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Everything posted by QueenofHearts

  1. Mandaline replied "Not have pizza?" She giggled, and looked behind her. "Wanna blow this place to holy hell?" She asks, offering Echo the detonator.
  2. ((Fine by me.)) The following morning, Balinor had fixed breakfast, and sat there tending to his chain mail.
  3. Balinor said "If you require sleep, you may use the bed."
  4. Mandaline spots him courtesy of the IR goggles, and wipes it
  5. Balinor smiled "Ah, our decoy trick..."
  6. Mandaline nodded, holding up the detonator. The elevator opened, and she walked outside with Echo.
  7. Balinor nodded. "A long battle, it was."
  8. Mandaline continued walking humming to herself. She passed Nature Walk and Golden Sun eventually, and said "Hi!"
  9. Balinor smiled, and said "Not sure, eh?" He put the sword away into it's sheath. "Well, we are not always aware of our feelings, so that makes sense."
  10. Mandaline hit the button for the first floor, Übercharge still running.
  11. Mandaline said in reply "Let it blow up with the rest of the blasted buildings." She switched her goggles to IR.
  12. Balinor shrugged. "Depends on what you wish to do."
  13. Balinor chuckled. "Well, now you know." He was not trying to be a hypocrite, for he was blushing slightly, but nowhere near as severely as Zero.
  14. Mandaline sets the charges, and goes back to the elevator.
  15. Balinor chuckled and said "It mentioned it in that book you showed me earlier
  16. Balinor chuckled and said "It mentioned it in that book you showed me earlier
  17. Balinor smiled knowingly, and said "You realize that I can read minds, right?"
  18. Balinor replied "It is made if orichalcum, the material that the orcs use." He said with a warm smile "You need me to turn up the fan or something? I feel your heat from here."
  19. Unfortunately for Zero, Balinor had the ability to read minds, and had done so. He did not say anything, but merely smiled, sharpening his sword.
  20. Mandaline tosses a grenade, and blows the lot to pieces. She enters the elevator once it arrives.
  21. Mandaline kept the Übercharge activated, Abd said "The elevator! Let us take it!"
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