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Everything posted by QueenofHearts

  1. Balinor followed, whistling as he walked.
  2. Balinor blushed a bit behind his helmet.
  3. Balinor opened the door for Zero, and said "Lovely ladies first."
  4. "We already shut down his Terminator production, so there is our first step to victory."Mandaline smiles.
  5. Balinor smiled. "Well, look who is talking." He meant it to be a counter-compliment, but was afraid she took it wrong.
  6. Balinor stepped outside as he put on the helmet. "Well, it has been a while since I wore this..."
  7. Mandaline smiled and said "Okey dokey."
  8. "Tomorrow we end this freaking war. We assault Skynet in his lair." Mandaline smiled.
  9. Balinor look at his, and strapped it on. The ebony gleamed in the light.
  10. Mandaline replied "I would love that!"
  11. Balinor nodded approval, and smiled.
  12. Mandaline giggles, kicking her legs back and forth.
  13. Balinor shrugged "Truthfully, I have no idea. It isn't in my custom to decide, anyways."
  14. "Me? I just moved here! Two days ago, in fact..."
  15. Mandaline smiled and said "I am going to have some more of that pizza."
  16. Mandaline smiles warmly, and sits down, letting her feet dangle over the edge.
  17. Balinor nodded in acknoedgement, and said "Well, I wish I could help you there."
  18. Mandaline jumps up onto the chopper, and pulled Echo up with her. "Looks like our mission is accomplished."
  19. Mandaline threw a grenade at the toasters, activating the Übercharge and aiming it at Echo.
  20. "I'm Mandaline! Pleased to meet you!" She says cheerfully.
  21. Balinor smiled, and continued the maintenance.
  22. Mandaline throws a flare to signal the chopper, saying in the radio "Oy! Get our evac here ASAP!"
  23. Balinor answered "Simple ham and eggs. I trust you slept well?"
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