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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. Rarity blushe but stepped back nervously, "A..are we ready to go?" she shuffled a foot and looked at him.
  2. She smiled a bit, "Yeah, but no Luna cant, It has to be specifically nightmare moon, they have different magic auras," se explained
  3. "yes ok," she said as got up, "And a curse can only be reversed by the caster and I also believe they forgot I am there sister,"
  4. Pinkie looked away, "Don't act like I am, I know the truth, in a freak!" she said as she began to cry.
  5. "I...I'm not wanted," she sighed and she looked at the ground, "I'm ugly and weird and will be alone forever!" she said quite distraught and upset
  6. "I..um it's just...I said...un," she stammered as he turned to her, "I wa asking...how you were sure...there was a stallion...like...you"
  7. She smiled, "Yeah, but like...how do you know?" she asked him, "I mean how can I be sure there is a stallion just like you....." she went beat red.
  8. Pinkie just looked away, "Just leave me please," she said a bit down as she looked at the ceiling.
  9. "I have been looking for a perfect stallion, erm, male for like ever" she sighed, "And I'm just trying to know what's wrong with me?"
  10. "I..I'm not wanted," she said simply, "I mean I haven't seen anyone look at me in any manner of attraction," she blatantly stated, "I mean you have Nova now and it seems as it everyone else is kind of hooking up anyway," se closed her eyes and hugged her legs, "Am I that unattractive?" she asks RD, "I mean not a single person has made any recognition of me,"
  11. "Yes and Charles, I gotta ask you a question," she sighed and looked at him, "I'm having...love problems, I just can't get any male to love me...am I looking at te wrong gender?"
  12. "look at her," she said to him and nudged over at Dashie, "I mean how come she I so lucky?" she asked as she looked around and got up, "Please excuse mrs teacher I must use the restroom!" pinkie announced and ran out and down the hall a bit before sitting against some lockers, "Stupid Pinkie!" she said as she hit her head against the lockers and sighed
  13. "Yes, um, I don't remember if you told me your name," she said as she sat next to him, "If you did in so sorry fr forgetting it
  14. Pinkei saw this and sighed as she laid her head on the table wanting to cry, now Dashie even had a someone special, she closed her eyes, 'please don't cry Pinkie!' she screamed in her head
  15. Rarity only slept for like 30 minutes before she got up and sighed, "Wait....did he ever even tell me his name?" was all she could think as she headed out of the room and spotted him, "Hey!"
  16. She nodded and smiled as she climbed into the bed and immidiatly passed out, alseep and snoring so lightly an more of a squeek then snore
  17. Rarity nodded and got out of the car slowly and grabbed her stuff, "So what are we packing?" Chrysalis sighed, "Nightmare moon is the evil version of Princess Luna, so basically during the events of nightmare moon, I was away helping with a parasprite issue, I was a royal sister. Nightmare moon sent a letter to me saying that Celestia and Cadence went evil, when I return home Nightmare moon pretends to be weak and says she needs help and i agree. Nightmare moon corrupts me with this curse and thas why i am what I am."
  18. (Pinkie is alone!) Pinkie smiled at Puzzle, "So what's up with Rainbow Dash?" she asked a bit worried as she saw how her friend had left, she also looked around for silver and spotted him and smile.
  19. He nodded a bit and kissed her cheek, "Yeah guess im still a bit tired," he replied to her and looked at te sky and smiled as he watched the stars
  20. "I..I'm not sure but the love is making me sick to my stomach," she looked at the ground and began to cry a bit, "Stupid nightmare moon and her curse, I wish I wasn't so stupid!"
  21. "What?" She asked looking at a bird outside, "Sorry pretty bird, anyway to class!" she said and ran out ad left, then froze, "Wait!" she thought, "Right wrong way!" she said as turned around as ran off
  22. She looked at all the couples and suddenly felt sick to er stomach, "No..no," she shook her head, and turned to Coletta, "I..I can't," she sighed and closed her eyes, almost about to cry. Rarity nodded happily and followed him out
  23. "Huh?" she asked, "Sorry kind of remembering Silver, he was so nice!" she sad and blushed as she walked off towar math.
  24. "Yes!" she said and ran back to the rooms and changed and ran back, "Ready!"
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