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Posts posted by AppleNitrox

  1. She was interested why Sunny was here, that why Heart Shine dont say anything before she dont ended, at all it was rude. She later looked into a flowers that was little eaten and went with Sunny on the way.

    Hey Sunny, you sure it can be Gryffen? But it is good we are following this, we finally see something where to go... Maybe he is eating flowers and you dont even know this? Or maybe not, or maybe yes...

    For while Heart Shine was fighting with yourself with "Yes" and "No" but later she discovered that she dont even know Gryffen so Heart Shine stopped this "fight".

  2. She stopped and looked into the territory where they was already. Heart turned her head to Sunny and started to thinking for a little. She was in a territory new to her, she was in some kind of forest. But it doesnt matter, there was a Pony who needed help.

    Well, no! I'm first time here, but it doesnt matter you are need help and i'm here to help You. Okay, so here he escaped from you rght? Now let check where is that rock..

    She little looked again here and finally slowly moved to a rock with alot of moss on it, she passed it and "started" to move forward this way.

    So, you live in this Town near forest or you are too new in those territories?

  3. As a note, i am not a native english speaker, and although i take great pride in my above average mastery of the language, i do tend to type gibberish every once in a while. You guys let me know if i am not clear on something i posted.

    Dont worry here, english is not my native too so my grammar is not very good but forum members trying to help me with this :).

  4. Michael slowly walked forward still looking at his wings.

    Damn, they are so beatifull... But why i'm cant use it ? Always when i'm saw this, no one had a problem with it! Even the fillys could use them and i'm got a problems, maybe they really dont know from born how to fly and learning in time.

    He turned his head forward and started to move faster, he started to run to finally find someone.

    After many minutes, he has discovered some yelling and moved more faster into direction of this voice. He saw a blue Pegasus (Michael was from behind) and started to fly to be faster near the Pony but he dont know how to twist or atleast stop and crashed into another Pegasus.

    Oh ! I'm so sorry, i'm dont even know how to use these wings... But hey, welcome here! My name is Michael, what is your name ?

  5. She stopped for a moment and looked at Sunny, then turned her way to north starting to move here.

    Maybe we try then move from the spot you lost him to nearest garden and see if he is here? Or maybe propose something? You lost pet, so you could give us a way where to go

    She again smiled to Sunny, Heart Shine was so happy that she can help another pony in trouble. She was moving slowly and turning everywhere to see if she dont see Gryffen or his traces. He must be somewhere here.

  6. She was more happy when Sunny stop cry and wait before new Pony will end his dialogue. She little nodded with understand.

    It is no problem, you are happy again and dont cry this is sucess

    She little laughed after her own words and looked again at Sunny when Pony asked Heart Shine for a name.

    My name is Heart Shine and i'm love to help other Ponies

    At her little face there again showed a smile, she little thought about what happened some seconds before and recognize that Sunny lost her pet. She little looked around then again at Sunny.

    Let find your Pet then! Tell me, how Gryffen looked? It should make me help if we will try to find him together.

    She slowly started to move to search for lost Pet, she little looked back if Sunny is coming with her.

  7. She came to Sunny slowly and started to stroke her head slowly, he was little sad when Sunny still cry but she understand why Pony cry.

    Hey, please, please stop crying! You are a Big Girl, isnt you? We will find together your pet, if we will work together we will have a better chance to save her! And i'm sure nothing has eaten your pet, just stop cry please and get up we will find your Gryffen

    Shine slowly stopped to stroke Sunny and tryed to help to get Sunny up, she still was smiling and looking at Sunny if she will accept proposition that was offered by Heart Shine or will still be crying. She was sure that if they will work together, they will have a chance to find lost pet and Sunny will stop crying cause of it.

  8. Was thinking about this topic, if it's in wrong section then sorry :).

    So, which one is your favorite song from series?

    My first favorite is Winter Wrap up, i'm really like the animation here and how they singing it, and text.. What else to say?

    Second one is Cutie Mark Crusaders, i'm think i'm like this one cause it's similiar to music that i'm listen.

    Third favorite is At the gala, same opinion like in Winter Wrap Up.

  9. Name: Harmony Everskies

    Sex: Female

    Age: Fille

    Species: Pegasus

    Pelt Color: White

    Mane/Tail Color & Style: one side is dark yellow, second is light yellow (Will make better description later)

    Eye Color: Purple

    Cutie Mark: Bird that show the love to animals, behind the bird there can be saw a compas which mean she likes to explore. (Thank to Vorpalwhackety for image)


    Physique: Normal

    Residence: First Cloudsdale, now Great Nimbusgait Lakes.

    Occupation: N/A

    Motivation: Make a united place where Ponies and animals can live together, explore entire world.

    Likes: Animals, sky, flying, ponies, explore, hear different stories, seasons especially spring.

    Dislikes: Be jealous, ponies that hurt animals, dont like to be famous and dont like snobs.

    Character Summary:

    Harmony Everskies has lived in a very strict family who live in Cloudsdale. She had a brother and sister, but their parents don't let them to go outside, only when they were good to them. Harmony, from start, didn't liked it and made big problems for her parents. Many times, she escaped from home to her friend's house and when her parents got her back home, she would be punished. Her parents would lock her in a room with no way out for several hours.

    She was approached by another Pegasus from Ponyville. It was one of the few times she was allowed outside. She told this Pegasus that she is a orphan. He looked concerned and told her that she could go with him to see Ponyville, and would later escort her back to Cloudsdale. She was very happy, finally she would travel outside of Cloudsdale and could have a break from her parents. With his help she discovered a new place. She was delighted with it and liked this place very much. But she didn't want to stop here, she wanted to see more places in the world. With his permission she went to a forest where she saw a hurt bird, a little sparrow. Harmony couldn't stand to see it like this. She took up the sparrow and started to treat the injury to soothe the pain. Harmony took him to the Pegasus' house so he could be further treated to full recovery. She laid him down on the bed and went out to see the forest again.

    After many hours of exploring she went to a house in Ponyville, but there was a bad surprise for her. Harmony's parents started to look for her and they were already here. They took her back to Cloudsdale by a force. She was very unhappy because of it. Harmony didn't have a chance at all to watch over the sparrow till he recovered. Her parents shouted at her for running off. Then they noticed something else that upset them. Harmony had a cutie mark! And she didn't even know before this. Her parents were very angry at her because the cutie mark is not what they have expected from her. Harmony, from this point on, knew that she would try to make a place where animals and ponies can live together. She wanted to see more of the world and the creatures it held. After some days had passed, Harmony discovered something in window. It was the sparrow that she tried to heal. He probably came here to thank her for helping him. The little pegasus looked at him and gave him the name "Flighty". But Harmony was sure that if her parents saw the bird, they would force him to leave her. She hid him and didn't tell anyone about him except her closest, loyal friend.

    After many years, she told her parents that she would leave them. She couldn't live with them anymore and said she would live with animals now. Her parents told her that this would not be possible. Even when they discovered her cutie mark, they told her she wouldn't be allowed to do it, that she had to do what they wanted her to do. But Harmony didn't agree with that and escaped one night from the house. She loved her family but couldn't live with them anymore. Right now she has a camp at Great Nimbusgait Lakes where she lives with her friend Flighty. Many animals come here to get food and many other things, but many times, the camp is empty because cause Flighty and Harmony explore world.


    Name: Flighty

    Sex: Male

    Age: Young

    Species: Bird, Sparrow

    Skin Color: Like all sparrows got

    Eye Color: blue

    Physique: Normal

    Residence: Live with Harmony

    Occupation: N/A

    Character Summary: Normal familly, one time he was attacked by bigger bird and was injuried by him. Later Harmony found him and healed him but he dont had a chance to thank Harmony for it - she wasnt here so he tried to find her. Now they are together exploring world.

  10. Michael had a very good dreams about Ponies, he was Pegasus in his dreams and he was flying in the woods. Something wake up him from this beatiful dreams, it was a leaf that fall out from the tree. He opened eyes and closed it's very fast.

    Oh comeone...Guys, please give me one minute more of this sleep.

    He tryed again to sleep, but from automatic opened again his eyes from sleeping.

    Wait.. Wait, why for a goddamn s*** there are trees? We had sleep in building...Or in camp? Now i'm know why i'm hate alcohol and never drinking it. Oh come one... Ok, it's funny but you can come out.

    He talked to no one and tryed to get for this Phone, but hey he noticed that he dont have hands anymore... And he is a pony.

    It's a ... It's a....Hooves!? What happened there... No, it's not possible. It's just dream, still a dream... Wait, i'm have a tail?

    Michael turned his head to back to look at he's tail and he smile, at start he tryed to move with this tail and looked to it for some minutes but later he discovered that it's time to be serious.

    Okay... Time to be serious, alcohol.. Ok, something else there was? No, i'm think not. He looked to see all his body and hey! He discovered he have a wings.

    Great! I'm have wings, it's so great! I"m can to look from air to discover where are my friends.. Okay, prepare hooves it's time to flying lesson! He prepare his hooves and stretched wings, he used them to fly and it's worked... Wait, no it's dont worked he fly for a second but he dont know how to twist and he fly just straight, unlucky for him there was a tree and hitted it with his head.

    Oh come one... My head just hit more than before, i'm think it will be better if i'm will not use this wings, before i'm dont discover how to use them... Or someone will teach me how to use it. He give yourself some mins before moving straight, after at head was a small pain he started to move and seek out for his friends.

  11. Name: AppleNitrox/Michael

    Sex: Male

    Age: Colt

    Species: pegasus

    Pelt Color: green

    Mane/Tail Color & Style: Blue

    Eye Color: Red

    Cutie Mark: 3 lines of stuff that is used to programming in C++ something like this:

    http://januszg.hg.pl/teksty/devcpp4.png (But not so many, just 3 lines)

    Physique: average

    Residence: Poland Gdańsk, wakes up in the Everfree forest

    Occupation: Programming Student

    Motivation: Make games!

    Likes: Ponies, talking with people, be with friends, having fun, playing games.

    Dislikes: Boor people, hurting animals.

    Character Summary: Normal life before got drunk with friends from canterlot.com, wake up in Everfree forest.

  12. (Okay i'm give myself a try, if you will dont like cause of my english skill i'm will understand it :oops: )

    Heart Shine was in Ponyville with her father, cause he had business here. When he was in his job, Heart shine decided to go outside to look which terrains surround the Ponyville. Everfree forest was her first target, cause she thought that in scary forest there will be someone who need help. After moving through forest he heard loudly weep, she decided to check who was crying so loudly. Finally she approached her destination - it was Pony. Shine slowly get to the Psyche.

    Hey..What is wrong? Why you cry, you got lost? Stop it please, smile. We all need to be happy in our life, rather than me sad.

    She tryed to stop Psyche weep, on her little face there approached smile to relax atmosphere.

  13. [ PONY ]

    Saw Dust// Male // Colt //

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    Pine Nut// Female // Young Mare //

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    [ UNICORN ]

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    Chemise// Female // Young Mare //

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    Star Fire// Male // Older Colt //

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    [ Pegasus ]

    Harmony Everskies// Female // Fille //

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    Beauty Brass // Female // Mare //

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