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Posts posted by AppleNitrox

  1. Michael looked at Robi and how he is flying and smiled he was happy to see somepony in position like he.

    Well, wait wait wait! I know you, Robi! This is me, AppleNitrox i just used my real name. Okay i will try again with my wings maybe this time they will work Michael again made his position to fly and get slowly up but like before. He flyed good but dont know how to turn right or left and attacked tree with head.

    Aww! This pain, this pain! He tried this 10th in a row but finally he flyed slowly and knew how to twist into different positions.

    Okay Robi! Head the way i will go with You, by the way isnt that beatifull that we are ponies ? Michael smiled again, he was very happy that he is now a Pegasus.

  2. Heart Shine looked at Sunny then at hole she wasnt prety sure what to do right now. She little used magic to try to get Gryffen out of the hole but this dont worked.

    Well, i think we need to try get him out. Maybe use stick or something other? Or i can again try with my magic... It is up to you i'm not sure if i will hurt him or not, cause dont used magic many times

    Heart looked at Sunny with smile and waited for her decision.

  3. I'm hearing a lot of good things about Fallout Equestria and it looks like there's a lot of fanart going around too. Here's a question then: Do I need to have played the Fallout games to read this fic? I've never played any of them and don't even know what they are about ^^:

    Dangerous Business... I'm thinking about it, but the huge number of chapters is a bit daunting.

    Imo you dont need to know Fallout at all - it will be easier to know Fallout but this is not important (But it is only my opinion :)).

    Dont get afraid cause of so many chapters - it is very, very good.

  4. Name: AppleNitrox

    Amount of time since conversion to Bronyism: 9 months

    How can you contribute?: I can dress up to anyone for infiltration

    Do you have any connections in NASA?: Maybe?

    Have you ever been arrested/have a criminal record?: What? Never!

    If so, what for?:

    What languages are you fluent in?: Polish

    What do you think of this font?: o.o

    Social Security Number: 222-22-333

    Credit Card Number/Verification Code: Are you from government?

    Name on Credit Card/PIN: 4142

  5. Heart looked at Sunny and again at Gryffen she was little not sure about this.

    You sure this is Gryffen? He is trying to run away from you. She said and waited for Sunny respond, Shine need to be sure at 100% to go and use her magic at this Jackalop or still search for another in this forest. At all, she dont wanted to be disappointed when they get bad jackalop.

  6. Will give mainly my favorite list of anime, but i had watch many.

    Fate/Stay Night - Masterpiece for me.

    Full Metal Alchemist

    Code Geass

    Saint Seiya

    Slayer (Old one series)

    Soul Hunter

    Fate/Stay Night certainly is a masterpiece. The only time I've ever been compelled to actually download and play through an entire visual novel after watching an anime.

    master....piece??? *tries desperately to fit that thought*.....*fails*

    wtf, phil, after completing the VN you should know how ****ty that was as an adaptation, i mean, when a battle narrated via static images, some effects and goddamned TEXT is more exciting than an animated version, you KNOW there is something bad going on.

    @Nitrox, do it, the VN is just awesome...


    wtf1: care to explain why you think Eva is bad? is easy to bash at something without proper arguments

    wtf2: Death note.......sick???

    my top 4(5)

    Code Geass

    Cowboy Bebop

    -tie- FMA:Brotherhood, Madoka

    everything from the Nanohaverse (Force is just so BADASS)

    I'm think my english failed :P i completed VN.

  7. Will give mainly my favorite list of anime, but i had watch many.

    Fate/Stay Night - Masterpiece for me.

    Full Metal Alchemist

    Code Geass

    Saint Seiya

    Slayer (Old one series)

    Soul Hunter

    Fate/Stay Night certainly is a masterpiece. The only time I've ever been compelled to actually download and play through an entire visual novel after watching an anime.

    Same here :P after watching anime i'm just needed to play VN.

  8. Heart Shine looked into rabbits then again at Sunny and again at Rabbits. She was little embarrassed with so many animals.

    Wait, so... Your Gryffen looks like what? I'm little forgot about this and here is so many rabbits...

    Heart looked again at Sunny to get answer to find good one, on her face again appeared smile while watching at so many animals. But she still remember that they are here to find a lost Pet named Gryffen, which can be very hard with so many rabbits here.

    If he looked like these rabbits, it is be very hard to find him.. It will take us all day!

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