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Everything posted by LeonaWylde

  1. LeonaWylde

    Leona's Stuff

    Drawings and things created by Leona Wylde. Nothing too special.
  2. From the album: Leona's Stuff

    Just an old icon drawing.
  3. From the album: Leona's Stuff

    This was the first official piece I created of Leona, woo.
  4. Haha, yup. Feel free to gimme a nudge whenever ya'll wanna play.
  5. Totally. I need to get a squad of ponies together to play with me, anyways.
  6. Yeah, that darn show has helped me out in more ways than one. Of course, I've been a fan for a while now.. I've only recently decided to show my face around on sites such as this. We'll see what comes of it. Thanks for the friendly welcome.
  7. You have a point, there. Being generic is far too.. What's the word- Bland? Yeah, that sounds about right. Anyways, thanks for the welcome.
  8. Thanks for the welcome. I'll be sure to peek over at that bug thread of yours, I usually find myself with spare time to kill, after all. Well, that and learning new facts can always be useful.
  9. Thanks to everypony for the warm welcomes, they are very much appreciated.
  10. Howdy howdy. I'll be sure ta give ya a nudge if I be needin' anything.
  11. Told ya it was a generic intro! Anyways, thanks for the welcome. I'm sure this place will be to my liking.
  12. I figured as much. And, as a fact of the matter.. I was at AC recently!
  13. Oh, I typically jump around from game to game. Mainly stick to playing Xbox stuff, and the standard FPS games for multiplayer. Though, I do play TF2 on steam from time to time.
  14. About Myself: See below. How I found Canterlot.com: Through Celestia Radio's webpage, go figure. How I became a fan of MLP:FiM: See below. My favourite main cast pony/s: AppleJack,Fluttershy,Miss Rarity,Rainbow Dash,Twilight Sparkle,Pinkamina Diane Pie Greetings and salutations to any of you that come across this introduction. I was never very good at presenting myself to others, so to speak. It always seems to be difficult for me to try and put myself in the spotlight. Though, that is neither here nor there. Here's this brief patch of information, whether you're ready or not. I have been around on the internet for a good while now, and have had multiple different monikers to represent myself. But, let's back up to the required topics of this introduction. What is there to know about me? Not a whole lot, to be honest. I am a wanna-be artist that is trying to improve and breath life into the fantastical ideas I brew up. There are also video games, of which I am an avid fan. I shan't delve too deeply into the realm of my interests, for it would definitely be too boring or long. Needless to say, ponies are included in the things I like. Of course, the other question at hand; how did I come into finding this show? That's another story in itself. I started as a member within the "furry" community, simply going about my business as usual. Then, at some point, I saw all of these images of ponies showing up on my websites. It was a curiosity at first, and I merely ignored the swarms of fan-art being produced. After a while, several of my friends started to talk about this show. I dismissed this as well, figuring it would be nothing of interest to me. I saw how most cartoons were these days, bland and disgraceful. Regardless, I eventually broke down and agreed to watch a single episode. Only one, I stated. Before I realized it, I had watched half of an entire season in one sitting. It was quite obvious I was a fan, despite how I wanted to deny it. Oh well. I figured I may as well embrace this for all its worth, and try to make new friends out of the deal. So there it is, a pretty generic intro. Peace out, bronies.
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