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Everything posted by abc

  1. (omg this is reminding me of when i was gonna ask this girl out, my friend was doing the exact thing you were, Silver :3) "No, dont do that, that will be VERY embarassing" Broken stood up and scanned the room as he got and got a tissue he sat back down. "I......I......Really dont know" Broken saw garnet holding clouds hand well scratch that one Broken then over heard puzzlebeat ask colette sweet mother of celestia, silvers right these people are hooking up like theyve been love poisioned! Broken sat back down, "welp, its actually too late, everybodies taken" Broken lets out a sigh, his horn started glowing as he pulled up his backpack and pulled out a daring doo book, he opened it and buried his head into the book. (i edited due to my extreme stupidity and not paying attention)
  2. well, we do need one of those type people in the school, kinda like the evil character that brings everyone down and her sister who tries to maintain order. i also forsee future arguments between the sisters about who garnet dates.... "why do you date him! hes such a nerd! Blah Blah Blah"
  3. Broken looked up, blushed and his eyes got big "Me? on a date??" Broken swallowed hard and many thoughts went through his head "I...I dont know if i can do it....." It was apparent that broken has barely even talked to a girl, let alone date one Broken then saw colette get up and sit next to puzzlebeat "Annnnddddd the amount of single girls deacreases by one" Broken said (Brokens a stubburn boy, now isnt he??)
  4. *sees someone talking about a game, gets game, finds out its banned from equestria (daily), do unspeakable things to best pony, cry in corner for years to come, never be unseen (NSFW DONT DO IT, TRUST ME ON THIS)

    1. Tenkan


      Sometimes we gain experience.

      Sometimes we gain experience in a way we wouldn't expect. @_@

    2. Penumbra


      ~Ahh, that game man. That game.

    3. StarStorm


      ...I think I know the game that you are talking about, browneh.. O//o

  5. well, considering that wolves named him and didnt eat him... 7/10
  6. "heh heh, i dont know, actually, theyre all pretty, and, im..... just...unsure" Brokens smile slightly faded as he looked back to his friend "and did you mention a party? because i havent heard of anypony throwing a party?" Broken sighed "maybe they just forgot to give me an invite, thats all, or maybe they just dont want me there? Maybe, both of those could be plausable, but, why" Broken looked around at the twins and Colette "maybe im not the only one" Broken thought as he looked back down at his paper. (Brokens thoughts are in italics)
  7. a pack of wolves, his real name is just a bunch of assorted growls and moans...
  8. "Silver, did what i think just happen just happen?" Brokens smile grew large "Nice! the school days not even over and you already got a date ya stud!" broken was happy for his friend, but worried about his own social life, he never really worried about that kinda stuff, and usually was kinda a shut inso he just shook it off for now, then he started filling out the paper in front of him, not even realizing that there was a party that people were already getting dates for. (*cough cough*)
  9. well you guys already know my clique, i guess you could call it, ima NERD! also, dat romance and its not even chemestry class! *bud um crash* i think i just beat silver in the bad jokes category
  10. oh yes because ive already made a good enough impression lul (why didnt i just multi quote?)
  11. Broken? who is might i say forever alone? >.> i feel like everything happens when im not on -_- and i have to take a while to figure out who to react with and how to keep active in this rp...
  12. (cant. keep. up. ) broken looks over at silver, who looks kinda gloomy all the sudden "whats wrong bud??" he said with a smile.
  13. (as far as i know, there are about 3-4 students of about 10 in the class WHILE class is going on...)
  14. Broken looked up from his books to see a pink haired girl run out of class "mother of celestia?!? What is going on with this school??" he said to himself as he heard banging on the lockers along with some mumbling. (is somepony already goin after pinkie? cuz this this would be a perfect oppertunity if you are, if not, ill happily do so ^_^)
  15. i have literally nothing, exept 200 hours in skyrim, and diamond SMG's in black ops 2 niether of those i consider large accomplishments, more like petty milestones
  16. you should go buy a years supply of aubergine what, what? whos there? i cant hear you!!?? i live more on the peninsula, near the bay and about 20-25 away from the city, in the dundalk area!! is that enough info? oh, and yes, i live in maryland
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