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Everything posted by abc

  1. well, i like to do incredibly stupid things! this one time i had my friends roll me down a hill in a wheelchair! i slammed into the ground but was not injured much, because of all the padding
  2. of course! why not i would eat them in a car, at the bar, in some tar, oh why i love it!
  3. interesting. what games do you play and would you like to playsometime?
  4. i recall you saying that you like dubstep..... .....if so whats your favorite song?
  5. HA this was really a test! 1) Correct! 2) um...idk i dont wanna say wrong but i dont wanna say right 3) Correct! you win! what do you win? another question! if you could hang out with anypony ONLINE right now who would it be
  6. who is best pony? Best background pony? Best ship?
  7. eeyup, been over for weeks nao and wow...its hard to believe that my area got so little damage when were only a state away...
  8. write friends? is that a forum thing cuz u know ive only been here 3 months...
  9. if you could be an admin for a day, what would you change?
  10. eeyup well it was bob, he puts all kinds a stuff in the ram-a-lam-a-ding-dong
  11. yep pumpkin apple blueberry etc... itz all so good!
  12. that buck my life moment when i just get off, only to realize that as soon as i got off, people decided to reply to my posts/ask thread and i get like, 30 new notifications

    1. CatCakey
    2. SkyshotSwift


      makes you feel loved,though, doesn't it?

  13. no, no i cant, because i totally agree with you, the waves were everywhere, there was little bass-kick(whitch is supposed to be abundent with club/techno) and.....idk, i strongly dislike it, which is wierd, considering i LOVE techno and electro
  14. what religion is that 0_0 anti jacket-ism
  15. in my head canon, the ponies preforming the spell is like them thinking, like picture this. a unicorns horn is on the head right? so does that mean that the pony can channel its brainpower into the horn, and like, a special magical gland in the horn turns that brainpower/willpower into raw magic? for instance twilight is a very smart pony, therefore she has a better grip on magic and how much power she has, celestia and luna are smarter than twilight, well most likely, considering that they have been around for so long, you would tend to pick up some stuff. thats my headcanon, for the whole power level situation
  16. well people in my school call me brownie (because last name is brown and i LOVE sweets) so i used the derpy tone of meh, leh and bang! browneh was born!
  17. remember when you first injected me with your cyanide? good times...good times
  18. yes, yes i love sushi actually, never had it untril a few weeks ago i had it at kobes, it was yellowtail shishimi, it was yummeh
  19. "spongebob, what happened to your eye? did somebody hit you? i think well settle this like men, ill sue him"

  20. whos your favorite wonderbolt? and ive never been to a different pony related site either lol
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