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Everything posted by QueenofHearts

  1. Shalidor grinned at the smell of blood. "Why thank you, lass. No aroma has refreshed me more than that of freshly spilt blood...."
  2. Mandaline looked at the Commander and said "No choppers for transport this time. This time, send in the Hinds. Wouldn't hurt to put a few KV-2s or Tigers either." She got into her MK IV armor, motioning for Echo to get into his.
  3. Shalidor continued to laugh at Balinor, and Balinor's pistol flew out of Balinor's reach and into Shalidor's hand. Shalidor looked at Balinor, then pulled the trigger. Balinor felt the bullet strike him. He knew Shalidor had not meant to kill him....yet. Shalidor was toyng with his prey, like a child with it's food. Shalidor turned back around, melting the gun in his hoof. "Enough of that. Onward." He said in an amused tone.
  4. Balinor was surprised by the kiss, but accepted it. He kept alert for any more trouble.
  5. "Don't worry so much. I have ye under the Blessing. It comes with every spell I hit my target with. That's why I did not use magic on my adversaries."
  6. Balinor nodded, and said "See what I get to put up with as a Guardian? Stupid folk thing they can outsmart me. "
  7. Balinor smiled, grasped her hoof, and Teleported them to the nearest Guardian Hub. He showed his ID, saying "The lass is under my protection, and therefore my permission to enter." He entered his quarters, and sat down.
  8. Balinor continued teleporting, and nearly cracked up at how desperate they were. "You all realize that You now have TWO armies against you? The Guardians, and the Wraiths? Hilariously enough, you just don't seem to know when to stop." He snatched the bag, making sure it wasnt a phony.
  9. Balinor stared at Shalidor with hatred, and shouted "You will pay dearly for your intervention! The whole CP will come upon you!" Shalidor laughed evilly at Balinor, and replied "I am touched that you would send your army to it's death!"
  10. The Wraith still had one trick up his sleeve. He had Zero's aura down to memory, and teleported to the creature, saying "Going somewhere?"
  11. The Wraithe smiled, and replied "You truly are foolish. A death curse has no effect on anyone under the Blessing of the Guardian. And unfortunately for you, you don't have it." Eight other Wraiths appeared, surrounding the attacker.
  12. The Wraith stood there, the acid taking no effect. "I am smart. To be scuffling with a Wraith, however...." He slashed at the stranger's sides, smiling wickedly. "Let's just say Sauron selected us for a reason."
  13. Balinor held his Sword (there is a reason why I capitalize it) up to the stranger's throat, and hissed back "Thy efforts are in vain. We Wraiths cannot be killed. By the way, this blade is the Blade of Woe, and will turn thou into a pile of ash. I would turn back if I were you. Or shall we dance?"
  14. "What business doth thou have with her?" Balinor said in a hostile tone. "Speak, worm!" The Knight said angrily.
  15. "Well, I am keeping..." Balinor stopped in mid sentence, for he saw a shadowy figure. He quickly turned Zero invisible, and drew his sword.
  16. Balinor looked at Zero. "You alright?" He asked cautiously.
  17. Mandaline holstered her flintlock, looking the stranger over with one eye. She bore a tattoo that meant she was with Jack Sparrow, but tried to hide it.
  18. Shalidor replied "I am not blind. One does not require wings to fly."
  19. "It is a sport involving multiple positions. You have a group of player designated to try and toss a ball through the opposite team's hoop to score points. Can't remember all the details, but it defenitely involves flight."
  20. "Exactly." Shalidor said without the slightest change of tone. "As far as teams go...You ever play Quidditch?"
  21. "Captain Jack Sparrow. I'm in his crew aboard the Black Pearl. Of course, he is still waiting for me to go back." Mandaline answered. Then, a dark figure loomed in the shadows, waiting for Luffy to wake up.
  22. Shalidor laughed "Well, let us not become drunken folk. That would dampen my reputation."
  23. "Beer I only drink at Oktoberfest." Shalidor replied. "I suppose I could make an exception."
  24. Balinor began to tap a rhythm to Zero's humming.
  25. Mandaline shrugged. "Well, Sparrow is going to be disappointed."
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