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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. Darkness awoke a bit later and found himself curled up against the mare and slowly got up and sat next to her and smoothed down his pelt nervously. He then looked up and smiled, the sun was setting, he poked her lightly, "Hey come look, its beautiful!"
  2. He shifted and laid on his side so he was turned toward her and smiled warmly as he stared into her eyes and slowly closed his eyes and yawned lightly, "just for a little..." he slowly began to fall asleep beside the mare.
  3. OK so this is an RP me and Stonetribe were making and finally getting around to Posting it: Plot: OK so basically it's about 10 years after the incident at the Canterlot wedding and a weak and injured Chrysalis comes limping into Canterlot. She is almost imminently found and detained, then brought to Celestia. She explains to Celestia that the rest of her race is very weak and on the verge of extinction, due to starvation (lack of love to feed on) and that she has come to try at retribution for her old actions. That's when Cadence comes down and, upon seeing the Queen, charges her, but before her hoof connects she stops, seeing the condition the Queen is in. Her and Celestia agree that they will test her and upon passing (though just barely) she is given a chance at living within Ponyville. But a new evil is rising in the shadows, one who has manipulated the rest of the weak changelings to work with this character and take over Canterlot. Ok now for characters: Due to the small role they will play overall I shall control Celestia and Luna ~Cadence (me) ~Chrysalis(me) ~Twilight Sparkle (Stringheart 1257) ~Fluttershy (StoneTribe) ~Rarity (Cloudy) ~Apple Jack (me temporary until taken) ~Rainbow Crash Dash (puzzlebeat) ~Pinkie Pie (me TEMPORARY until taken) ~Scootaloo (Mystik) ~Sweetie Belle (Brony1337) ~AppleBloom ~OC 1: Nexar [http://www.canterlot...38-nexar-ready/] (Nexar) ~OC 2 ~OC 3 ~OC 4 So just state who you wish to play, all OC's require a form and for everyone else please just post a small sample RP to show your skill. Thank you and let's get this started!
  4. He smiled and scooted a little closer to her, not close enough for there pelts to touch and smiled, "Care to take a quick nap?" he asks her as he lays his head on his hoofs and smiles at her.
  5. He smiled, "Yeah, guess so," he said and decided to lay down and smiled up at her, "Come lay down, relax," he said sweetly as he let out a small yawn and giggled.
  6. He smiled, "Yeah, a few of the animals around pulled me and laid me on shore, then I awoke there," he looked around, "The sun was at he perfect angle, I swear I thought I went to heaven, but alas I was alive and well," he smiled and looked to her, "Glad I am alive, got to meet you.
  7. "well once wet my wings become useless so basically I have to walk," he explained, "it was raining so my wings got soaked," he smiled, "well anyway, I slipped," he admitted, "I was running to get to some cover and slipped on a rock and took a bit of a fall into the river," he shook his head, "then I woke up here,"
  8. He smiled, "Oh I'm relieved, I was afraid you would hate me," he said and smiled at her as he relaxed and sat in front of her, not to close still, to allow her breathing room, "So..." he shuffled a hoof, "what now?"
  9. Darkness was blushing deep red and smiled as he looked at her and slowly leaned in and kissed her, passionately. He then pulled back and looked down to try and hide the deep blush all over his face, "I hope that wasn't too much either." he smiled and looked up at her smiling at her, "Hope I didn't upset you," he said and waited
  10. Moonlite blushed and nodded and went to take a walk for a few hours, hoping to meet this charming griffon yet again.
  11. He smiled and looked at her happily, "Oh I'm so glad," he said as he blushed. She was so beautiful and he wanted to just kiss her, but was there bond that strong yet? He didn't want to risk loosing it all, he would just have to wait and see what she did as well. But he did lightly wrap his hoof around hers, they were also sitting very close now, pelts almost touching.
  12. (just letting you know I am limited in internet use so won't be posting as much)
  13. (just letting you know I am limited in internet use so won't be posting as much)
  14. "Yeah they are grand, because your with me," he said shuffling a hoof before slowly moving it next to hers and blushed smiling at her, "I..I'm so glad you love this place," he smiled and looked into the lake, "Never thought I would find someone I trust enough to show it too," he looked back at her, "But your not just somepony anymore,"
  15. She leaned back, sitting normal again, "Ye..yeah I guess so," she said still blushing. But when his beak touched her, when he nuzzled her it felt good, she smiled warmly at him and finished the last bit of ice cream she had, "N..now what?"
  16. He smiled warmly and followed her in and set the bush back, "Yeah, I actually got here by accident," he laughed a bit, "Got washed down from upstream and fell into the pool here," he sat as the edge of the water and watched her happily
  17. Good image for her without the reversal spell. But with the spell on her she has her normal wings, and normal coloured just a little duller. Also she has changling horn.
  18. @ SilverWisp, I like my picture better but everyone can picture however they please, and yes the horn will do magic, kind of have that planned for near end that she is needed to have this magic.
  19. He pulled away the bush to reveal his secret spot, and it was a majestic spot at the least. It involved a fairly large, crystal clear lake, with a 6 foot tall waterfall coming from the woods above. It was almost a perfect circle except for the small section near the edge that made a small mini pond just off of the main area. It was lightly bubbling, clearl magically enchanted to be a perfect temperature always. There were many bushes and trees in a circle around it blocking the view out from inside and vice versa. Some trees and bushes also bore fruit and there was an occasionally small creature here and there. "What did I say?" he smiled at her, "Go in," he said bowing politely as if a door pony.
  20. "so ya ready to see my humble abode?" he asked her with a smile as one hoof touched the bush ready to push it aside, "Hard to believe how fast the travel went with a great mare beside me," he blushed
  21. "A..a Cockatrice?" he asked curiously, "What in the name of Celestia is that?" he was confused, "I've ventured into the Everfree a few times and have diddly nothing!" he said as he slowed standing by some bushes
  22. WOW, lotta stuff to read.... @MyLittlePonyTales: She is basically exactly like Fluttershy but duller in colour, and has changling eyes, horn and powers @HighRoller Your fine to play Rarity, a bit PO'd you didn't wait for my approval, but I digress. I see her as fine but yes, no ranged weapons, basically only forged swords. Also if you wish other ponies be in your post make a bit of a form for them, no random ponies please @DarkStar, sorry to hear you can't join. @NovaArkwing, Sorry I took her as I have a plan for her. @MorningDawn, sorry no Canterlot guards, they will all have been captured, I mean Celestia herself is captured and every guard would defend her to the end. I would really appreciate a Mane 6, but if you must you can be another OC
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