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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. Good been delayed as Internet out at my house, please don't lock if it seems inactive for a few days.
  2. "moo..Moonlite, Moonlite frost," she managed to get out and sat next to the mare, a bit nervous but something else was there as well
  3. "h..hi," she said slowly to Lightning and turned to Pinkie, "Yo..your quite en...energetic." she gave a weak smile
  4. Yeah but what if she don't come back, or when she does she decides to drop this?
  5. (and that's bad? ) Moonlite poked out and looked around and sighed as a mare appears and slowly sat up again
  6. (who said she liked Stallions lol) Moonlite jumped and hid under the table upon hearing the explosion outside and covered her ears and closed her eyes
  7. Hey would anyone join if I made my own? Sort I like this sort of thing?
  8. "moo..Moonlite," she said quietly out, "Frost," she then added and watched the over energetic happy go lucky host pony, "s..she so bou..bouncy!"
  9. The mare slowly entered and relaxed a bit as it was only her, a Stallion, and the host. She slowly sat at the other end of the Stallion, nervous beyond belief.
  10. The dark purple mare nearly jumped out of her pelt, "oh Um hi," she said shyly
  11. A light petite knock came from the door, "H..hello," a quite voice said, "Is this the residence of Pinkie Pie?" it asked slow and clearly feminine, "I am h..here about this p..party?" (no its not Fluttershy)
  12. Sweetie Belle sighed and did as her 'dear' sister asked and sat to slowly eat and stated out the window aimlessly, 'today is Spikes birthday' she though, 'so another day my sister will dissapear'
  13. "oh I wish I was a dress maker," she sighed, "But I'm actually a librarian, love them books!" she said happily
  14. (yes that's what I said, keeping Sweetie Belle with Rartiy) Sweetie Belle sighed as she heard her sister, asking about food. Her and her sister weren't on the same level, Rarity stil seemed too I to work that she never really sat and spent time with Sweetie. "Be right down!" she called and finished her hair and closed up the locker and trotted down the stairs to the kitchen with a weak smile on
  15. The Dwarny wet to the door, "Ai! Wh there?" he asked, his sword ready, "Better speak now, tis yer only chance
  16. Luna wears hers on clothing as it is on her belly. Rosario is on the neck. Pinkies is a tramp stamp, cuz she is wild girl!! And rarity is side of shin
  17. (that's what I said, she lives with Rarity)
  18. (but she has her cutie mark? Most ponies move out at that point)
  19. Celestia sister, nervous and shy, but once befriended a great loyal one.
  20. "they call this Land Minecraftia," he said, "Though I said it should be called hell," he grunted and lead the stallion inside and closed the door
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