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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. "Fine you want that?" she said to them and nodded stepping back, her body turned a saphire blue, her hair was a majestic smooth flowing Emerald, and her eyes were sparkling Crystal, "There is that better?" she asked with a smile, there were no fangs. Cadence looked over, "Ah taking your Princess form?" and Chrysalis nodded, "Yeah"
  2. Hi there I'm interested, if still open. Would love to play Rarity or Fluttershy if allowed
  3. He smiled as she splashed, "Oh its on!" he teased her as he flipped a bit of his wing down to splash her lightly back, laughing happily as he did so
  4. "Dopple stop that!" Chrysalis said in a sharp tone, "I shall not ask you again, stop being so rude to others, Nexar has his own ideals and beliefs, as do you," she said to him, "Now what was that Nexar, ah yes how I am both Alicorn and Changling?" she smiled, "The Changlings are actually just a name I gave us to represtent our talant to transform, we aren't a new race or species, just cursed ponies, So I am an Alicorn and was cursed to take this form and given these powers,"
  5. "Dopple, no," Chrysy said to him, "I came here for peace, please, no getting hostile with her, she is confused, as they all are, but we will explain that soon," then she saw the new Stallion appear and smiled, "Ah another changling!" she smiled and walked up to him, "Hmmm....let me see, ah Nexar, was it?" she asked, "I see a lot of you chose Ponyville, good"
  6. "I say dopple, not at the moment," she said having not looked at him but recognizing his voice then she froze, "dopple?" she looked over to the Stallion, "So thats where you got to!" she smiled and waved her tail to becon him over, "And relax, I just need a little love and dear Cadence here will help me," she said to him, "believe it or not your dear queen is a Royal Sister, long story"
  7. "She didn't know she was, that memory was erased," she said and floated out a book, "This is Luna's Diary, she had somechances to break out of Nightmare moon to jot down some notes," she explained, "Celestia found it last year, exploring the Sister Ruins," She explained, "Its a long story so...." "Sorry were late y'all, Pinkie just had to find the per....."Apple Jack said as she sprinted toward the group only to freeze as she spotted Chrysalis, "What's she doin' here?" "Yeah, aint she evil?" Pinkie asked "No, now come join us," Cadence said and the two mares joined the group, "Also, Rainbow Dash, she may look different but she is still an Alicorn," Cadence pointed out, "Changling is just a special name she gave her race due to the ability to use strong magic and take a new form, thats it,"
  8. Cadence sighed, "Oh I see, so because of one action that happened 10 years ago that I, The wife effected by this, have forgiven her for," she stared at RainbowDash, "You would let her die?" Then she smiled, "Oh by the way, did I forget to mention, she is my sister? As well as Celestia and Luna of course" Chrysalis looked down when Cadence mentioned this, as if ashamed to be a Royal sister, though with her previous actions this was no shock to Cadence who put a hoof on her sisters shoulder, "Relax dear Chrysy, once I can convince Rainbow Dash here the rest will be easy," she said and Chrysalis nodded
  9. "Ok, now look through Chrysalis's eyes for just a moment," Cadence asked the mare, "She needs love, someone is holding the love from her, she needs the love," she said simply, "Its the same idea with you, you would do anything to save the WonderBolts, well..." Cadence pointed to Chrysalis, "She needs to do anything to live," she explained and Chrys sighed, "Rainbow Dash," the mare said softly, "Its a long story, just settle down, we found a book that explains it all, you don't get why I had to do what I did," she sighed, "My race...they were dying"
  10. Its fine, please note you will 99% of the time, be in disguised form
  11. Fill out the form , just look at the last form, I'm not too picky
  12. He smiled and trotted toward it and dived it without hesitation, "Now come on, its fun!" he smiled warmly
  13. "Again I shall repeat, when you hear what we have found out about the changlings you shall see they are not so bad as you think," Cadence, "Let's say someone took the Wonderbolts hostage Rainbow Dash, you would do anything to get them back right?"
  14. But instead she found herself held just inches away by pink magic, that of Cadence. The Alicorn mare walked up to Rainbow Dash and sighed, "Did I not just tell you to NOT do that exact thing!" she yelled at the rainbow pegasus mare, "I mean really, just listen for once," she sighed, "Now appologize!" "no no, Cadence I don't think......" Chrysalis began but was cut off, by Cadence, "No Chrysy, your going to be part of this town and they will learn that you don't mean harm, easpecially after we tell them about what we found in the book."
  15. He smiled at her and kissed her, "Yeah, guess that place was quite an adventure," he giggled and smiled at her. He looked around, not sure what to do now, he looked at her, "care to take a little dip?" he asked nodding toward the water, "So long as I'm the one who decided to get me wet then I'm fine with water," he laughed, musing in the story of how he found here
  16. "Good, and that applies to the rest of you as well," she said to Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, "You need to keep calm and do not assault her!" she directed this more toward Rainbow Dash, "she is trying to fit in, not how she used to be," she said to them and turned to the Train, "Alright Chrysy, come on out!" she called loudly. A black holed hoof stepped out of the train, followed slowly bu the black head with a bent horn, she fliniched from the bright light, "H..hi." she said nervously as she stepped out slowly and trotted next to Cadence, she looked at the ground. Cadence smiled, "Well yeah, here she is, its..." (leaving that open for someone to yell her name )
  17. "So what about you, I'm sure I asked before, but what was the most exciting thing you ever did?" he asked her, leaving it open to more then just adventures she might have had.
  18. Ah, well either way, I am only including the wedding, nothing more.
  19. "Hmm, well that depends on your version of exciting," he smiled at her, "in this forest I think the most exciting thing I did was chase a bunny, that's about it," he stuck out his tongue a little, "Now in the Everfree, oh I have had some adventures there, one time I saw this strange looking black and white mare, though she seemed a bit out of it so I left her alone,"
  20. He smiled at her warmly, "No I'm quite fine just sitting and talking," he said to her, "So, what shall we talk about?" he asked her, always loving her ideas much more than his own. He looked at the stars and then to the water, finally back to her.
  21. Cadence put a hoof on Twilight's shoulder, "Twilight, don't get to hyper there, this isn't one of those very good surprises its more of a..." she tried to think of the words to describe what this was, "..a test, yes that's exactly it!" Cadence smiled happily, "But I warn you Twilight, this will be the hardest test you have ever faced, not even close to comparison to what you achieved in the Crystal Kingdom," she explained and looked back to the train, "There has been a request made to Celestia, personally, from a certain mare, Celestia has accepted this request, as have I, and now it is your job, as well as the rest of your friends, to help..ease Ponyville of the new mare's arrival," Cadence turned back to Twilight in a bit of a darker tone, "Twilight, when that mare comes out you must promise me...no, no.....PINKIE PIE PROMISE me you shall not freak out or cause alarm to her, nor shall you treat her as a threat or fear, understood?"
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