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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. Im a bit confused you keep changing genders throughout the bio, between she then him then herself then himself
  2. Pinkies head popped back upon sensing the new arrival and in a heartbeat she was in front of him, "Hey there are you new, you just came in, that means you were late, was it because of a party, I throw epic parties ya know!" she bounced a bit and stick out her hand, "In Pinkie pie!"
  3. Pinkie Pie watched with a much eager expression as she bounced in her chair, "Come on, come on, POP!" she screamed eagerly
  4. Your name: My name is Pinkie Pie (and I am here to apply!) Your age: 16 Your grade: 9 Your gender: Female Your Race: Earth human! Description of self:(Looks/hight/weight) Pinkie Pie is a slightly pinker skin colour (not too much though) then most pony/humans and is about 5/ 6" tall. She only weight 175 lbs because of how active she is but maintains the weight by eating lots of sweets. She has pink curly hair down not shoulders, and bright pink eyes Quick Back Story: Pinkie was raised on a rock farm with her family but upon finding the magic of the party she was able to go and make her own in the real world. she is an amazing party planner and can throw one heck of a high school party. She joined along with her other 5 mane friends and have been with them since so young. Cutie Mark: She has 3 balloons, 2 blue with a yellow in middle slightly higher up, its on her pink shorts on the left back pocket (looking at her from behind left) also on her pink shirt (the shirt is cropped just above belly button) in center.
  5. I'm confused, your actual rp says opens nf this says closed except teachers an mane 6. So can apply for Pinkie Pie?
  6. Twilight nodded and helped the mare carry Flutrershy home
  7. (we are not in 18+ do please change) Twilight nodded, "I was but you got her upset clearly, and cadence too," she replies to her friend
  8. Name: EaglesHarp (Codename; Harper) Age: 32 Rank:Spartan EOD Backstory: Harper was one of the first child Spartans (Children brainwashed and raised at 11-12 to become Spartans) but unlike most he kept his sanity and reasoning, not becoming a killing machine. He was tasked for this mission as a back-up, the original pony intended to go just passed on. Weapons: standard Designator Marksmen Rifle, duel Magnums, and a Scattershot (Trophy from a Promethean encounter)
  9. Twilight trotted over to Rainbow Dash and helped her out with getting Fluttershy
  10. I live in PA and usually on between 12 and 2:30 am and sometimes spurratically throughout day, only when working do I get on during day
  11. She looked lost as he placed an odd device in his ear but shrugged and laid back on the seat and closed her eyes happily
  12. "oh now you making hard for me," she sighed, "Telling a dress maker she can't wear dresses, well what clothes are there?" she asked a bit interested.
  13. She slowly got in and sat down and looked around a bit scared and unsure
  14. She stared at it, "How do you assume I do that?" she asked looking at the metal contraption, "And where are rh ponies pulling it?" she asked as she walked around it and put a hand on it, "It's so cols
  15. "Dracula? Vampires?" she asked and scoffed, "But anyway what is your point, is this conversation leading somewhere?"
  16. Rarity nodded, "Good, it's so gross wearing the same outfit again!" she said as she looked at it, "Even if it is lovely,"
  17. She looked confused, but after about 20 minutes managed to start a shower and 10 minutes later was done and looked around as she sighed and dried off. She put on the same clothes, with no other choice and sighed, "Well rarity, what now?" she wondered as she headed back to the room she was in before, hair still soaking wet.
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