible muster up. She slowly pulle back and went beat red, "I..I'm sorry that just felt so amazing," she held her heart, "I feel all fluttery here, is that normal?"
  9. She held him too, "Yes..I feel something toward you too David, I cannot explain it, it just feels....right...to be near you," she slowly stopped crying ad just held him.
  10. Darkness saw the 'star' impact the hill from atop 'his' waterfall and sighed, "This is why I avoid cities, too much hastle," he sighed and spread his wings, heading toward Canterlot sadly, he needed to buy a few things, dawn was the perfect time to do this.
  11. Rarity nodded and got in and sat on the back She then sighed, "No! No more lying!" she began to cry a bit, "Om not Crystal, it's me, Queen Chrysalis!" she said and fell to her knees and began to sob, "What have I done!"
  12. I wish to play Ditzy/Derpy and/or Luna/NightmareMoon Wow that's a lotta (/) in one sentence
  13. "I...no..." she looked at silver sadly and went inside slowly.
  14. She giggled, "I'm chr...Crystal, CrystalHeart;" Chrysalis lied know that this man next to her was a pony, she could just tell it, "So..." she looked around, "You came from Equestria too?" she said, "Im a Unicorn, I can just tell"
  15. "I suffer from depression," Pinkie said as she got up, "It...it makes me feel very very down once in a while and I have to get away; they were just concerned about me, being my friends," she said with a sigh, "I'm sorry for the trouble, we will come in now,"
  16. She couldn't help it, no matter how hard she Queen tried, she blushed deeply at this man's appearance, "So...um, what's your name?" she asked him slowly as she nervously shuffled a foot. 'what is this odd feeling I am having in my stomach?' she asked herself mentally, 'Could this be...no I can't..can I?'
  17. "s..silver?" she said and looked over at him and smiled and sighed, "Am I ugly?" she asked him and looked away, "Ugly and freaky?"
  18. There is a 18+ section for an 18+ rp, so expect this to be removed/moved, just a heads up
  19. She did so and helped him carry it over and packed it in happily as she looked at the massive, plane, as he called it "Fie fine whatever you say," she said and looked over, "But yeah why are you so worried, I don't even want to feed on love, it's making me sick!"
  20. "Oh my..what is that!" she gasped at Ye large metal contraption in front of them.
  21. I can make one in about 30 min. His name is Nicolas Martinez, 18 years old, male
  22. Rarity looked around, "Where are we!?" she was in awe Chrysalis nodded, "Ah your boyfriend, are you not excited to see your loved one?" Chrysalis was confused, "I promised to not harm him,"
  23. Rarity nodded and followed and got in the car, "Ok lead on!" she smiled, 'I like him a lot, but something is still missing....'
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