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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. "well.." he said softly, "I'm...." the last part was more or less a murmmer, granted he was very quite originally but this was ever quieter. He shuffled a hoof and looked down, 'why is she asking so many questions?' he wondered, 'no pony is ever this interested in me, what's with this made?' he pondered this long and got no conclusion so he sighed and stared at the sky
  2. Moonlite smiled and laid her head on the mares shoulder lightly and the. Sat back up, "I'm glad I stopped by to get some dance lessons," she chuckled warmly, "Best decision I've eve made,"
  3. NightGhost trotted slowly down the road with Lily and smiled
  4. He flinched away slightly and closed his eyes as she extended her hoof, even if she did it slowly. He wasn't sure what to expect, also had she complimented him, or was she afraid. Oh so much to figure out, but first this hoof gesture, it baffled him what this ment. He closed his eyes and thought back to what he sees around town and links it too the said, hoove shake. Was that want she wanted, if so then he could do that, right? Wasn't too hard, just extend your hoof, and boom there we go! Well that's what he thought but then he looked at his hoof, it was dirty, so he rubbed if on his other hoof. This made a smal brown smudge on his sleek smooth black pelt but that didn't bother him, yet. He then slowly and shakingly reached out his hoof to touch hers, she had a small petite little hoof compared to him. He slowly shook up then down and quickly pulled I back.
  5. He shivered and slowly got up, he stood about a hoof taller then her (not big but not too small) and just stood there. He looks at the ground and shuffles a hoof nervously, "a...a...while," he says in a quite whisper and takes a step back and blinks and sits. He seems quite nervous as his wings are retracted and appear as of they are stuck to his body as he closes his eyes. His black fur is sleek and smooth, seemingly like it is well cares for. Same goes for his mane and tail except they are spiked, though if it is natural or gel cannot be seen. He is a fairly slender build for a Stallion, but you can still tell he is a bit muscular and well defined. If not for his quite timid behavior one might mistake him for a lunar guard. (hope this isnt making it seem like I am pushing romance or something, just like to describe him well)
  6. Darkness was frozen, not quite fear, but more of pure shyness and insecurity, not sure what to do. He didn't dare speak, or move, or twitch, the most he did right now was a slow shallow breathing and stared. While he was staring it was more of a stare through her, not at her; no he never made eye contact if possible. But here he was, inevitably about 5 hoof steps away from this mare, and that's when he actually looked at her, she was...was...attractive. He shook his head a bit and blinked, 'this is no time to think like that, she would kill you if she knew you thought she was attractive,' he thought and took a deep but almost silent breath and began to slowly step back and then..... CRACK!!! ...the sound of the snapping twig echoed forever it seemed and he tossed his head back to see that he, indeed, did step on a fairly large twig. He knew in mere seconds she would turn toward him and he did the only logical thing he could think. In one swift bound he flew, quite literally, into a nearby leaf pile, but miss judging the size of the pile compared to him his entire rear stuck out and part of his muzzle as well.
  7. (lol, so wait is this the rp with NightGhost and Lily, if so can you post her last reply?)
  8. Darkness stared deep into the lake which was near the center of the Whitetail forest, it was crystal clear and he could admire all the creatures within this lake. He watched his reflection ripple as an occasional frog hopped in or a fish broke the surface with a little pond hop and then splash back in. He loved the forest and Nature and wildlife, they were the only things it seemed that didn't completely ignore him, it was still so strange living in Canterlot. His old home was so small and cramped and of course everyone there hated him as he wasn't like them, but that was where he was raised, however harse it was to him. But now in Canterlot, everypony is so warm and caring, it's sometimes to much to handle, that's why he enjoys escaping to the forests and adventuring a bit. Also he draws in his spare time, not avidly or very well but some decent drawings he can manage, it's mainly just for fun. He enjoys to sketch the scenery so he can later return, that and so he can decorate his friends home. She seems to enjoy his pictures and his maps, too bad Canterlot doesn't need a map maker of tour guide, that's his specialty. His special talent is to be able to navigate and orientate no matter what conditions are and where he is, it's especially powerful at night. He then heard a voice, faint and carried by wind but definately there, and mare. Oh he wasn't good with mares, especially attractive ones, but he couldn't tell more then if was mare. So he did what he did best, fly to a dark soo and hide under something until she passes, this time it was a tree root he hid under.
  9. @LightningRider, who said I was being a Changling? I was either gonna play Avapony (if allowed) or a Earth Pony like Toph
  10. Well I didnt mean I would literally be Toph but like her closely, it ok. But should the avatar be an Alicorn, or like Aang be an Airbender (Pegasus)
  11. Chrysalis coughed a bit, "Um well maybe we shouldn't be saying this in public,"
  12. Yay to both @sleeps, well maybe she notices him around town and how shy and isolated he is so she tries to help?
  13. "yes Misty, it was here, hmm, but I have forgotten the room number, so long ago it seems
  14. My new character was just accepted, Darkness Eclipsed(link: http://www.canterlot.com/forum/220-applications/) and I wish to see who would be interested in an RP with him. Romance is an option but due to his past will not be quick, but I'm not gonna say no to it.
  15. Yay! Ok now do I have to wait till this moves or not? I am a role player already, have another OC.
  16. So what is it play as a human or a pony and they meet some how?
  17. (Nova just pm me cuz I'm lost lol) NightGhost blushed, "Oh thanks," she giggled and held the girls hand, "Come on, let's go!"
  18. NightGhost giggled, "Yeah com on let's go," she trotted off happily
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