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Everything posted by abc

  1. Not to sleep The power of turn into ANYTHING or the power to bring anything to life.
  2. Well I use a tv and a phone to get on canterlot, thats two screens! Does that count.......... Of course not
  3. Not exactly, nothings a bad thing in spam stables!
  4. Welp there we have it, pinkie just exploded all logic in this episode, in this episode more than others I've noticed....
  5. Yes, yes she was, and babs is probably more of a physical bully, while diamond tiara is more of a psychological bully. Think about it, has diamond actually threatened or harmed anypony? Babs is probably gonna be the character that threatens to harm the CMCs or even push them around with slight violence.
  6. Definitely the sonic boom, I would level mountains just for kicks. The power of telekinesis or the power of mind reading?
  7. No more chocolate filled Twinkies?!? My childhood is now obsolete
  8. This topic has just been derailed, soon it will spill into the rest of comment traffic
  9. I know I was thinking maybe a flashback, meh find out in two hours anyway
  10. "Your device does not support this version" ._______.
  11. WAT in the first vid, if you listen closely from the start to about ten seconds, you will hear: I hope I remember right from my NANA..........possible appearence from pinkie family?
  12. link, you managed to derail a topic...... .... ... .. . thats ment for derailing..................this why your teh leader of topic derailment team
  13. abc

    No GAK here.

    LM, Y U NO REALIZE U SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! and tenkan to hug meh all you have to do is: 1. go to my profile 2. expand arms 3. hug away 4. repeat 5.Profit?
  14. I gotta say Trixie, she's very adorable, and she's returning this season! Close second is flim and flam I love their songs
  15. OH THE HORROR OF ALL THIS AWESOMENESS!!!!!, also trixie statues and banners FTW!!!! i wonder where i could buy some of those...
  16. abc

    Some updates

    ok i have figured out a system for mah top ten/five lists!! ok so there will be a new list every friday (hopefully) this is due to my busy schedule as a gamer and and my school schedule, also it will give me time to process my list and build it up, meaning i will write a rough draft of some possible list ideas/ items and i will pick watever!! id like to thank teh ponehs for support, and list ideas, oh and linkhopper, i dont know many poisons bud, i only know of about 3, so there can be no list for that (yet) and well seeyah everypony!1!1, ill be on BlackOps II/ Halo 4 if yah need meh!
  17. hey there fellow brony, welcome to canterlot!! what kind of games do you play?
  18. eeyup, thats baltimore in nutshell lol, i cant wait to move out of this poop hole
  19. i always thought of it as an infinite hallway, able to be expanded when needed for a new window.
  20. wow, ur cyanide still kills ponies? you have givin it to me so many times, i am now immune *drinks cyanide* yea its not half bad actually, once you get past the taste of radioactive cat urine...
  21. ok being one of the only B-more bronies in this forum, and living here for 16 years ima put out my knowlage of my hometown; 1.Baltimore Hotels: here in baltimore, theres not many hotels, so if you want a good hotel, book one SOON because they will run out. 2. The weather: considering it will be late summer, the temperatures will be a tad-hot and by that i mean, in the upper 90's so be prepared 3.DONT be in the city after-dark: Please, for your safety, dont do it, we HAVE been known for violence in the past and on the bright side to this, we might be able to get more bronies that are down south a little more, but im not too sure, after all im not a future telling guy...
  22. newist top ten up in teh bloggehs, prob gonna stop pumping them out daily, gonna figure out a type of schedule to do them.

  23. Special thanks to: Tenkan for requesting this! ok so ive watche ALOT of movies in the 16 years of my life, some were good, some , made me want to tak my eyeballs out and throw them in a dishwaher! so without further adou let us go! 10.Ed Edd n' Eddy:the movie i love this movie so much, its really good and funny, also kind of heart warming 9.Without a paddle a very funny movie, very intense on dumb humore though 8.Land before time, All of them i love ALL these movies sooo much! they were basiclly my childhood on a disk! 7.Stewart little, The first one i love me some stewert little, and this is the best one of the three, i hated the second and third imo they sucked. 6.Grown ups one of the funniest movies out there go watch it, you will not be dissapointed 5.Avengers i love this movie with a passion, it was my first 3D movie, and it was awesome 4.Super toopers another hilarious movie, although There is Mature content in it, youve been warned 3.pokemon: The movie this movie is so great, words cant even explain the things i feel when i watch it. 2.Ted a VERY VERY funny movie, But WARNING: Major M rated stuff in this movie 18+ 1.All the fairly odd parents movies i love every single one of those movies, ive seen each like, 4-5 times ok so this was my list requested by Tenkan i hope you all enjoyed and if you have any suggestions please comment below, i dont bite....hard
  24. Lol u silly ponies with computers, I howe er use teh xbox!!! https://picasaweb.google.com/m/viewer?source=androidclient#photo/111796762027594349238/5809709469474010705/5809709473701784450 sorry but could only post URL
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