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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. Yeah I'm thinking, I'll probeley accept as it we may need more, but not sure as they are OC, kind of need more Mane 6.
  2. In secret tunnels between the houses underground, en route to Flutterhsy's cottage.
  3. "oh yes," he smiled, "What about you?" he asked her, "what exciting things have you seen?" he was sincere as he knew she said she traveled all over, he wanted to hear of he best adventures and finds.
  4. He shrugged, "Honestly I really don't," he sighed, "I'm a fairly boring pony," he said to her as they trotted along, "I usually stay away from Canterlot if I can but will occasionally go back there," he looked at the sky, "Also went to Cloudsdale once to see a Wonderbolt show," he smiled to her, "They are pretty amazing!"
  5. Darkness slowed his pace a bit and kept beside her, "So..." he started, "It's a little bits away," he informed her as they walked and he smiled, "so what do you wanna talk about?" he asked figuring talking was the only thing they could do till they got there.
  6. Darkness nodded and ran out and smiled as they sure enough were outside, he even stopped to check. He nodded, "Yes it is really freedom, come along now," he smiled to her as he began to walk away from the ruin.
  7. "Come on, and hurry," he said to her as he got up and trotted quickly to the door, "It just switched and we are right next to the exit!" he said eagerly to her
  8. They are most likely heading toward Ponyville, maybe we meet at cottage as Luna knows Fluttershy is alive?
  9. She blushed, he was holding her hoof, and it was nice, she shuffled a back hoof nervously. "Are..are you sure?" she asked him as she leaned in slightly, "I mean even if you don't have the hooves you still got the heart," she smiled, "I got hooves and you got heart," she blushed and giggled a bit.
  10. Darkness smiled at her warmly and though about the time, "hold on there is only a minute left till we see how it switches up," he said to her. He then got up and stretched out, "Oh I hope it works out for us so I can show you my secret spot!" he smiled warmly as he waited
  11. Darkness blushed as well, "T..Thanks," he managed to say and smiled and grinned, "Your so pretty when you blush," he smiled and though of what he could repay her with for the hug. But he was having no luck, he dared not kiss her or lick he neck, it might have been too far
  12. He calmly touched her shoulder, "It's fine, I like to hear you talk," he shuffled a hoof, "it's comforting, dunno why, just is," he smiled at her still blushing happily now.
  13. "yes it's good," she said blushing from his last comment as she ate some more. She looked around and noticed now all the couples hanging out here and looked confused, then she went wide eyed. "Wh...oh how could I forget!" she blushed deeper, "It's hearts and hooves day!"
  14. He looked at her, "Well that's rude of them," he said still shy, "I mean what Stallion would not tell a mare of her great beauty?" he asked as he blushed heavy and smiled a bit as he just looked at her awaiting her reply
  15. Status: [colour=#282828](this is for latter on in the rp, basically state if they are still alive or not [/colour] [colour=#282828]) “Legend Begins” / “Legend Continues” / ”Legend has Ended”[/colour] Name: Captain NightGhost Sex: Mare Age: unkown, possibely 100 or more years old as she is a spirit. Though appears as a younger adult Species: Pegasus Eye colour: Neon Blue Coat colour: Transparent Blue at night, Pitch Black at day Mane/Tail/Markings colour & Style: Mane and tail are coloured transparent Ice Blue, they are long and flowing similar to Celestia but shorter. Her wings are also transparent and a bit tattered but function like the best of them [colour=#282828](General appearance): self-explanatory[/colour] [colour=#282828](Cutiemark): Skull with wings[/colour] [colour=#282828](Ship description): Her Ship, The SlenderMare, isn't armed to the teeth but has 7 cannons on each side. It also has a bow [/colour][colour=#282828]swiveling harpoon gun. It is a fairly massive ship and appears as so: [/colour]http://neosurrealism...moon-rising.jpg [colour=#282828](Weapons/Fighting style): She fights with her legendary cutlass, Grevara: [/colour]http://s7d4.scene7.c...6CC?mediumlarge$ and has a flintlock: http://www.totsandtr...ol2-300x177.jpg [colour=#282828](Lifelong dream as a pirate/whatever they are): Wishes to travel to the end of the world to gather the riches it is said to hold[/colour] [colour=#282828](History): Any back story we may need to know about?[/colour] [colour=#282828](Personality): How do they react to their crew? Do they always act like they’re about to fight? Do they like teaming up? Are they clever tricksters? Ect, ect?[/colour]
  16. Wow, missed a lot here...oh well, just wanted to say hi, I think I'm too far behind to join again anyway.
  17. He blushed, "Rea..really?" he shuffled a hoof as he looked at her, "Well, um; your attractive yourself," he said to her and went beat red and looked at the ground. He couldn't believe he just said that to her, how would she react, well she kind of already knows he likes her a lot, right?
  18. "Hmm, yes I assumed that makes sence," he smiled to her as he began look around aimlessly. 7 more minutes, he thouht a money!
  19. "yeah, I tried to be more social," he sighed bit, "It was so hard, every Unicorn looking down at you because your some freak," he looked at her, "I'm glad you don't think I'm a freak," he said, right?"
  20. "Well, yes, I did go to college, you know just some magic courses and history," she said and smiled, "I have never seen you either, must be hiding soo good i can't even find myself!" she giggled a bit as she licked her ice cream slowly
  21. "So.." he shuffled a hoof, "that killed a minute, now what?" he said very lost on what to do, and shy all over again as now they were really alone, and sort of trapped.
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