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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. Yeah guess so, was hoping for Luna cuz I saw Candace so figured it was ok, gonna take me a while to link my OC here though
  2. Hey I might wanna play a Mare, either OC or Luna. Is that ok and if so which is perfered
  3. (yeah we could make a SlenderMare RP) (@cloud: did you see my message?)
  4. (so can I just control all the evil creatures that will randomly appear, either to attack, startle, or just watch) ((Also we should add SlenderMane/SlenderMare)
  5. Yay, PS I'll add a post here because I will be updating Darkness a bit, basically instead of his color ostracizing him it is because he is a solo Pegasi in a Unicorn family
  6. "Everyone has there talents," she smiled warmly at the mare, "I can dance for my life, well that was before I met you," she was red and looked away nervous
  7. Ok cool, thanks I'll be sure to edit it, might even finish it up later, maybe
  8. Same old same old, but have Internet at home now so maybe tommorow I'll tweak. Btw any suggestions on a way to place him as a outcast? I'm stuck on what to say, maybe like a dark cloud appeared to enter him? Or he is the only Pegasus in a family of Earth Ponies?
  9. "Eh?" Moonlite blinked, "Oh yeah, same please," she said quickly and blushed lightly and nervously
  10. Moonlite smiled, "Maybe you will treat me?" it was more of a sly statement then a question but she smiled warmly and began to work the mare's hair slowly and carefully into a tie. She took extra care not to knot or ruin the mare's hair
  11. "Just a simple tie?" she asked the mare sweetly as she made her way to sit beside the mare and fluffed the end of her Kane to loosen it up and be a little playful, "Oh wow how do you get it so soft!?"
  12. Moonlite blushed and promptly followed the mare out, smiling happily, 'eh I guess just friends will do, at least she is playful' she thought as she gave the mare a quick over and smiled at her warmly
  13. But that's the thing they are specific rp site, I threw the suggestion to add a free rp of anykind because I love this site and have yet to find an open rp site, one where there are ALL kinds of rps.
  14. Ok So basically I want to know if we can create a 3rd subcategory under the freeroleplay section for non MLP related RP's. Yes I understand this is a MLP site, but once in a while I like to do a non MLP related RP, like Pokemon or Naruto or something and don't wanna make it a cross over, I hate having to use more than 1 RP site because sometimes it makes me get jumbled up. And a final thing is that I enjoy a lot of my role playing friends on here and enjoy rping with them, hate to make them have to sign up for some other rp site so we can make an rp or 2. Thank you for your time, QueenCheysalis747
  15. Though the fog was thick a dark large shape loomed in the distance, on it's head was a large pyramid shaped helmet of somekind. It walked slowly across the land, a enormous kitchen looking knife was dragging along and causing a horrid grinding sound. But as soon as it had appeared of also dissapeared and the sound echoed slowly away and soon all that was heard was silence, dead silence.
  16. Yes time to be bad! Lol I've watched the move like 3 times and seen snip bits of some games, I'm good to go!
  18. Oh oh oh oh!!! Please make me PrymaidPony!!!!!!
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