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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. Moonlite is my own OC that's why, I'll change it to a random pony if you want. Yes I still need to do the cutie mark story but I am restricted on time I can. And ok I'll be sure to elaborate a bit more on the history.
  2. And that's why I quite it was too fast an rampid with a lost plot, I did enjoy some pairings I had but it wasn't worth the haste of all the catch up and completely random plot
  3. Plot: Recently Princess Luna has been having quite some trouble with her old alter ego, Nightmare Moon. Celestia began looking into magic spells when Luna warned her of a possible coming escape of her Alter Ego. Celestia found a dark spell said to rid the evil within a pure body and they both agreed to take the risk, and when cast upon Luna it seemed to work as a dark shadow dispelled out of her and vanished, all seemed well. Then about a week ago random ponies, mainly unicorn, have had nightmares where Nightmare Moon has invaded there dreams and 'absorbed' there powers. At first it seemed like a bad series of events but then a shadow was seen floating around, is Nightmare Moon going to return? and why now...near Hearts and Hooves day? Rules: ~No Alicorn, can be cats character but still need Form ~No Godmod or OP ~I will appoint 2 mini-mods to watch the thread while I am away, I will PM you do not ask to be one. ~Please do not take offense if I decline you at first as I have been pick recently as some current more 'loose' rps have gotten out of hand ~If not too many people are posting please do not 1 on 1 RP in thread, go PM please ~I am not TOO picky on quality or quantity of post but no 1 liners please ~GRAMMER! I'm not picky but please do your best, I use and Ipod so I am more flexable ~Have Fun ~Also this will have blood, violence and Romance(it is near hearts and hooves day) PS I control Nightmare Moon, Celestia and Luna as they will be plot important and Celestia and Luna dont appear that much though. Form: Characters: - NovaArkwing 16)Master Mustang - Master Mustang
  4. "Bus tat seed sow rong, iz men I no wanna eat part of ya Madame," Turnip said and his bucket shook a bit, "Noz offense ya knows" he added quickly to not sound rude to her
  5. "Right here!" Sweetie said as she spotted then and skipped over, though she appeared happy you could see something else behind her great green eyes, "Hey Apple Bloom!" she said as she ran and hugged the mare then ran to Scootaloo, "Hey Scoots!" she said and gave the mare a quick kiss on the cheek. She loved the mare with all her heart but she didn't like to show off the relationship, she wasnt a big PDA person (PDA = Public Display of Affection)
  6. "I see what ya did thar Pinkie!" Mr Turip made a loud laugh sound, just one laugh and looked at her blankly. He stared like that for a while and 'blinked' "Cake!" he said and then blankness.
  7. Moonlite smiled and sat next to the mare and smiled, "Well it was a late winter season when my sister was just a little foal, her and mom got into an argument and she ran out," she said leaving out a few personal details, "It took me a while to find her but I used my body to shield her from the rampid snowstorm that hit, when we got home we passed out but upon awakening it was there!" she said and looked at it, "The wings are to show the protection I provid to those who I love, the heart, and finally it's made of sapphire to show how fragile love can be at times, so be careful," she finally said looking at the mare
  8. An ok so it's still gonna be the hotel still. Ok well if I can still be Chrysalis I will join
  9. Idk if I'll join since I have no idea the idea, so I cannot be sure I will have intrest.
  10. Lol Yagami, can't take that name seriously after I was shown what is says backwards. But lucky, to both of you...Anime and kittens, the best eers
  11. She kept noticing the mares glances toward her flank and the questions finally clicked, "Oh yeah my Cutie Mark has nothing to do about my aspirations, if I followed my Cutie Mark I would be a guardian angel," she smiled warnly
  12. Too late for another first mate lol May I tag long?
  13. Basically based off the series Rosario and Vampire which is a high school I've monsters but also include a humanized or Anthro version of ponies as students as well? Anyone intersted??
  14. I like Mane 6 and OC's. Oh and upon further character analysis I believe Celestia should be Price, Twilight is soap, and Luna is Shepard (I know you understand) [lol I love MW2]
  15. [i will make an rp post later just wanna get my uumbers in!] (7, 13, 66, 87, 75, 50, 25, 33, 92, 37)
  16. Love it, I'm Price! Price should probably be Twilight or AppleJack, right?
  17. Sweetie Belle watched her leave without a word and sighed as she slowly trotted out of her house and padded along the road, "I hope Scoots is free today!" she said looking up and around her her sort of reckless marefriend
  18. Moonlite watched Pinkie, shocked how the mate had so much energy!
  19. (yo pinkie you should pm me do we can chat!) Moonlite nodded, "S..sure," she said and use her magic (she is a unicorn) to bring the glass to her and took a sip and put it down, "My..my dearest fr..friend you..you make gr..great punch"
  20. Moonlite blushed a little, "Th..thanks Pinkie," she said and watched the filly with a smilr
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