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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. Well darling why ever didn't you say so, of course I'll play Rarity. Sample: Rarity stated at the blank sheet of paper and sighed, "Why I haven't the slightest idea of what to do for this new dress," she sighed and looked at the sketch she had gotten. The Grand Galloping Gala was coming up and a mare named Moonlite Frost asked Rarity to make her a dress. Rarity sighed and turned to her cat and smiled, "Bur of course!" she smiled and began to draw, "Oh darling this is so wonderful, but it is missing something.." she tought and smiled, "DIAMONDS!"
  2. Moonlite heard the voice, it was a smooth and calming voice, probeley one of the rich Stallions. She hated those rich ponies, always stuck up and thinking they were better, they always put down the rest of society to make themselves seem better. As she spun around she wasn't face to face with a Stallion, though she believed it was male still, it was a Griffon. She jumped back, "Oh that was close," she said, "Please don't lean in like that sir," she said then froze. It took her a moment to process and then she gasped, "A griffon!" she gasped, "Oh my I haven't seen a griffon ever," she looked over the Griffon, "Oh I'm probeley setting such a bad example to the library right now, come along," she said quickly as she turned and trotted off. She had studied griffons last month, such interesting creatures, such like ponies but also not anything close. But now one was finally here, in the library, oh she did hope he would stay for a bit, oh she could learn so much she was sure of it! As she got tothe desk she saw the book on her chair, "Yours I presume?" she asked him as she put it on the counter. (sorry of this wasn't the reaction you wanted, wanted to make him slightly shock also, not many ponies are so calm and passive bout the birds)
  3. "So.." he said as he looked toward her still beat red, "...Wh...what now?" he asked her with a smile as he sat. Thinking about how she thanked him was good, it was a start, not that it would get anywhere. To Darkness that was enough for now, he just met her, and also how could he be sure he felt love now, so many years without it:
  4. The sun shined through the large stained glass indie of the grand Canterlot Library, it lit up the inside quite nicely and made the inside of the library more lively. Though it wasn't very lively, being in the middle of Summer there weren't too many ponies using to library so it sad empty, well almost empty. A lone mare sat behind the desk and was reading an Advanced magics and spells book as she passed the time, her midnight blue spotted pelt was smooth and well taken care of. She had a very lush and flowing ice blue mane and tail that almost seemed to glow with the light, her lovely Ice blue eyes scanned the pages as she read the spells over and over. She was an avid learned, then again she had always looked forward to the day she could visit Ponyville, her one dream was to meet the made known as Twilight Sparkle and the mare Rarity. Those two mares were idols to her, oh the stories she had heard about the great magic feats Twilight had done, oh and Rarity's dresses were exceptional, but with work and all she new that was just a dream. She looked at the clock in the center ofthe room, and sighed, "Still one more hour to go," she said to herself as she closed the book and stood up to stretch. She looked out the window and sighed, "Another beautiful day gone," she looked toward the castle, "I do hope Luna makes the night wonderful at least," she sighed and began walking around the library. She walked between the large bookshelves and would look at all the home, making sure they were in order and neat and tidy, she was proud of the way she kept the library orderly, it made her feel important.
  5. "I..I'm not upset," he stammered out and shuffled a hoof, he tried to gather his words but he couldn't. He closed his eyes, "I..I've ju..just never be..been alone so...so long with a be..beautiful mare," he managed to choke out and looked away as if expecting a hit or rude insult. He remembered when he tried to tell his parents how great they were, they always put him down, how could he even be sure what love was anymore?
  6. Darkness was best red as she was speaking, he was almost positive she knew how much he liked her. But then she turned the subject entirely around to respect, but the blush remained. He coughed and looked down and away as he shuffled a hoof, "Um yeah, thanks," he said he couldn't look at her right now and stated at the dirt covered floor:
  7. Darkness nodded, "to..to the library," he said and trotted off, not as fast as before, just a slow casual pace as he headed up the hallway
  8. "I..I really don't wanna explore more," he said looking at her, "Someone might get hurt again," though it seemed a general sentence, behind the words one could closely tell he had some deep concern for her. But why he had this concern and what caused it couldn't be determined, but it was there and vivid.
  9. "Get of there!" he called out and took to the air as he grabbed her and hauled her back to the ground around the statue, "What ae you nuts!" he cried out to her, "You could have been hurt," then he notices the little scratch, "Ok you could have been seriously hurt, and there are no doctors around or nothing, oh then what!?" he seemed to be at a bit of a break down as he stared at her and then just sat and stared at the ground, "sorry," he said quietly as he shuffled a hoof.
  10. He shrugged as he continued down the passage and emerged at the center, there was an odd hill of gears and rocks and upon the top stood a statue of what he could only assume was this 'mare on the moon' "Wow someone took a while to make this here structure!" he said as he looked it over with a smile
  11. Darkness looked at her again and then headed down the hallway and slowly made his mental map as he began to figure out what this was. He plotted all the points, watched all the routes and came to one conclusion, "This is a sancuary or shrine," he gasped as he froze, "Who ever built this, well they built it to worship this 'mare on the moon' idea!"
  12. He just stood there shuffling his hoof, What do I say? he questioned himself and looked up at her. She was an amazing mare, though only knowing two wan't helping, I like her, but I barely know her! he nodded to her, not sure if she would understand he was ok to move on then.
  13. Hello, so I have a character that I made, she was my first and I haven't been able to use her as the person I was Rping with dissapeared. I really want to use her again, and while this RP check is aimed at it, I am not against a hook up rp. I am fairly open minded so just throw an idea out and I can look at it and if I like it we can talk. Also due to my work schedule (3-11) and my home internet being down I am only active a little during the day, I want you to know that now, but I will always try my hardest to get at least 1 post up on the RP every day. Thanks!! Moonlite frost
  14. Darkness looked down, "no, its just why does it have to be us?" he looked away nervously, "Its just very very odd for me to be alone with a mare for such long times," he was shuffling a hoof and was blushing a bit.
  15. "makes it?" he questioned, "Why us?" he asked again. (sory for tiny post)
  16. He nodded and walked past her and into the room and sat in front of the shelf and began to read the book titles, the ones he could make out anyway. They seemed to all be focused around one thing, "This is odd, they are all tales and stories about 'The mare on the Moon'," he said and turned to her, "Whats that?" he asked expecting her to know.
  17. "win?" he asked, "I don't think I understand, how I can I win at asking questions?" he shook his head and followed her silently as he admired the corridor.
  18. He got up and followed with a smirk, "Wel, um, i really dont know what toask, I'm not very good at this sort of thing," he sighed as he followed her trying o think what to ask. A sudden and random thought came across, "Are you in a relationship?" he asked then froz and blushed, "oh Celestia i did just say that didn't i?"
  19. (sorry for poof) NightGhost followed her marefriend closely
  20. Darkness was in thought about the hobby part of her sentence when she started asking about the room and he blinked and looked around, "neat?" he wondered, "I dunno if i would call this neat but it was hidden," he thought, "why ya wanna go?" he asked her calmly
  21. Darkness froze when she asked her question, "Something i enjoyed doing?" he replied a bit confused, "I don't believe I fully understand what your asking me," he looked down, "There wasn't much to enjoy about my youth and i guess I really only enjoy nature," he said looking at her a bit confused still.
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