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Everything posted by QueenofHearts

  1. Balinor smiled, and said "I love you too, milady."
  2. Mandaline giggles, and says "Here, let me show you how it's done." She proceeded to show Echo how to properly rebuild the Terminator
  3. Eventually, Balinor had to break away for breath. After a few minutes of breathing deeply, he said "You kiss with excellence."
  4. Balinor embraces to kiss, being passionate, but not obsessive.
  5. Mandaline looked over to check on Echo. "You haven't put one of these together before, have you?" She giggles.
  6. Mandaline was busy reprogramming a terminator to hear. Once that one was finished, she moved on to the next one.
  7. Balinor replied to Zero "It would appear that I feel the same." He smiled.
  8. Mandaline showed him the remaining robots to be built. "I need you to put these guys together, and I will reside them as you finish."
  9. Balinor grinned warmly, and kissed her.
  10. Balinor smiled, and said "I am fine right here." He nuzzled Zero.
  11. Mandaline said "No, but that does not mean I don't WANT your help." She smiled, motioning to be followed.
  12. He returned the kiss, saying "Anything you want to do besides sit here and kiss?" He was joking, indeed, but feared the worst as usual.
  13. Mandaline set to work on more robots as she spoke.
  14. "It appears that mistletoe has affected us." Balinor said half-jokingly.
  15. Mandine looked at the Druid next to Zero. "The Sorcerer...." She says in respect.
  16. Mandaline laughed, pulling a flintlock pistol. "Does the name Jack Sparrow ring a bell? No?" She forgot that she was a way from the port.
  17. Mandaline cocked her head in confusion. "A runner? Running from what?"
  18. Balinor nodded in agreement, and kissed Zero on the lips
  19. Balinor chuckled and said "If this becomes a moment where we continually kiss each other..."
  20. Balinor couldn't help but return the kiss.
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