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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. Oops sorry Nexar..yeah your fine, accepted, now to update front page
  2. He nuzzled her happily and smiled, "So what now my dear marefriend?" he asked sweetly and looked at the stars and smiled.
  3. Stringheaet Twiliy is all yours and you should make next post, and I think we will be fine, we have most of the Mane 6.
  4. He smiled and kissed her forehead, "Yes, now and here is so wonderful!" he said happily and blushed a bit and looked at her happily.
  5. "I stop back once a day, usually hiding in shadows until a friend of mine, Moonlite Frost, gets out of work," he smiled, "She is like a sister to me, been there since I stepped off that train," he turned to Fantasy, "So why you ask?"
  6. Prologue: (partial first person) The Train soon reached the Station and as Cadence looked out she saw the mane 6 waiting and turned to Chrysalis, "Now I'll go out first and call you out after," Chrysalis nodded. Cadence stepped off the train, "Twilight!" she cried as the mares did there special greeting and giggled, "How is everypony?"
  7. He laughed a bit at that, "yeah, guess your right," He kissed her forehead, "Comfy?" he asked as he gigged a bit, "hehe, that tickles"
  8. Yeah, sorry, thought everypony just knind of knew I was big fan of putting in 18+ Anyway yeah gonna post it soon, first post of mine shall be MASSIVE, because it is a major detailed prolouge
  9. Oh why you cant then? Well I will just have modify some ideas slightly, no biggie Also Please play Rainbow Dash if you can puzzlebeat
  10. Oh wait is everyone able to use the 18+ section on here?
  11. Darkness smiled and wrapped a wing over her and pulled her close, "Relax, I'm pretty sure there waters are clear, and beautiful," he smiled at her, "I don't think you have anything to worry about, really I don't," he said to her, "Just wish you could fly, then we could go on a night fly," he shrugged, "But no biggie, I like being with ya anyway"
  12. Ya Ha! Nikolai is here! Ok just pm me when the RP is up please, also may post a bit slow, not too much internet time
  13. Name: Nikoli Belenski (Melee: Sledge Hammer) Health: 2 Strength: 3 Agillity: 0 Cunning: 1 Acrobatics: 0 Accuracy: 4
  14. Sure, Also gonna start soon and I will play whatever Mane 6 aren't taken until others hop in to take control
  15. "Something on the mind?" he asked her curiously, "you seem a bit unsure of yourself," he sat next to her, "You can tell me ya know," he kissed her cheek and smiled
  16. "Well what shall we do now?" he asked as he stepped back a little and spread his wings wide, he yawned and retracted them and shook himself and smiled, "So yeah, what now?:
  17. Darkness looked at her, "yes, well whatever your dwelling on.." he said calmly as he turned back to the sky, "I was different, I never look back at the place I came from," he sighed, "It wasn't even close to home"
  18. "Why? I would think it would be the other way around," Darkness explained, "I mean wouldn't you rather be free and able to move then stuck in one place all your life?" then he thought, "Well I actually think its a more to each there own idea, maybe some love to stay still and other love to fly by," he said to her and turned toward her, "Why do you ask?"
  19. He smiled at her, "Yes the night is always so majestic, you know I always wanted to be a Royal Lunar Guard?" he said to her and smiled, "I mean I have the pitch black pelt, but I doubt the Princess of the Night would ever accept me," he sighed and looked to the stars now appearing
  20. Ok, just tell me if you want to, you both make it seem as if your not sure, so when you are just say "I shall be {input character name}"
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