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Everything posted by QueenofHearts

  1. Balinor saw the added color and said "Is everything allright?"
  2. Mandaline laughs as he is wreaked upon the area. They approach a building, the door shot down by Mandaline.
  3. "Not really. It was only this big apiece." Balinor said indicating a small ingot.
  4. A terminator tries to RPG Echo, but the rocket does nothing, and the robot is torn apart by Mandaline's gun.
  5. Mandaline activates the Übercharge, simultaneously firing the minigun at the Terminators that were popping up. "You're invincible!"
  6. Balinor smiled. "Took at least ten ingots of the stiff to forge it."
  7. Balinor replied "It has always been rare, which is why I treasure this suit so much." He smiled, and picked up the helmet.
  8. Mandaline smiled. "Destroy anything that dares challenge the two of us, kill the target, and get out of here. "
  9. After a few minutes, they approached their objective. The chopper landed, and Mandaline hopped out.
  10. Balinor replied "It is my battle armor. It has saved my life many times."
  11. Mandaline laughed, and began to sing "Through The Fire and Flames"
  12. Balinor opened a closet, revealing a large dark suit of armor. He polished it, then sat on a chair.
  13. Mandaline sat next to Echo, singing "Fir Those About To Rock, We Salute You"
  14. Balinor closed the door, removing the chain mail and putting on a dark cloak.
  15. Mandaline tosses them to Echo, putting on her gloves. She wore NV goggles already, and jumped into the chopper carrying only the medical device.
  16. Balinor said "Open or closed?", referring to the door.
  17. Balinor gripped the key, opening his room, and letting Echo in first. "I don't know if chivalry exists in your time, but it is a big thing in mine."
  18. Balinor sheathed the sword before entering the motel. "The lass is with me." He says to the clerk.
  19. Mandaline shouldered the tool, checking the minigun attachment on it. "I hope this minigun works if I attach it to this thing."
  20. Balinor drew his braodsword, holding it out in front of him and said "Onward we go." He led her to the hotel.
  21. Mandaline walked forward, suddenly changing direction and heading left.
  22. Mandaline opens a cabinet, revealing destroyed Terminators, among other scrap metal.
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