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Posts posted by AppleNitrox

  1. Some years before my dreams was duh, pathetic and horrors one... Guy from Saw that wanted to, you know... Or girl from the ring D:

    Right now i'm a happy one, cause finally i'm have Lucid Dream and can dream about Ponies :D

    Tip for you Wwlink - like others said, read fanfic, watch the episode before go sleep, turn on your MP3 with Pony music (Done this one time, worked XD) and this should help.

  2. My Favorite Character have changed over time, before i'm watched MLP FiM and have watched only PonyCraft II my favorite pony was Rarity, i'm liked how she looking. After watching some first episodes, i'm discovered that Rainbow Dash is the best from all ponies. Something like in 19-20 episode i'm discovered, that i'm very like Fluttershy and she was my Favorite Character to the end. But after watching second time MLP FiM i'm discovered, that i'm very like Applejack. Her style and how she is talking, i'm like all Ponies from group but She is my favorite one. I'm discovered the thing, that i'm very much like the Cutie Mark Crusaders characters and even they are not the main characters, i'm think they are near of my Applejack choice.

  3. All Pony music etc :D but, here are some extra without Pony:

    Books: Fantasy and Sci-Fi ones, Forgotten Realms, Star Wars. I'm The Mists of Avalon but i'm fan of the Arthurian Legends

    Music: song Nightfall, mainly Blind Guardian, Derdian and Rhapsody of Fire

    TV: I'm like detective stories, very much, CSI, NCIS, detectiv Monk etc.

    Movies: Here i'm not finicky, first i'm watch movie them see if i'm like it or no :D doesnt matter if it's romantic, fantasy, science-fiction etc.

  4. Oooo I love it, I can't wait to see where you go with this. icon_arrow.gif

    Thank you very much :D!

    The likes and dislikes seem a bit generic and the backstory is a bit confusing at parts, but that might be due to some of the problems with your english. No offense, but its "updated" not "uptaded." :/

    That's why asking for help Sonic, to make it's logic for anyone :). Thank about this "updated" never knew which form is good one.

    19:38 :

    Update with Tail and Mane, thank RCTwi and BlindJester for help

  5. First uptade after so many hours of polishing she, could use some help with the grammar like with Saw Dust if someone can help me :). And i'm open to other opinion about this character.

    Thank BlindJester for name.


    Little uptaded, changed the age and gave little information bout tail, changed description of physique.

  6. Name: Heart Shine

    Sex: Female

    Age: Foal

    Species: Unicorn

    Pelt Color: Blue

    Mane/Tail Color & Style: Color is dark blue. Her mane is kept short and with a bang that she likes to keep swept to the side and keeps everything in place with a headband. Her tail is long and wavy some locks of her tail curls giving it a more fuller look.

    Eye Color: Purple

    Cutie Mark: Heart with a star in the middle

    Physique: Average

    Residence: Appleloosa

    Occupation: Student

    Motivation: Helping Ponies all the time.She likes to see ponies smiling with no worries, she doesn't want to see her past happen again to anypony

    Likes: Talking, help other creatures and ponies, to make a lot of friends and to have fun

    Dislikes: Unfriendly creatures, ponies that makes others feel bad, being unhappy and unwelcome.

    Character Summary:

    She lived in a poor family and only lived with her father, tried to make the best life foher as possible, but Heart Shine never was unhappy because of it, on her face there was always a smile and understanding for her father. In school she had good number of friends because of her open personality to everyone and understand other Ponies, of course there was some ponies that laughed at her because of her poor lifestyle, but with helps of her friends she's never been unhappy cause of this the unwelcome by some ponies.She was one of the first ponies in class that had a cuttie mark, it's appeared when Heart Shine helped other ponies when they needed it, she tried to help everpony with her magic that's why there appeared a star inside heart. At home she always tried to make things clean with her magic, so her father will didn't have more worries when he gets home. After cleaning a the house she goes tomet other ponies and see if someone needs help - but this didn't interrupted with having fun and playing games with other Foals she had a time for help other and have fun for yourself.

    Some friends of Heart Shine were jealous cause she had already a gotten her cuttie mark, but she said to them to take their time and the cutie mark will appear in time when they discover their special talents for themselves. One time she accepted to help one of the Ponies that laughed at her, the Pony that wanted help only ridicule her with her friends when they poured water on Heart Shine infront of everypony. She ran from place while crying, at this time she discovered to dont not believe ponies that was unfriendly to her from the beginning. Heart Shine's friends have come to her some minutes later and told her to not worry about it and told her that those ponies are only funny to themselves

    By she's nature, Heart Shine didnt want to take revenge against her "enemies" but from this point she knew that she can't anymore believe to the things that her "enemy" is saying. To a city approached a Pony with he's his family to sell some things, as she watched it was a Furnitures and from she heard the name of the pony was a Saw Dust. She talked with him a little and discovered Ponies from other places, Saw didn't have any luck and hasn't sold much of his furniture but after some days while talking with Heart Shine he told her that she is very welcoming in this city and if she ever needed a place to sleep she can stay his family's house if her father agreed with that. After that, Heart Shine was a very interested about the world and other Ponies places to see more Ponies in need of help, but she just was a little foal that wanted to see the world.


    Very short right now, will be uptaded later with more stuff here. :)

  7. It's kinda funny how I found ponies, cause it was by brother and Warhammer community forum, admin on this forum started a topic with Ponies and other watched it xD and i'm was one of this people. Now I "have on my account" 5 converted people into brony Already biggrin.png

  8. Little uptade cause i'm missed it, maybe someone will use it(or give me good idea to do something :D) :

    My hobby is programming, i'm do different stuffs in C++(Started at Python so know it too), i'm know HTML, PHP and CSS too so if anyone will need help with their websites can PM me :).

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