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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. That looks cool! Also sorry to sound dumb but I haven't seen too many episodes still. Who is the pony on the far right under Royal Family?
  2. "Well...yeah, but I would much rather show you then tell ypu," he smiled then turned to her, "But you can't tell anypony where it is, It might get crowded,"
  3. Shining armor and Cadence are most likely captured, and Spike is probeley hiding somewhere.
  4. He blushed a bit, "Thanks," he replied to her and smiled, "so, what do you wanna talk about now?" he asked her
  5. He smiled at her, "Sorry, I can tell you are getting restless," he sighed, "I'm waiting for the exit to be closer and...and another path to be far away," he said to her, "It's magically trapped!"
  6. Fawful I know you so I will let you in put a form or choose a Mane 6 (Just not Twi, Flutter, or Rainbow)
  7. HELLOO!?!?!?? More then just 2 people applied, it's started and we need you, please hurry
  8. "yeah," he smiled warmly, "Oh hold that thought!" he said as he closed his eyes, "Hmmm, we may want to wait a bit longer, that switch didn't help," he said to her as he smiled, "Trust me,"
  9. It has been watching, waiting, and hunting for over 300 years, what is it...well no pony really knows except the legends. This legend has been told from foal to foal, as a way to keep them from entering the Everfree alone, it was the tale of SlenderMane! No matter how they say it was born or created they all share one common idea, it will find you, and then you will be gone forever! But with all the new ponies daring to find the cottage the stories have drastically increased, so many ponies claiming to see it, even if just for a second, and a few that have entered, well, they haven't come back. But now it has found its target, for whatever reason, and is following them, not too far but not too close. [colour=#ff0000]Note #1[/colour]: Always Watches, No Eyes!
  10. "Oh," he smiled at her and caught her blush, "We..well I'm glad I could tag along, its been so long since I've been in the presence of such a lovely mare," he blushed himself as he kept track of how long they had, still 3 minutes to go....what could happen in 3 minutes? he wondered.
  11. I wanna Play SlenderMane but I gotta wait till there are others in her to post an intro
  12. "I figured something out," Darkness explained to her, "If we remain in the same section then the hallways will switch every 15 minutes, give or take," he said to her, "So I, well we, are waiting for the hallways to switch," he said and smiled at her, "Just another few minutes to go, then we move on slowly and occasionally must wait a bit to allow the hallways to switch," he started to blush a bit as he remembered how beautiful this mare was.
  13. "yeah," he followed her in and closed the door and sat in the middle of the room, "we wait,"
  14. "well we must get out of here soon," he replied quite worried, "I just have a very bad feeling that something real bad might happen if we're down here to long," he said and stood beside her, "well come along let's get going!"
  15. He froze and looked behind, How did I not spot that He questioned himself as he closed his eyes and went wide eyed, "What the!" he said and looked at her, "This place is enchanted, the halls and corridors keep changing!"
  16. He smiled at that but said nothing as he walked around the structure and to the back and opened the door opposite where they started and began to walk down the hall. It was so quiet and eerie here, gave him a bit of chills as he looked around to look for an interesting or hidden place.
  17. "yeah," he said and smiled, "I shall let you lead on from now, more fun as I know the layout already," he sighed, "My talent is a great gift and a terrible curse," he looked at her, "I can't be surprised that much as I can see them hiding, and I never have a true adventure because I always know where I am." he smiled at her, "But so long as I'm with you at least you'll never get lost!"
  18. He looked at her and smiled a bit, "Depends on my mood, usually I like the soft comfy bed, but the forest is so serene as well," he said happily and followed her, "So, yeah I do both," he replied as he looked around the library.
  19. He blushed, "Well, um, doing anything with you is great, so i guess we can go adventure, or something," he said still very nervous. He looked at her and shuffled a hoof and looked around, he was so confused what to make of this. Did she like him? how much if she did? Was he being to awkward and up front? Oh all this was giving him a slight headache as he closed his eyes to try and make sense of this all.
  20. EmeraldHeart didn't understand what was so funny, being new to these occasions and shrugged as she followed Raven.
  21. Here we go: http://www.canterlot.com/topic/12497-magic-was-friendship-closed-atm/
  22. Darkness felt so at home in the Everfree Forest, his black pelt blended right into the Dark in the forest, and his red eyes, mane, and tail added to the look. He looked as if he belonged here and he was quite contempt to try and get to the Royal Castle Ruins if he could manage, he heard they were marvelous! He padded along, a few fillies were afraid of him but that made him smile a bit. He didn't even have to try to be scary, he sometimes just was!
  23. Moonlite looked up at the haunted house and smiled happily, after her encounter with Luna she was quite contempt with herself, the rest of the night was gonna be great! She happily trotted around the fenced in Haunted house, admiring the work and detail that Iron Will and his companions had put into making it so spectacular!
  24. Moonlite bowed to the great Princess of the Night, "Luna, an honor to meet you," she said gracefully as she was given 2 prices of candy from her. Oh how she wanted to just sit and talk with such an honorable pony, but the Princess was far to busy to be bothered, so Moonlite just sat back and went back to admiring the statue. She knew only one thing, she got to meet the Royal sister and now, her Nightmare Night was the best!
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