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Everything posted by QueenofHearts

  1. Mandaline smiled. "Will do."She shouts back, keeping the trigger pulled.
  2. Mandaline smirked as she followed Echo, and said "This is what took me so long to perfect!" ((Everywhere? That was the first one I made on this thread...))
  3. Mandaline shot a few more rounds, taking out the other AA guns, as well with a bunch of Terminators. She finally jumped out of it, destroying it with C4. She looked at the medic gun, and laughed. "Übercharge ready!!" she shouted, pulling the trigger while aiming at Echo. The effect was obvious. The Übercharge made Echo invulnerable as Mandaline held the trigger.
  4. Mandaline looked at the AA gun, and am idea struck her head. She shot the operator with the L96, and sprinted to the gun, taking control of it. She aimed it at a large group of Terminators, and fired the gun, for a result of scrap metal. She shouted "Tell me where to aim it!"
  5. Mandaline had been busy healing the pilot when she was told to pick up the launcher. She grabbed the SMAW, and waited for the signal.
  6. Mandaline said in reply "Any aircraft can evade. Take us down anyway." She pulled out the medical gun, making ready for landing
  7. Mandaline sat there, looking out for enemy aircraft, which there were none. After a few minutes, Mandaline spots AA guns. "Best to do evasive maneuvers." She called to the pilot, pulling out the L96.
  8. Mandaline laughed and said "It's German for Super."
  9. Mandaline smiled, and said "wait until this thing is Übercharged.", getting in the chopper as she spoke. She pulled on long medic gloves that reached the elbow, wielding the medical gun with a grin.
  10. Mandaline laughed at Echo's curiosity, and replied "Something that took me ages to build. Watch what it does." She pulled the trigger, aiming at Echo's wound. The injury healed up nearly instantly.
  11. Mandaline gasped as she realized she forgot something. She picked up another gun, an odd looking one. "I don't anymore!"
  12. ((I still have a slot open for a couple other threads if youare interested PM me if so))
  13. The commander replied "Since I feel like being nice, you will be leaving in fifteen minutes." Mandaline smiled, picked up her L96, ammo and a boatload of medical supplies, and said "Well, I'm ready whenever Echo is."
  14. The commander looks at Echo, and says to Mandaline "This is your partner?" "Yup!" Mandaline answers, smiling. The commander rolls his eyes, and says "We have located the source of the Terminators, and the one responsible for creating them. You two maggots are going in behind enemy lines to destroy the factory, and the one who calls himself Skynet." Mandaline smiles at Echo, giddy with joy at the fact that they were to work together again. "But...what about Echo's wound?" She asks. "You went to med school!" The commander snaps at Mandaline, who arched an eyebrow in warning.
  15. Mandaline laughs at the thought. She then looks at Echo with a smile and says "That would be awesome." Just then, an officer came in, saying "You two are wanted in the war room.". , motioning for Mandaline and Echo to follow.
  16. Mandaline arched an eyebrow, and laid back. "I could use that pizza right now..." She says with a laugh
  17. Mandaline laughs "I know. But maybe falling off tbe bed might." She says playfully
  18. Mandaline smiled and replied "You sound awful chipper. That's a good thing. Shows that this war hasn't robbed you of your personality."
  19. Mandaline nodded "If course there will be. We just have to wait for the right time." She smiled. "How is that wound holding up?" She asked with a tone of concern.
  20. I guess....I really have no idea." Mandaline replied, setting the L96 to the side.
  21. Mandaline blushed a bit and sat down on the bunk underneath Echo. "That I did..."
  22. Mandaline smiled and said "Glad to have helped."
  23. Mandaline looks at Echo and said "Sardonic are we?"
  24. "I'm pretty sure I heard my name more than once." Mandaline chuckled.
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