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Everything posted by QueenofHearts

  1. Balinor strode down the street, his ebony armor gleaming in the sun. The sword on his back was large, and bore a large shield with the Equestrian flag on it
  2. Balinor sits down, about to put his helmet back on.
  3. Mandaline realized she was making a fool of herself, and walked away, embarrassed.
  4. ((Let me pull in another OC of mine. He is more exciting.))
  5. Balinor spots a bench nearby. " I see le bench."
  6. "I am confident of it. They are almost exactly the same as the original, just better."
  7. "Aye. My army has a test of quality tomorrow." Mandaline says, quickly counting out how many there were. "Well, total, there are 12,000 robots here." She said, walking into the room and grabbing some pizza.
  8. Balinor looked at Zero. "Is something wrong?"
  9. Mandaline laughs at herself for having been careless.
  10. Mandaline walks to the right, unsure where it would lead. After a few minutes, she turned left. Then she turned right. Then right again. She saw Nature and Golden and said "Hi again!"
  11. Mandaline said in reply "You forgot one very important thing: I produced hundreds of robots in three days. I am confident that a chopper is not much harder."
  12. ((I'm going to have her end up intercepting them, out of purely random turns. Something I think Rowan Atkinson would do XD))
  13. "Something I have yet to build. A more manueverable Huey. As far as the teasing goes...what good dies it do?"
  14. "You were." Mandaline replies, and looks at the blueprint for a Huey. It was heavily modified, and looked more aerodynamic.
  15. Mandaline nodded. "Yes, since we started working together."
  16. Mandaline turned around, and found that she was at the same intersection from before. "Which way to go...."
  17. Mandaline looked at the formulas, ofcwhich there were some quirky ones. She said "Well, that is nice to know."!She smiles at him.
  18. Mandaline smiled and said "Thanks for the tour! Never knew any of this was here..."
  19. "Most have a tendency to try and play with my emotions." She sat down at a desk cluttered with blueprints and formulas.
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