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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. "Yeah I'm Pinkie Pie and I'm here to say I want to Partay!" she cheered and smiled at him, "So garentee I will be there!"
  2. Pinkie bust out laughing as she fell down and smiled, "Yeah I'm fine, how bout you party boy?" she teased happily as she got up in a leap and offered a hand
  3. She looked away at the last mentioning fact, "I rather not bring back those memories," she said almost saddened Rarity smiled, "well them I just won't wear them!"
  4. [colour=#282828]Name: Darkness Eclipsed[/colour] [colour=#282828]Gender/age: mare or stallion, whichever Synkyd isn't[/colour] [colour=#282828]Cutie mark: 3/4 moon with compass[/colour] [colour=#282828]brief backstory: raised by bad family, alone most of life, wants fun and somepony[/colour] [colour=#282828]why ye need yer time in ere: Been doen and alone for long enough, want some fun for a night[/colour] [colour=#282828]translation:18+[/colour]
  5. "that matters?" she asked as she put down the clothes and undergarments, "Well I guess I can try to adjust to it,"
  6. Te new Spartan remained silent as he moved up to take up the other pilot seat.
  7. (Lol sorry) Rarity looked around as the woman went and helped her pick them out, an unfortunately, show how to put then on. Then they return and she looked at him, "Bra feels odd," she said simply
  8. She nodded and did so and looked back out at the couple and sighed, "Where to?" she asked. Rarity smiled and cheered and handed him a few more shirts and skirts and smiled, "Now what are these bra as panties?" she asked
  9. Chrysalis sighed, "See that's just it, no one really understands us!" she said and stared at te girl and slumped on te couch, "I wasn't playing on hurting or touching your boyfriend," she said Rarity came out in a white tue top and a short white skirt, "So?"
  10. She ran to the changing room, upon getting in and locking the door she held her chest and went beat red, "Rarity what are you doing!" she said insulting herself, "You belong in Equestria you cannot love this boy!" she sighs and begins to change
  11. Rarity gasped at it, yeah it wasn't the best condition but she put it on, "oh my Celestia, thank you!" she said and wrapped her arms around him an kisse him. She let go and blushed, "Sorry, got a bit too happy," she smiled and picked up a few shirts and skirts, "Let me go try!"
  12. "But barely anything matches good enough and then it also has to match my complexion hair and eyes!" she said frantically
  13. She sighed, "Yes, if that is your wish Cyrie," she sat and looked at Cadence and close her eyes
  14. Ok so I saw a thread for something like this but it appears to have died and was also restricted to 18+ due to content, so I'm gonna try and rewrite this and allow it to be more open to everyone. Ok so basically the ECC is a number you can call and the 'automated' voice will ask you to whom you wish to speak with, you can talk to any cannon character. Now what you say is up to you and I shall act as in character a I can, and it goes from there. This will all be done via PM to give us a more open feel and also make it seem like it is a private call. Two people could call one pony atte same time for a group chat but no more than that please, here is your form: Name Age Gender Whom you are calling Why (Don't have to write if you don't want to and dont say anything over 18+ in here!) A bit about yourself Anything I missed? Ok but once in pm anything can happen, that's the fun of it, I hope this works out....oh btw the 'automated' voice, or the operator, you can speak to as well
  15. Chrysalis walked over and touched her horn to Cryie's head, "It's ok you did what you felt was right," she smiled, "But it was so harsh to find love, but we did what we must, but it's time to start a clean slate,"
  16. "I actually usually don't see her until near sunrise," he said as he stretched and laid down happily and smile at her, "She works at library till late then sleeps then when she wakes I go and stop by, breakfast as what not," he explained as he smiled at her and yawned.
  17. Chrysalis stated out the window, watching as more of these creatures walked by, some holding hands, so happy, she closed her eyes and sighed, "Have I been so cruel?" she wondered and looked back at them, "I mean I need to feed, but At what point did I cross the line?" Rarity was going exstatic tring to find matching outfits, but also ones that went well with her new body, wanting to flaunt it but not expose it, it was very difficult!
  18. Cadence looks over, "Hello there, who might you be dear Pegasus?" she asked sweetly, then Chrysalis looked over, "Oh joy another changling," Cadence nodded and went aside to allow them to talk
  19. Pinkie smelled it, well sort of, the lonelyness, the emtyness, the person in need of her attention, "NO PONY SHALL GO UNTURNED!" she said and ran over to Silver, "Hi,I'm Pinkie, not sure we met, did we meet, i don't think we met, its nice to meet you, or re meet you,"she said with a smile and held out er hand and waited. (but gtg, sigh, wont be 0n for nother 12 hr! sigh again, sorry silver, at least you have something to start ith )
  20. Bra and underwear?" she asked but shrugged and walks off to shop
  21. Pinkie shook her head, "Nah I'm good!" she smiled and looks around, "And as far as party I'll be there!" she said and grabbed her stuff and walked out, soaked
  22. She looked confused still but shrugged it off and followed him in
  23. Pinkie offered a hand to Fluttershy, "Come on Fluttershy, let's get you washed up, wanna go to the ladies locker room?" she offered as she smiled warmly at her freind.
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