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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. "Ai!" a scotish accent said and the Drawny walked over, "Ai who be tis?" he asked the other pony, "I aint seen one of yar in er wile!" his accent was heavy and he looked very touch, a sword at the side and bones in hand. (lol bones just used for growing crops) A slender feminine figure jumped from free to tree, how in hand, she scanned the sky and ground as she soon reached her small treehouse alcove, "home sweet home!" she said and opened the trap door and went down, closing it on the way down. (yay for a girl! Anyway we need a server for this, I'd be awesome!)
  2. (I'm playing 2 OC, that I am making on the fly) 3 days, that's how long he had been here, 3 days passed since that soulless figured promised him great riches. That monster, Herobrine, said that there was a land vast in gold and diamond, and being a dwarny (dearven pony) how could he resist, so off he set. But the world, it was ridden with evil, between the exploding bushes and the..the undead creatures, oh what horror. But he was learning, he was building and crafting. So he sat upon his estate in the planes. He lived in a simple 7x7x4 (lengthxwidthxheight) house made of cobblestone with a wool floor, he had a bed and some stone items, but he wasn't doing well as he was all alone, abandoned, unsafe. (my other character I wanted to be a 'Steve' ie human player?)
  3. Oh yes can someone set up a server! Oh I would love to play!!
  4. She blushed as the mare stared at her flank, "Um well just some juice, she said.
  5. "yeah break sounds very good," she said smiling to the mare, "and thanks I would love a drink," she trotted next to the mare. (y small letters for response?)
  6. She smiled and grunted to all fours rubbing her rear, "Thanks," she smiled warmly and stared at the mare getting lost in her eyes, "My Celestia you have such amazing eyes, well I mean your amazing in general..." then she froze and prayed the mare wouldn't be upset or disturbed (BTW I chose ya for Moonlite ship, if ya want)
  7. Yay sounds good! Sir Digsalot be at her service Ai!
  8. She sat at the counter and wonder what to donwith the book,
  9. Sweetie Belle yawned as she was still curled up in bed, but right now the sun and her were having a heated debate. She growled and got up and looked up, "you win for now Sun!" she cried out and giggled like a little Filly she once was. She trotted to the bathroom and again admired her Cutie Mark, though it was about a month old or so she couldn't get over that the CMC were all Cutie Marked, it was different. Especially as they grew she changed, not only physically but mentally and emotionally, she once looked at the CMC as just a bunch of goofy Filly's having fun, but now...but now AppleBloom was like a sister, and Scootaloo, well she was.... Sweetie Belle went beat red thinking of Scoots and smiled, "Why my dear Scoots," she said and used her magic to open a heart locket the mare had given her, inside was a picture of herself on the left, Scoots on the right, and both of them in an embrace in the center. She sighed and smiled, "Well lets get ready for the day!" she said and walked out
  10. Ahe nodded, "Yeaj alright, I'll see ya around then," she smiled warmly
  11. "not at all," she smiled and went out to let him do what we'd he needed and she waited at the counter
  12. "the Library break room, ya passed out," she said to him and smiled, "Y'all right?" she really used a lot of slang once she was off duty and safe feeling.
  13. Moonlite sighed and levitated the Stalkion carefully to a back room where she laid him on a couch to rest and began to check to see if he had hurt himself.
  14. Moonlite came back and looked at the Dark Magic book, "boy I wish I knew what to do who this monster," she said mostly just outloud
  15. She shrugged, "Ok," she smiled and levitated the book and walked away to but it back
  16. Aye aye captin, hope to hear from yar! Lol ok hope this goes well!
  17. She shrugs, "Happens to the best of us," she giggled, "Look at Luna, locked away on the moon for 1000 years and still having a tough time," she patted his shoulder
  18. Hello! I would be interested in taking the team test please.
  19. "I have no idea," she said shaking her head, "But that book is evil, filled with Dark magic!"
  20. LIKE A BOSS! Roleplay Type: CROSSOVER RP Name: Mr. Turnip Sex: Male Age: Species: Turnip Eye Color: N/A Coat Color: Purple and Tan Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: N/A Physique: Fairly Firm as he has been sitting out for a while and stiffened up quite a bit Cutie Mark: N/A Origin/Residence: Ponyville Occupation: Pinkie's slower best friend Motivation: “I, um, ain't speakin' ta u!!” Likes: Parties, Buckets, Punch Dislikes: Being called slow, Rotting foods, Pinkie's pony 'friends' Character Summary: Despite being quite healthy for a growing pony Mr Turnips is quite all there, he is a few seedlings short of a Turnip Farm. He is quite kind and considerate to Pinkie and all her friends, but he sometimes isn't all there. He doesn't speak too much but when he does its a deep slow voice using quite simple words and lots of slang. He is quite defensive of her and can be deemed, All brawn few Brains. He will stick up for Pinkie, even to Rainbow Dash, so she may be happy, but when fighting he uses cheap tactics like throwing cake on the enemies head.
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