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Everything posted by abc

  1. that epic facehoof moment when you find out that your the only one that didnt get the memo of tales being a girl...........

    1. Tenkan


      It's okay, Browneh. We all get that moment.

    2. MyLittlePonyTales


      If it makes you feel better, it happens in real life too.

  2. You did not ask but i still delivered! my top ten things i do on Xbox Live!!!!!! feel free to leave feedback, death threats and restraining orders in the comments! 5.internet explorer derping. theres nothing like being able to explore the internet with an xbox! itz liek teh future! 4.xbox live partying i love joining a party and just messing about with friends, for no reason 3.youtube hilarity spend like 2 hours watching people injure themselves LOL 2.Netflixing from Drake and Josh to Good Vibes i watch it all day everyday, may start watchin anime, when i get some time, (even tho i have plenty of spare time on my hands LOL) 1.Canterlot derpfest my favorite passtime going onto my favorite site! heck im on my xbox right now! Blogging! neat right?!? ok that was mahtop five, if you have any suggestions, leave a comment or PM me, dont be afraid to ask! i dont bite(just kick ). and i bid you all an adue(is that how you spell that?) D:
  3. i wonder what 4-chan was like during the great brony v.s hater war?

    1. shyshy


      have you ever heard of vietnam?

  4. how old is this? im guessing because of winter theme, last christmas? and you dont have a comment on EVERY one, 3rd from the top
  5. so after rewatching season 1, 2 and the part of season 3 ive decided to change my favorite pony...........Twilight! idk why but i just look at her and say D'awwwwwwww, but the d'awwwww scale still breaks for fluttershy!!

  6. nahh were not gonna see her real house, they may have actually gone on like a class camping trip or something and stay in the everyfree forest or something like that. and... W00T! my favorite CMC gets her own episode!!
  7. so. much. pumpkin. pie. *burp*

  8. this is awesome! and Bon Bon hugging somepony else! Lyra would not be too happy to see that, especially if she hugs a human!
  9. abc


    im thankful for my little pony....obviously but id also like to thank the entire canterlot community for making me feel like family so quickly, i would also like to thank all the incredible artists, musicians, Roleplayers, and general contributers to the site, donaters, mods, administraters and canterlot voice team, your all awesome keep doing what you do, and ill hopefully be able to contribute to this community one day, because until i do, i will never feel like i deserve to be in such an amazing community <3 in short, i love you all Stay awesome.
  10. pumpkin spice flavored pumpkins?? pumpkinception??
  11. lolololol, i do admit the 18+ thing, i derped a littleX3 that video made little-to-no sence and that first pic was awesome. and heyyyy i made my first post in the right section :3(well after needing to contact you, tales cuz i was derping and clicking on the wrong link in the email)
  12. exactly what i think, i think of the situation when all the villans babs, DT and SS in this case, all come together to share a common goal, in this case ruin the lives of the CMC. but i could be wrong. oh and about the whole "very special episode" thing, i doubt DHX would do that to us bronies, and if they do, its to troll us so we all have a good laugh about it........or cry ourselves to sleep every night......
  13. abc


    Celestia, its been a while since i posted in my first blog anywho, whos ready for thanksgiving tomorrow??!! im exited, family, food , and food ima be extra fat, and considering i dont actually gain weight when i eat, by fat i mean feel fat!\ so what does anypony have thanks for? i have thanks for a house, a wonderful family, and lots-o-food i also have thanks for everypony here! yes! you! thanks for exepting me and making me a part of this big, happy family and putting up with my constant topic-derailification and complete idiotic randomness! Potato-tomato!!!! seriously tho, i love you all thiiiiiissssss muuuuucccchhhh *expands arms* oh and if anypony cares about this(prob wont)but the next top ten is coming this friday if you havent seen my last bloggeh. its gonna be about, drumroll please! ...... ..... ..... ... ... my top five favorite things i like to do on XBL!!! so cheers everypony and have a wonderful thanksgiving!!! And DONT go to 4-chan, seriously im still having nightmares, dont!
  14. i disliked mare do well, but after watching a few times, i got over it. i just really hated how they made my favorite character seem kinda selfish, i mean closer to the end i realized she is a character that actually strives on attention form her friends, and also loves being in the limelight, but at the same time, while i too understand this feeling of wanting the spotlight, i felt like it was kind of selfish that she was competeing over, literally saving other ponies lives. idk i still have mixed feelings about this episode, i just feel like i may need a little more character development for my favorite pony.
  15. what the haq is this? i come on canterlot and i see this? welp time to watch it.... ..... .. . um... , ,, ... KILL IT KILL IT WITH FIRE I WILL NEVER UNSEE THIS MY LIFE IS RUINED
  16. Died laughing....Not even kidding, now I have two lives left and it's totally worth it..... LOL DAT PIC, this has gotta be my favorite part as well
  17. oh heck yea, him and his cyanide.. speaking of cool how bout that browneh kid, hes an idiot, dont you agree?
  18. pinkie behaved quite like a real person this episode, she actually had feelings and showed alot of character development, which makes me feel like she does have emotions, and is not just a mindless party animal...... all in all, pinkie is awesome......
  19. /mlp/, Y U SO SCARY ;___; i......i was just curious what 4-chan was like.....and....and..OH DEAR GOD, THE FLASH BACKS *cries in corner*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. abc


      porn....um..porn...and, oh yeah PORN....its was truely horrifying

    3. hitman61live
    4. Tenkan


      There, there, mah boi. We all make mistakes.

  20. "i mean come on who hasent wanted a day to just eat Krispy-Kreme Donuts in bed while watching endless anime on netflix" ^subtract anime and add more food than just donuts, and you have my saturdays and sundays......... god i love my life.
  21. My reaction was more like rainbow dashs "Pinkie, how did you do that?'
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