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Everything posted by QueenChrysalis747

  1. Moonlite shook him, "Don't let it take you!" she cried out, "fight it!"
  2. "I was that darkness," she closed her eyes, "Long ago me and my sister lived in harmony, that was until a corruption took me and I became Nightmare Moon, a menace to all, so she sent me to the moon, my imprisonment," she let a tear roll down, "about 3 months ago a perfect alignment allowed my escape and that caotic weather, that was me. My sister had these elements of harmony stop me and return me to this form." she looked at him, "but if I get irritated I may revert to an old form, still a conscious mind but dangerous," she cried a bit
  3. "have you heard the darkness within the moon tale?" she asks him: She smiled and huge him, "Thanks love!"
  4. (aww u make me wanna add an OC Rosario, just for poor Silver) She watches him walked away and then grabbed her friend as pulled him into an empty classroom, "If you really wanna know we have to be alone," she said as sighed, "O don't like the world to know," "either is good, but I would like a nice middle," she smiled and held his hand as they sat:
  5. ""my sister," she said simply, "hope she isn't mad at me," she said with a sigh and suddenly the other man appeared and she got nervous, "oh hi" She smiles, "aww my strong dominate man is gone," she teased him and smiled kissing him slowly and passionately on the lips and then looking at him, "No my shy lover is here."
  6. She slowly walked next to him and looked up at a passing camera and sighe and looked back at him then straight.
  7. She just held him and snuggled him, "Oh I love to hold you," she whispered with a smile
  8. She smiled back and held him close Luna was about answer when ahe heard Deadpool. His comment got her quite PO'd and her hair began to turn dark purple and her finger tips and nails grew. She took a deep breath and looked at her new friend, "Le...let's go."
  9. "l..Luna," ahe replied softly letting her hand extend for a shake, if that's how it was done, she wasn't sure.
  10. She blushed at the compliment and let him help her up, tryi g her best to not let her skirt reveal too much.
  11. "oh ok," she grinned and wrapped her arms around him and began to kiss him deeply and passionately, wanti g to make out right there on stage with him
  12. She nodded, "ok, I'm how exactly do you feed now?" she asked him, "I'll do what you need."
  13. "huh?" she looked over, "Oh you hungry?" she asked him.
  14. (knowing big Mac he got up and left after a bit) She weakly nodded and looked up scared.
  15. Luna yipped as she fell on her rear and squeeked in discomfort, "Ouch," "oh sorry," se let go and looked adhamedz
  16. She wraps and arm around him and hold him close, smiling happily
  17. "oh I'm just gonna sit down," she smiled warmly, "come on baby," she hopped up and sat on the end of stage and sat
  18. (you like Apples don't you!!) Rarity walked toward the stage Luna looked around nervously.
  19. She slowly breaks apart after the dance ends but still stands by him smiling and looking at him.
  20. She smiles at him as they slowly dance and she holds him close and as the dance finishes she smiles and blushes at him, "Tou dance very well,"
  21. "sure tommorow a fine day," se smiled. (skip?)
  22. She giggled gleefully at the comment and manages to get a hang of balance and smiles at the mare. She looked at the mare, her eyes were like a maze, she just kept getting lost, she wished ahe could just lean in and...and kiss her. She managed to snap back to reality and blushed and lost balance, releasing the mare and falling onto her rump with an 'oph'
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